Thursday, March 6

Robertson’s Haiti Gaffe Shocks The World

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The world is reeling from the terrible scope of the earthquake that ravaged the island nation of Haiti. Easily half of Port-au-Prince is rubble. The medical system in country was already woefully lacking before the earthquake. All the proper infrastructure for dealing with a natural disaster of the scope was entirely absent. So when the worst of all possible situations erupted, there was a universal call for aid. The world jumped into high gear, pushing to get the relevant personnel and material to the epicenter of this unbelievable tragedy. Haitians from the countryside are fighting their way into the capital to render whatever aid they can and almost every nation and aid organization in the world is sending whatever they can in an attempt to salvage the situation.

Oh, and while all this is going on, Pat Robertson blamed it all on a pact between the Haitians and the Devil. Check it out.

It almost seems tragic to be discussing something this idiotic in the wake of the massive disaster the world is currently dealing with in Haiti. To even mention something as insignificant as the comments of a lunatic evangelical preacher strikes me as wrong. If it were anyone else besides Robertson, I would probably be right. Nutjobs like John Hagee and Jack Van Impe are rightly relegated to the ultra-conservative/reactionary Christian world. Somehow guys like Pat Robertson and Rick Warren are allowed to terrorize the normal airwaves.

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  1. Pat robertson the michael moore of the rightwing zealots. Pr needs to be informed that we are a nation that was founded on judeo christian values. One of which was religous tolerance. Wish the media would focus on the effects of 80 plus years of communism/ dictatorships have had on hatian commerce (or lack of – 80% live in poverty) and infrastructure. a conservative

  2. Actor\global warming, global cooling and now i guess man made climate change religion believer danny glover has stated that the haitan earthquake was a response to the screwing up of the climate change summit in copenhagen in dec. So between the right wing religious fanatics and secular psychotics i think its a draw as to who is more ridiculous!

  3. Dear KTF Media Group Viewers:

    On behalf of KTF Media Group, I thank all of you for your readership. We have been fortunate enough to have roughly 1-million viewers come to this site since its inception.

    Because of our growing readership, coupled with the recent disaster in Haiti, KTF Media Group is teaming up with the other Media organizations in Chicago to help the Haiti Victims.

    KTF Media Group is respectfully requesting that you visit the following URL and do whatever you can to help the many troubled people of Haiti:

    And/or call (877) 565-5000 to help in Haiti!

    Thank you and God bless.

    Sincerely yours,

    Joseph Fosco, Publisher

  4. Ya know
    I get tired of these self-righteous celebrities and their YAY FOR US attitudes when they condescend to participate in a worthy cause like Help Haiti. I’d almost rather they just stay home and let the world governments and the UN sort it out, but then I realize that I’m being cynical.

    In the end, I’m glad they’re on the side of the Haitians rather than on the side of the earthquake.