Wednesday, March 26

Joseph Giacchino’s Victimization Of My Grandmother

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Joseph Giacchino

Joseph Giacchino

More than a year after the suspension of his medical license, Joseph Giacchino is still awaiting a verdict from the State of Illinois, desperately hoping his medical license is fully restored. Out of deep love for my late maternal grandmother, I pray that Giacchino is never in the position to victimize anyone ever again while wearing the mask of a healer.

According to an affidavit, six-years ago the evil Joseph Giacchino defrauded and coerced my now late grandmother by persuading her to offer me monetary assistance to address many financial issues I was embroiled in because of the Chicago Outfit. More than two-years prior to her passing, my grandmother established an affidavit (that can be found by clicking here) as a way to inform others why she felt it was important to help me. Her generous acts of compassion towards me are indicative of her charitable spirit and kind heart. I dwelt on these merits when I wrote her eulogy.

Roughly one-year prior to the creation of the affidavit, she hired an attorney whose expressed job it was to make sure I had rock solid legal authorization to use her finances as if they were my own. The meeting with her attorney was video and audio taped to establish a permanent record for anyone who might have questions about her financial decisions.

(you may click here to hear the recording)

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  1. I am sure your grandmother knew that you did what you could for her, as she did what she could for you. I have had help in the past from my family, as have others, and they were simply happy to be in a position to help financially just as I was happy to take care of them during the times they needed help. I too hope they are in heaven at peace, along with your grandmother.

      • neighborhood guy on

        Joe, hope all is well. I am sorry to hear about your grandmother”s passing. She must of been a wonderfull person. Glad to hear about the ex doctor. he should have lost his license long ago. Have you heard any news about the  Catalano case or the DeFilippis case?

        • Dear Neighbor,

          Thank you for your kind words. My grandmother’s generosity was amazing.
          The DiFilippis and Catalano cases are being worked, however, no arrests. Remain patient – it will all work out.

        • Hi Neighbor hood guy, I am curious, are you friend or foe or either? Because Mike Defillipps did not hand with any of the same guys Tony Catalano did. If Mike went down town and went to Rush street he didn’t go there with Tony!
          The other thing is that at least 15 to 25 guys at a time hung at a boat, I believe down town. They also, hung in at Cabin in the woods. Now 2 years ago, when Tony first came up missing, do you see where my mind first went. Oh my God! I thought that Tony went wild on something and the guys beat him up and baried him in the woods. Or at best I am ruining it and the guys are trying to help Tony by hiding him. I didn’t take a chance either way, and just let the police department know of my lead just in case! Now, thinkof the new option, since Joe Messino has been seen where Anrea hangs at Cafe Piazza? That Joe Messino has a new hiding spot for his bodies. Neighborhood guy, I am of course curious of why you used that term. Are you friend or Foe of either? I used outside of the neighborhood on pupose on here, because, Michael DeFillips did noy hang with any of the guys in our neighborhood. He had his own friends in their twenties. Mike didn’t hang at any of the bars Tony did. He Mike may have hung at bars on Rush street, but Tony didn’t. That doesn’t not mean they didn’t know each other though. After all boys will be boys.  This brings to my mind, also that Joe Messino would also, have a another place to place for Tony’s body.Referring to Joe Messino being placed where Andrea hangs at Cafe Piazza!Andrea also, can be seen there, since Frank is hi sbest friend. They all hung at the Cabin. (owned by a girl named Maria)
          Also, that may be a trick.Because, Joe’s second man in charge, then one that actaully, did the bash in the head, that actually killed Defilipps. Well, he hangs at a different Italian bar. And not the ones at Belmont and Harlem!

  2. Joe Fosco, you can not imagine the the pain of what someones libel slander can cause. Especially, when the person is “Pure Evil” that is causing the slander…!And it is because of this that I have suffered myself slander, on situations that never happened! That’s right! I am talking about someone by the name of Andrea, who has told people things that never happened! All because, he has great power and usd it wrong. W ell, we will let the CPD Special Victims Unit handle that power, for being an accesery to the murder of Tony Catalano, and if not for murder one! “Book EM’ Danno”!We, will let him learn how to tell the truth in the Penitentery. Thank God, he showed his teeth and power of using his soldiers on me as much as a year before, Tony Catalano was missing! I had already contacted the chief of police Ricchio and his cousin also named Mario Richio, as year before on a phone threat. I recieved. Also, I took the liberty to copy and paste the same email to Commander Frank Bragio of the Harwood Heights Police station. Also, soon after I talked to Detective Mario Gonzelez the contact name on theTony’s missing person’s flyer, I also, contacted John of the Homicide department at Harward Heights police department. Later on, I had further emailed of my duress to Commander Ortiz CPD!I had no power against someone with power. That’s everyone’s boy. Later when I worked at Noridge Butera, I recieved a phone threat from this Andrea Russo. That he didn’t want to hear my problems because I sent him a missing person flyer of Tony Catalano. Not knowing that he knew extactly what happened to Tony Catalano. I tried to wrote him of 2 soldiers, ouitside of the neighborhood, lurking about. ” Hey this guy ‘s may have killed Tony.”‘ Is what I trued to warn this evil Andrea of, and to tell the guys in the hood to to watch out for them! at the time Boy, was I dumb at the time! Well, as I a later wrote in a letter to Detective Mario Gonzelez that this guy Andrea has conections to Chicago Oufit, but he , had no feeliings that I wanted to send him Tony’s missing person’s flyer in the mail. I now can write a letter to Special Victims Unit and can establish that Joe Messino is Andrea’s “Boy!” I have already established to the SVU of CPD that Andrea uses soldiers when he wants to do evil! I am also, so soory in loss of your grandmother passing. I am sure she was a great inspiration in your life SQE

    • Because, as I has said in the first story that I found on the connection of Catalano and Defillipps being soldeirs of Dr Giachino.  I know his family I found at Grand and Harlem his families psters about his reward. I tried to hint in here to his mother things that we would only know. This would prove who I was. I have something that she needs to know. I am a states witness and I have do this. Since, I have 2 soldiers I feel that she know about that ahve come around, that his family should know. I have been threaten and need tell others. I am also, a victims advocate. I an trying to help any victims on this case. Also, because I am a victim. If I can put someone away for this crime I will. I was just talking to a friend last night that gis mother went tp Steinmetz with. She siad she had a beautiful kid. I watched Michael grow up. I found out some information that may result in the answers of what happened that day. I am for Criminal Justice and believe that victims should not be adraid to come forward. I saw his mother at Butera a week before a saw a soldier around me. I feel the need to find out if he ever asked her questiions about me It’s wrong if you do not co,e forward victims. SQE

  3. To private, one more thing. When I was asked by her friend from Steinmetz what ever happened to , I told her thishappened to her. And she maried a real swell guy by the name of Mike Defililpps. A real good class guy. If this is Mike’s parents. Her name is Mary Grace. His parents deserve people that care, because they were good poeple. No one deserves their kid to die a horrid death like that.

  4. Now, going back to the Giachino Catalano connection, I want make an observation that would coexist with a drug pill addiction. I observed every single time I had ever seen Tony Catalano, in a bar only of course, he never ordered a drink. I never once seen Tony once with a drink in his hand. Now, I know that commenters were going back and forth, on the Joe messino as an enemy ocnviction of motive but, I still havn’t heard his friend’s comment on what his beef was with Giachino. Come on guys, I must have seen 15- 25 guys in the nieghborhood at a time seated with Tony Catalano. Including a 300 lbs bouncer that I will not share the name of in here. Guys please come in here and and share what Giachino’s motive was for directing a hit on Tony Catalano? Someone was Tony’s closest friend among you guys and I am sure you are willinging to seek Justice for him. Come on guys, what did Giachino tell you have as a beef on Tony? SQE

  5. If you knew the DeFilippis family at all you would be in contact with them.  You would know that the parents are divorced and have been for a while.  You would be able to tell “the mother” aka Kathy whatever you think was important, not hint it on an on line blog.  I don’t see how you know this family at all?

    • If you know where to find Kathy D is,then why don’t you let me know. Don’t you think if I knew where to find her I would have did that? Don’t you have common sense enough to figure that out. I have been in here for 8 months.

  6. As I told Joe Fosco, on here I haven’t been in touch with Kathy Defillipps in years. I was waitibg for her to come in here. I have no clue how to get in touch with Kathy. I have no clue what she ever did for years. Her pster shows her and Mike together. That is the way she wants the poster to appear with Mike. It is none of my business or ilrelevant that whether or not she is devorced. When I was married she lived across from my house for years. When I saw the poster I remembered her. I have something that she should know. I beleive that the person that came in a “The Crew” is not really a fiend. I do not believe that a vice detective would ever disclose that information given on the prior article. Kathy was good people, when I found the poster of the rward at the train, I took one down to make cpies. A week later the article by Joe Fosco came about Catalano and Defillipps. I didn’t even find out about until a year after it happened. I was thinking aboutt going to her house where we lived but, I am not sure how to handle it. That was more then 10 years ago. However, I did seeKathy in Butera. She had a real puzzled look on her face. That’s why i need to get a hold of her. I have hung around with her or the old Elmwood Pk gang for 20 years. Now you see why I said that that crew person wasn’t really their friend, and seems more like the actual crew that murdered Defillipp? They would have told her to come on here. She and I only know certain things. Key things, otherwise, I have know clue how to get hold of Kathy Defillipps. Do you know what her maiden name is I do. That family has enemies and some were reported to CPDD. So, unless you can tell me Kathy’s maiden name, I think that you are a foe and not a friend of she or I. If this is Kathy here is another key, finish this name Jimmy fromSt Celestine’s who? Only Kathy D. can possibly answer that. 

  7. Infuther, I found friends abd family of the Catalano family and they didn’t care about him hanging in the hood nor about finding ansewrs. Infact a police officer told said to me “If the mother is not intersted in finding out what happened to him, then why are you?” The cop also, said, “Yeah, I know the whole family.” Then he went further and started telling me that this has to do with the brother. So, when I had 15 out of psychic’s tell me that Tony Catalano is still alive and just walked away on his owned I believed them. 90% of me believes that he is not really missing. It’s how no one cares. Did you see how concerned person  a commenter in herewanted me to believed that they saw Tony in his Mercedes on the phone talking a million miles a minutes a pumping on the phone. The last time I saw Tony He was contatonic,now to me that statemnet does’nt make sense’. I told them that Tony was going in shock , his family didn’t care. A psychic told me that that sister I had spoken knows a lot more then she wants me to lnow. So, with both I an stuck. The cops don’t care! So, I am at a standstill, because they don’t want to make contact for answers.  I contacted 3 cousins of the Catalano family and none ever faced booked me back. Who knows maybe they are afraid! I think they know that he is ok!No one ever even tried to find out what could have happened to him. Atleast the Defillipps family put posters up for a reward. The cousin JC says his fathers organized crime, well so is Tony’s father. That’s why he turned his back. That would make sense why!

  8. How do you figure me saying that I knew Defillipps mother in her teens suspect? Especially, when I said that 7 -8 moths ago on here. This only a repeat.  I do not have any way to contact his paeents. Saying that my friend knew her from Steinmetz how is that suspect? I think that you are suspect. My motives are clear. I need victims to come forward. You seem to go against that. That makes you a suspect! If I have talked to the cops already , now why would I do that. These peopel have enemies and they come in here. I think you are afraid of me getting close. Now again, as I told Tony that comes in here. Why would you care if I can’t find Kath D> What’s it to you unless, you are involved. I am sorry, but I received phone threats, and so have my friends. I have’nt had a converstion with Kathy D. in 2o years. I just knew her from high school days. If I knew how to find them do you think I wou be here. make sense. I do know where some enemies are though of Mike Defillipps. You may be this person , I have in mind.

  9. To private, another thing is that it doesn;t help that you are calling thw witnesses liars! When you get a chance go into The Planning of a hit on Joe Fosco caught on tape. He was clearely victimized by a Joe Messino. Your not saying that’s a lie also? That thing is ti understand is that ever since it came out that Joe Messino has a brother on Vice in the Chicago Police department doesn’t help witnesses to come forward. That is why concerned comentoe said on here if you are afraid to go the police then go to the FBI. To private, please stay informed with Jow Fosco’s other articles. 

    • SQE,
      Your taking away from the article, which was about Joe’s nona not about Psychics and Tony Catalano (R.I.P.). There are plenty of threads will your comments would be appropriate, this is not one of them. At this point, I believe your doing more harm than good.

  10. Special Quest Explorer on

    I just want to say this; it is “Unethical” of a police of a police officer to disclose crime scene information to outside members of the Defilipps family! The Vice police officer that gave that information to ‘A Friend of Defoe” commenter as purportedly in the comments in Joe Fosco’s article “Are Michael Defillipps and Tony Catalano Soldiers for Giaccino? That commenter proved in their own words that a Vice Detective did not follow “Police Procedures.” Now, I want to bet, that, this Vice Detective giving information to outside members of the Defillipps family is Joe Messino’s Vice brother Detective!
    There Is a Police Topology called “Modus Operandi” (MO). This MO refers to “How” a crime is committed. It is because, where an offender is in the cycle of the crime that can influence the commonalities in the MO across the crime scenes. This can be influenced by suspects, if disclosed. A trained Detective would know this. But, a deviant detective working on the inside, would disclose this to the criminal. Especially, family members of “Organized Crime!” This would include murderers and hit man. This is called “Organized Typology.”
    If the statement made by the commenter, “Friend of Defoe” about being given information from a Vice Detective, which I truly believe is a fact,  the Defillipps family can open up a case with “Eternal Affairs” regarding this, with a complaint! Disclosure about what the description of what the crime scene consisted and what were a facts, can results in a law suit!
    If that were a true to fact statement, then that Vice Detective can get kicked off the Police force!     “All Police Officers at All Levels Must Follow Police Procedures at all Times!”

    • Dearest SQE,
      What would posess you to make such an accusation? So according to you Joe Messino killed Mike Defoe, and his brother Billy goes on the Internet to give details of the crime scene? Even for your delusional ramblings, this is insane. I don’t think Billy is even a detective is he? Sure giving details of a crime scene is against the law, but so is libel last time I checked. You say your a “victims advocate” but all you seem to be is someone whose screaming for attention. Your posts constantly read not like someone who has general concern for victims of a horrible crime but that of someone whose upset the liquor store closed at eleven. Get it together and start adding to the discussions or move along.

      • Special Quest Explorer on

        There is nothing in my coment that mentions anyone named Billy. Please be informed that I am referring to a commenter on another thread! This person frieghtened witnesses off because of his claim.. It is a the thenth commenter from the bottom of the Soldiers/ Catalano/ Defillpps article! Why are you so honery anyway?  There is something with you being that way?  Right now, I can’t quite put my finger on it, But I will!

  11. Special Quest Explorer on

    Tony, I had taken the liberty to review my first comment on this page. I never once had mentioned anything about Defoe in the first place. It would seem that my first original comment had everything to do with this article. I also, paid my respects to Joe Fosco’s grandmother. If I recall my comment was how painful it was to have a powerful person slander you name and life. And Tony if you will read Joe Fosco’s article, this is what it was about. It was about the dirty dead that this Giacchino has did to him be creating slander. I believe my statement was about someone I also knew that was pure evil. I went on and stated of how I had to get this person reported to Detectives. I also, stated that I believe this person threatened my life as much as a year before the Tony Catalano case. I believe that this person is a suspect with the police department.
     I also, want to add that, I also called the FEDs twice at that time. Now where did I ever once even mention Mike Defillipps? This person Andrea is 50 years old, how would he have anything to do with Mike Defillipps is beyond? I never once saw them together.
    If this person Andrea were to have showed up on this doctor’s list of Giachino, don’t you think that the feds would have found this? Now this was a reported mobster that hung with Tony Catalano. This is a murder suspect with SVU. This person has connections to Defonzo through the food industry.
    Again, I never once mentioned Defillipps in the first place. I believe that some came on here from nowhere and asked me why I was interested in the Defillipps case. I thought it was a cop. I no matter what I answered respectably, to that persons wishes. I believe I said that I knew her from high school and her family didn’t deserve this. That person then said well, didn’t you know that the mother was married. I hadn’t seen the mother for more than 20 years so I had no clue what she did. Anyway, bottom line; it is that person that went off the subject not me. If it bothers you so much that commenters stay on the subject, Then why don’t you advice that person. I was only answering that person out of respect. Wouldn’t you?
    What’s not making sense Tony dear is why you are involved? Where you there at the time of drugs in the parking lot that was reported to the FEDs? Also, Joe Fosco has allowed a commenter to tell us that Joe Messino had a Vice brother. This was a factor that scared a lot of people! Joe Fosco has yet never died this being true of the detective. Joe Fosco just about fixed every misconception ever give in any of his threads. I wrote this comment on the Messino brother because, I wanted to see if Joe Fosco would disclaim that readers comments. He didn’t, I had already stated my sorrow for his grandmother. But, it was that other commenter that asked me a hundred question from now where about Defillipps case. I have absolutely no clue what brought this person question to me anyway? I never said anything about someone by the name of Billy going on the internet. I have mentioned a commenter though did. Why would you think that anyway? A commenter dear, made a statement on a thread that’s all dear! SQE

  12. Special Quest Explorer on

    Hey, im not going to mention my name. I know that Tony Catalano had a big problem with Willie Messino’s son Billy Messino Jr and grandson Joe Messino. Billy Messino Jr is the father of Chicago Police Office William Messino III. I know that Joe Messino and Bill Messino jr are violent ruthless people and Joe Messino has been in and out of mental hospitals for psychotic episodes related to crimes. What is frightening  ( To Tony, This is the line by the commenter named No name)

  13. My Mother is on FB as well is the entire family under 2 pages for Micheal.  We are not hard to find.  When you talk about the way my brother was taken from us, and use other graphic terms it HURTS.  The people who know Mike, who love Mike know what happened.  We don’t need to see you use terms over and over again ranting that you know things.  GO TO THE POLICE  if you know something.  My mother did not make the posters I did.  I hung them, I walked the streets.  ME! As I will do again.  If you are trying to help then you need to go to police if not stop.  JUST STOP.  For months now I have go back and fourth if I should engage you in this debate.  I have cried over your back an fourth about my family.  And I am DONE.  My family needs justice and it will not be found on some news blog.  MY BROTHER DESERVES BETTER.  My parents deserve better.  We all deserve peace.  In time we pray thats everyone can feel safe again.

    Yes my brother had flaws.  He who is without sin may cast the first stone.  That does not mean what happen should have happened.  He will forever be missed.

  14. Special Quest Explorer on

    The police may not help. I feel it’s someone from his high school. Thank’ s for the strength. I only found out something recently. It’s the reason he got in. I yeah, that’s right. Just as in Catalano. case, they want me to prove it. I will get this info anyway to them. THey can’t do nothing with out proof. Oh’ll yeah, now, they follow police procedures!

  15. Special Quest Explorer on

    I apologize for any Graphics. I am following rumors that have that have graphics to them. This is how people get caught by bragging. You should thank Joe Fosco for his help. You knew I have been in here along time searching for help. If you want to help me further then listen and answer and tell any police detective any of these questions;

    Please, if you well, can you reach back in your mind to the date of on about,k August/ September 2009. You and Michael your brother, and your baby, were in the Brickyard Home Depot. Now can you remember this sweetie?  Now, I am going to ans you a question. I will also tell you the reason for the question.

    Have you ever in your knowledge come across a friend of your brother, or a young gentlemen lurking with him age then about 28, Ht 5.5, Italian caucasion. His built is like Matt Damon. His features are more with an Italain nose. This person waers a signiture Italian made flag leather type? (colors, red/white/green/ flag on full back)

    The reason; is because, on the day you were standing with your brother, he slightly glanced over to me. I thought it were nothing since, I had no clue of anything synister going on then. Within a day, or 2 of that I recieved a visit form this person I had just described.  Now, here is what made it so synister; remember, His actions were bazzarre toward me. This is what he did, he dipped his head foreward from the rsgister, so I wouldn’t see him. Then he peaked at me then walked out. He was not a shopere. I woked all day long with painters and contractors, and I will be damed if they would come to Home Depot dressed in thier finist Italian leather. Wow, ther are no jackets like it! it was made up of the Italian flag.  I then, followed him out the door. I should haave followed him to his car. I stood outside though for awhile.

    Next , I saw your mother a month later about October 2009. I was then again followed by a synister 6.5 guy totally vicious. If you had any kind of decency, you would simply ask your mother if her son was told she saw me? Then tell me. This is the only like I have to the cross between the 2 cases. You know I had been asking around about Tony. I found out some more recent information from someone that would fit this desciption of the guy 5.5 in the flag of leather. It is this guy that is bragging. I am going to purchase some year of Elmwood Park High to see if it matches this same guy. The Chicago police have my number if they cared!

  16. Special Quest Explorer on

    Ok, I just got out of facebook. I searched high and low and every which way, and couldn’t find any of you.  You know what, I thought to myself, and came up with, what graphics? What a minute , I have no graphics mention. I just mentioned “Eternal Affairs”  or Illegal police procedure?  No this is not Michelle Defillipps. I repeatedly asked you to ask Kathy out code? Jimmi who? Or how about, what car dealership did Jimmi work at when we were age 17? Or Does she remember Where I worked at that time we exchanged phone numbers? How about her maiden name. No police wold know that?

    Mu friend recieved some pretty disterbing calls. I told her it sounded like a cop. Her   brother is a cop. Don’t you remember the police round up of the Nacatics unit. NO! No, I am not going to fall for it. I will pull rank though. The captain remember. I thought that threat was a cop. I told her so. NO, Joseph Messino , doesn’t sound like a cop, I bet. I have a way to find out what Joe Messino sounds like, believe it or not.   Do you know how many times I stayed over night a Kathy’s house? Ok atleast name the gramer we did dances at. How about what was her fahter roller rink. Name the bar she in I got in a fight at? NO1 does thos sound famialiar?  ‘Is that a part of your car? Cough, cough! A loud slam of metal on an engine. No! Please, atleast answer her maiden name? The captain and chief awaits you boys!  I will not believe you until you tell me atleast Jimmi’s car dealership! Better yet, who was Kathy engaged to be maried to before Mike Defillippis SR? Unless, I have most of that,, then you are not who you say you are. Kathy knows how to get my number off my website. My God she knows me!

    Oh my God, Thief cops..!  SQE

    • Please be advised that recent rumors suggest Joe Messino is living on a third floor apartment located on the 3700 block of North Harlem Avenue in Chicago, Illinois, directly across the street from a café called Café Cappuccino. Thank you.

    • Why should private have to prove anything to you. She told you that your upsetting the family, that should be enough! Ive been going over all your posts the last few days and im convinced you are a fraud. You constantly contradict yourself and outright lie! I believe your a true enemy of this site. Is your name Chris Tonto? Your agenda seems to be to disrupt the good work joe has done and cause confusion and chaos on the boards. Why dont you get lost. I prray that you get banned from here.

  17. I don’t owe you anything you can believe whatever you like.  My Mother grew up in Chicago my grandparents were Adele and Walter Hiffman.  Yes my mother was engaged to a man named Jimmy (I think).  Is that good enough for you? God your relentless.  And yes you have talked about the brutally or my brother injuries.  Don’t disrespect me and say you have not.  Regardless, if you have solid information and want to help the Dect is Brian T and area 5. 

    Beware that the things you say can affect others.  That is my point.  I am not willing to go rounds and rounds with anyone about this.

  18. Special Quest Explorer on

    The whole point I was trying to confirm as you are who you say you by your mother. What you told me here can be found on line. Jimmy was someone from Steimetz. Your father can confirm this. The person’s name is Johnny. The last time I saw your mother, she had asked me if I saw him again. That year was mid 80’s. There is an importance to me finding out if you are trully, who you say you are. People might die, and yes, brutally.  It is those people that I fear. It’s is nothing personal to you. Because, we need to establish the brutally of the crimes in this neighborhood. It’s called comunity awareness. It’s the same as in the papers. I feel, that you may not be a victim. I don’t you you were a victim you would help. I just checked again and there is no Kathy D. nor H in facebook. Since, you are vindictive and misleading, I feel you as the people that did the crime. What’s is to you to just call your mother up?  It would be a simple project? Doesn’t she have a cell phone. Until then, each person in here should be encouraged to come forward! I only surmised what I thought may have happened. This is what you did this thing I surmised, or it would not bother you!  An educated guess can work wonders. You better be doing something legal! You are going to get cuaght soon! It’s a simple project. Your mother brought my mother home once when my mother was sick from heat exaution. So, what’s the mystery?  Hey, I don’t won’t to die!

    • Why are you threatening private for not giving out personal information on the Internet. You said “people might die and brutally”. I think you are part of the dangerous crew of Joe Messino. What were you doing at the Horseshoe Inn? Why are you afraid of the police calling you? Oh I am on to you and your games girlfriend! It is you who has blown their cover by not covering their lies. It is a dangerous game of chess you are playing and it is now checkmate! Things are getting interesting. We will see!

      • Special Quest Explorer on

        Well, I have never been in the Horse Shoe in in my life. Well, I have some great news about checkmate! Threat what threat? Who private to you? What lies? HNA?  The chess game I like though. Keep going stranger! Your right , I will let the detectives talk to the actual daughter and see if that is Michelle? I have been to 3 OLives though. This is the only place I gave to the police. I didn’t know the Horse Shoe Inn existed. I might die and bryutally, that’s why I need to be sure. Makes sense??????????? CHess games hna. OK your on. Do you order pizza at Armonds located at North and Harlem? Because, I have it on the highest authority you do. Watch out, “Big Brother” is watching and he has caught on on his watch!!! Yum, I like sausage on mine, how about you?????

  19. Special Quest Explorer on

    To Joe Fosco, This person is not a member of the Defillipps family. Ka thy’s mother brought my mother home in her car when, she found her exausted form the summer heat. one year. This person can only tell the general inforamtion tht can be found on line. Nothing else! I feel that this person is sinester! Very much trying a ply. Somehow a barked upon the truth. now, Joe Fosco, let’s go back to all I said. I said I felt that there were 2 people that day. That why there was so much damage. I was baout to go to you through email last week so I can work with your detctives. Both people on here are deviant to any help. Notice that this person doesn’t have a detectives last name. I have named many. Jimmy was someone from Steinmetz high school we both knew since the 6th grade. Do you see the deviant lie? Joe the guy was named John and Michelle’s father knows thiS All they had to do is call Kathy. This is not Michelle. I am getting close. Too, close for comfort. This are peiople from Elmwood Park about 30-31 yars old and may have been involved.! Mike Defillipps SR was real sweet to me Joe, trust me! THis is not that family at all. These are more pill heads! Anything they gave is on line and most of all there is no Kathy Defillipps is facebook! We must work together , Joe Fosco with my find with the police.! SQE 

  20. Special Quest Explorer on

    “It is you that has blown thier cover, by not covering up thier lies?” Who are they Tony? Does this dangerous games of chess include my screaming for attention? Tony? Tony, Tony, Tony??? Yum, this slice is even better!!! Also, there were only 2 Tony’s in the nieghborhood! I haven’t been anywhere like bars for 3-4 years! What bars did you hang? The other Tony would never do this. Infact, he wouldn’t even go to 3 Olives? HNA? Tony? Tony? Tony??????

  21. Special Quest Explorer on

    Can you get confirmation of thius Tony person for the detectives Joe? This person seems to have ave threatening incatations. What chess game? Almost to say they what to threatne my life. I just want the where abouts of this person Tony to go on the police files. We would I be screaminng for attention? SCreaming as in beig a victim, I presume? This may be very well be the very person I have told you about Joe Fosco? Please, advise the detectives what this person has said to me on here. SQE

  22. Special Quest Explorer on

    To Joe Fosco, I had a chance one more time to review this Tony’s comments on here and again, I review them as threats with the connection to actally know the killers. Why am I supota know about a chess game? I had a chance to review this Tony’s other comments, an dfeel he is very twisting in his minipulation. I feel that he knew the people that and hung at the same bar club as Joe Messino. He knows alot more on the subject and should be taken in for questioning.

    I have also had a moment to review the Defillipis and compared them with mine in here. It would seem that my coments were only on a Andrea Russo. Am I not correct? Because, this Andrea Russo has big connections to the Chicago Outit, I think that this Tony knows this Russo. They always do!   As I reviewed my own comments in here I recall in he as having simpathy with a slanderer. I gave you an example. I had both simpathy of your grandmother and the pain of slander. The only thing that was mentioned about the Defillipis kid was he didn’t hang with Tony Catalano on Rush street. Nothing else. In the first place how did this the Defillipis daughter manage to come in this article on that? More importantly, how did this Tony in here find that comment sinister?  I think that this person Tony may even know this family meber. Remember, you can’t have it both ways. Tony comes in her bragging that he knows the Chicago Outfit. This is why he is against me. He is on the Chicago Outfits side.

    I have nothing but daid good things about this girls mother and family. I feel that the detectives will qant to know the connection with the other members background and Giachino. I mean other members with criminal history in Criminal drug distribution in the Defillipis family.

    I ahve never once stated the brutality of the Diffippis kid. The only thing I stated and it was 6 months ago I staed that there are rumors of how this crimme of the Defillipis hastaken place. These rimors should be followed up on. I bet you that the Defillipis daughter now has egg on her face now that she knows that I have a bonifide lead with the detectives. I hate liars. I hatepeople that make stories up just for the sake of attention.

    She should be ashamed of herself, that she would wait this long to talk to me. She let me do this 10 months ad with no response. The detectives will want to know why?

    Now, that I am working on the Defillipis case, do you see her thanking me? No? The detectives, again, will want to know why? Oy yes, “Let all the worms come out of the mud.” As said once by I Claudias..!   This Tony in here may ahve history with the killers. that is why he keeps on my hip. The daughter feed into it. I told you and now the detectives, That I saw someone right after I saw the mother of Diffillipis kd. Now why hasn;t she contacted me? I told you there others with criminal backgrounds from that family. This is the same with the Catalano family! Evil begots evil. Whe I talk to the detectives, in which I have already started I will compare notes with his Tony’s comments and ask them if it or isn;t it more than just a coincidence that a get a visiter, that fits the profile of the suspect. The fact that he is from the friend group of the Defillipis kid, shows that the daughter with simpathy with the suspect. Maybe she dated him? This Tony has farvtoo much cocern with that case. And the fact that the daughter is more concered with siding with the suspect baffles more. This kid is very good looking, referring to the suspect.. Looks could be the reason that she sides with him. I admit myself that he is very handsome. This was an observation, This observation made because he paid me a visit for the second time. This visit I feel would correspond with this Tony’d threats in her. This Tony seems very protective, i say wasy too, protective. He may even know Giachino. That makes sense if he were also the suspect. He needs to protect his interests! SQE

  23. Joe,  Dr. Giacchino should change his name to Joseph Freakino. No wonder he’s preoccupied with male rape. Look at him! Don’t tell me he looked this way when you used to hang around with him. Please tell me he looked different. 

  24. Joe,  The audio recording doesn’t work. When I click on it a little yellow star with red around it surfaces and there is no recording. The affidavit prompt on the top doesn’t work either. Same situation. The affidavit prompt on the very bottom worked once, but doesn’t work a second time. Does it allow you to only see it once? Please fix it. I would like to view everything again and hear the recording.  Is there an affivadit verifying the recording is of your grandmother’s voice?

    • Dear The Don,
      The problem is on your end. Systems clear via my machine. The verbal recording is the version I have published, however, it was taken from a video recording of my grandmother being interviewed by her attorney (a lawyer I have never met). I believe the lawyers name is Jim Pope – his office is in the Oak Brook area. The Des Plaines Police investigated it 3-years ago and again nearly a year ago (right after my grandmothers passing) and found no reason to charge me.

      • Joe, Your grandmother sounds sharp for 87 years old. Is she the one that passed on earlier this year ?

      • My grandmother decided a long time ago to keep the entire financial matter from ‘some’ of her kids. Therefore, when she passed away last December, I informed the entire family of the financial situation. ‘Some’ of her kids were shocked, and ‘some’ of them immediately resented me. My grandmothers close friends and neighbors stood by me more then ‘some’ of my grandmothers kids. ‘Some’ of her kids who were mad at me lived either out of state fulltime or out of town half the year. In other words, they were not around for her very much when she was alive. In fact, one of my cousins, who moved to California about 10-years ago (who still lives there) contacted Tosto and defamed me. However, he forgot to mention that he is a drug addict and failed to attend my grandmother’s funeral – a funeral that only one person took the initiative to write a eulogy for and it was obviously not him.
        My grandmothers close friends and neighbors, who all know about her financial matters and the FBI notification of the death threat on my life; coupled with the Giacchino extortion, support me. They regard me as one of only two family members who took a fulltime role in aiding my grandmother on daily basis for many years.
        My mother is alive and well and would tell anyone that I am not the person who financially victimized her or her now late mother.

      • My grandmother decided a long time ago to keep the entire financial matter from ‘some’ of her kids. Therefore, when she passed away last December, I informed the entire family of the financial situation. ‘Some’ of her kids were shocked, and ‘some’ of them immediately resented me. My grandmothers close friends and neighbors stood by me more then ‘some’ of my grandmothers kids. ‘Some’ of her kids who were mad at me lived either out of state fulltime or out of town half the year. In other words, they were not around for her very much when she was alive. In fact, one of my cousins, who moved to California about 10-years ago (who still lives there) contacted Tosto and defamed me. However, he forgot to mention that he is a drug addict and failed to attend my grandmother’s funeral – a funeral that only one person took the initiative to write a eulogy for and it was obviously not him.
        My grandmothers close friends and neighbors, who all know about her financial matters and the FBI notification of the death threat on my life; coupled with the Giacchino extortion, support me. They regard me as one of only two family members who took a fulltime role in aiding my grandmother on daily basis for many years.
        My mother is alive and well and would tell anyone that I am not the person who financially victimized her or her now late mother.

        • Joe,  Sometimes in life, your biggest enemies are your own relatives. Many times, the friends you chose youself are better than people who were forced upon you. There is a new commentor who is from Italy that I’ve spoken to on the Giancana threads. I’m  sure you’ve seen his questions. He’ll tell you that in the Calabrian & Sicilian Mafia, the wars and betrayals many times come from relatives, not from the other guy. Who are Frank Calabrese’s biggest enemies, his brother Nick & his son Frank Jr.

        • Some other important things I would like to point out:

          We know that Tosto would like you to believe that I have conned my family out of a small fortune, despite what my two supposed victims had to say about it in affidavits and on video/audio tape (which are linked above). I argue that a conman who would target his own family would do so at the first opportunity because that is what a conman does. However, the difficult portion of money that my family produced (as blood money) in recent years began in 2005 and 2006. As a side note, my father’s side of the family allocated the first 500-grand that my family produced in 1987. Please understand that my father was genuinely a wealthy man and my stepmother remains wealthy to this day. The second 500-grand that was produced came from my mother’s family, including me personally. Unfortunately, my mother’s family does not have the level of wealth that my fathers family would have. However, I was in possession of a great deal of money, personally, which was exhausted in the early 2000s because of the extortion plot that I have mentioned numerous times. Personally, I was beginning to run out of money by 2005, unable to continue my payments to the Outfit. Anyone who knows me would be aware that I do not have a gambling or drug addiction (never did). My credit report would clearly show that I did not have any significant debts to creditors in 2005.
          A review of my grandmother and mother’s credit report would show that each maintained over 100-years (combined) of having a good credit rating. It would also show that their credit rating plummeted in 2006. In other words, something happened around that time. The affidavits linked in the article above would show you exactly what happened. The most difficult part of it for Tosto to accept is that my grandmother and mother are the ones explaining it, not me. In Toto’s twisted version (who is a perfect stranger to my late grandmother, mother and I), he falsely calls me a liar and a conman, accusing that I approached my grandmother and mother to con them out of their money with a bogus excuse that I would be murdered. Again, please read the affidavits that my grandmother and mother established several years ago, which were used as exhibits in my lawsuit against Giacchino in state court (he never challenged the affidavits).
          In addition to what the affidavits of my mother and grandmother stated, 2006 was a unique year in my life. In 2006, I was wrapping up a minor criminal case with Jack Cerone, Esq., for leaving him messages that included profanity on his office answering system while addressing his extortion and murder plot aimed at me, which is very clearly indicated on the answering device tapes. The FBI (Special Agent Chris Mackey) made their second attempt to warn me that I was going to be murdered (please look Dr. Giacchino left me the now famous voicemail that you could listen to on YouTube, demanding an undisclosed amount of money in “negotiable funds.” In addition, 2006 (exactly 30-days after he left me his famous extortionate phone message, he falsely alleged that I walked into his office and for no apparent reason to tell him that I made up lies in the Vasselli lawsuit matter, which supposedly caused him to contact Vaselli’s lawyer to expose me for being dishonest about the lawsuit. If anyone believes that I walked into Giacchino’s office for no apparent reason in 2006 (30-days after he threatened me on the phone for money) and confessed to committing crimes, you would have to suffer from brain damage.
          In 2006, I had no significant debt on my credit report; I did not buy any luxury items, nor gift anyone an unusual amount of money. However, I did pay Giacchino a large amount of money in 2005 and 2006 (roughly 100-grand in hand). Giacchino argues that he collected money from me to cover some legitimate expenses that I charged up on his behalf in 2003, despite previously issuing me a letter, which I have in my possession that had also been published in one of the many articles on ANP that clears me of said 2003 expenses (the letter is dated in 2004).
          This is what we are left with – we have Outfit guys, a crime lord, Outfit affiliates and a doctor who lost his medical license twice for dealing drugs calling me a liar; and Tosto is on their side (whoops, I forgot to add my cousin who presently uses illegal narcotics on a daily basis, who I have possibly seen once in the last 10-years because he lives in California).
          One last thing that I find interesting about Tosto is that he appears to be obsessed with my sexuality. For a man who has never met me, he seems very interested in my sexuality and me. When he is not exploiting children on the internet while engaging in adult dialect, he is fantasizing about homosexuality and me. Perhaps he finds it more fulfilling to his fantasy to dwell on the idea that a revoked doctor diagnosed me as a homosexual (LOL).
          Mr. Tosto, I am very happy that you found someone. You and Kathy Peric (SQE) have similar issues and should enjoy each other. A congratulation is in order because I think she has masculine features, which seems to be exactly what you enjoy (in my opinion).

          • joe Joe Fosco, Sorry to hear about your grandmother. May she rest in peace. I hate to bring it up again but what did Greedy P say to you that scared the ever loving shit out of you ? It seems Johnny uses him alot for idle threats (behind closed doors). Make no mistake Greedy is a scary fuck (behind closed doors) and gets straight to the point doesnt he. Sorry to hear about the 1 mill that was conned from you.

          • Black Angelo,  I don’t want to speak for Joe, but I believe the first $500,000 Dollars was legitimately owed. Romie Nappi approved the payment. It’s the 2ND $500,000 that started about 15 years later that is apparently the extortion or con job. Rudy Fratto was involved in it along with that crazy fucking Doctor. I also believe the honorable attorney Esquire was also involved.

          • Dear Black,
            Currently, I am not certain if whether I am going to take another legal initiative on the matter relating to the DiFronzos. On advice of counsel, I would simply say that for now, I have stated everything I am going to state publically on the matter in which you are seeking information. I believe that I indicated some details on the subject in my federal case (civil RICO), which could be reviewed via Pacer. I am sorry that I cannot be more helpful at this time. Thank you.

            Tosto alleges that I am fabricating the entire extortion matter. He is trying to poke holes in it because it is a strange story. I wish to point out that if I were a deceitful person, I think I would have fabricated a different story. However, I simply relied on the truth instead (because the truth is all I tell on here and elsewhere). The truth is what keeps me from being sued and my enemies outraged to the point where they need to recruit a patsy like Tosto (in my opinion).

          • Joe,  Again, very well stated. I’ll give Tosto one point. The story about the 2nd $500,00 is a strange story. However, many things in life seem strange to people who probably would have done some things in a different way. It doesn’t mean the story is false. The evidence of the Affidavits, & the crazy Doctor’s phone call is enough. I assume the payments were given generally to Giacchino. Am I correct? Were payments ever given directly to Esquire or Rudy? I SAID RIGHT FROM THE BEGINNING, that Tosto is being paid to harrass you. There is no other logical reason. Tosto started the fight. I may not agree with every single thing you have said about Tosto, but he started it and all is fair in love and war, and you are in a war! If you could ask Sam Giancana what he thought about Auippa & Cerone ordering him killed, he would have agreed with it. It was only a matter of time before Mooney would have killed Cerone, so Cerone struck first. Again, was it all done fairly? Answer: There is no fair in love & war. 

          • The Don,
            A fool would see that the 15-year later extortion makes no sense. It was not a con. It was a strong-arm. When you are armed, the bad guy does not need a reason, he tells you whatever he wants and that is it. That is what happened. In the early 2000’s Pete was handed a sizable portion. Giacchino took the rest in the mid 2000’s.
            I do not see a war between Tosto and i. Its harassment.

          • Sure,  it’s harrassmant. There’s no question about it. But the way you have responded to it ( very admirably I must say) has made it into a war. Make no mistake about it. I would say, you are winning.

          • Sure,  it’s harrassmant. There’s no question about it. But the way you have responded to it ( very admirably I must say) has made it into a war. Make no mistake about it. I would say, you are winning.

          • Black Angelo,  I know two  people  (who are related) in Melrose Park that  basically told Pete DiFronzo to take his best shot and make sure he aims well, because if anything ever happened, one of those two people would have gone over to his Construction Company later and torn DiFronzo’s fuckin’ throat out.  This person would have then sat down and calmly waited for the police or anybody else to arrive and taken any consequence with no problem. 

          • The Don, I hear your point. I’m sure you know some guys that would take on Pete DiFronzo. Big deal. in the big scheme of things,,, every dog has its day. I’ve seen tough guys on the streets gone before their 50th birthdays (one being Tony Borse).

            I’ve seen tough guys with all the bravado of the YouTube insurance salesman from Palatine who talk tough.. spit tabacco out their mouth.. talking big shit and then an hour later in “the bush” crying and screaming for the mommies as shrapnel tore through their canteen and discected their chest, your telling them their gonna be okay. But you know death when you see it. The Tough Guy doesnt want morphine or a gun shot to the chest.. he dies the worst death.

            The sissy bitch wants you to shoot him because he knows the shrapnel is eating his insides and he cant take it. The YouTube guy is the latter. Pete DiFronzo is the former. I know some secret stories about Pete and he aint no scared lil pussy bitch who talks tough and loud. He’s not an insecure type who needs to talk loud and big. He’s quiet and scary. You get me ?

            My point is I dont think Pete is scared of your friends, nor do I think your two friends are scared of him. Its cliche but every dog has his day. Believe it or not Marco Damico has been beaten up before.. by two guys matter of fact. Marco has been in so many fights he does not mind losing (head up.. man to man he never really lost). The sign of a real fighter. But he got jumped by 2 people late one night “who did not know who he WAS”… Then nobody ever saw those 2 guys again (this was like in 1980 or so).

          • In many cases, a true tough guy has been beaten up nearly as many times as he has clobbered others. The people who claim they never lost a fight either never fought, or have avoided fights that worried them.

          • Joe, You sound like somebody who got their ass handed to them more than once LOL. And not to many people are that arrogant to admit they’ve won every fight. Most people wouldnt believe such nonsense. However it doesnt take long to figure out who can handle themselves. Alot of those guys became cops.. some outfit guys.

          • LOL – no, I have not. I am simply not a fighter, which is why I have not had my ass handed to me. I could count on one hand the times I was in a physical altercation. As a kid, my tooth was chipped in a fight. As an adult, I have been hit a couple of times, never knocked down. Again, I am not a fighter. Once when I was 15, I smashed a brick in someone’s face, broke their nose, and knocked their teeth out, he was in his early 20’s. Today, I cannot believe I did it. I regret it. It was one of the dumbest things I have ever done. I have to blame my father. Even though he was dead, he told me when I was little that if anyone ever gave me a hard time that I should get a brick and smash him in the face.

          • One other time, Willie Messino made me hit Lenny Lapaglia in the head with a hammer. However, I did not swing hard because I did not want to kill him. I split his head open, however, he stayed strong and found a 4-foot long wooden 2×4 and swung it at me hitting me in the hand, spraining it. Buddy Ciotti and Willie later decided to intervene and stop us from retaliating against each other. In fact, I saw Lenny at the wake of Buddy Ciotti’s son last year in Melrose Park. We hugged each other.

          • To: Whoever has input:
            Speaking of Borse….He has some super wealthy relatives. The Marco Island” comments always made me think of his family. How did they manage to get so wealthy with no hassles? I know through marriage they are tied into “Outfit” people.

          • Tony’s sons Lewis and Joey have a SHITLOAD of land down in Marco Island. Solly D has alot of real estate in neighboring Naples (one of Solly’s son-in- laws is EXTREMELY wealthy). Marco Damico gots major real estate in both areas (Marco and Naples) and also across the way in West Palm Beach. he set one of his daughters up their for a while.

            And the FBI has a hard-on for Lewis. They always have (but only because of his father). Him and Joey got rich down at the CME in the good ol days. I think they got their start with Jimmy Kaulentis (or maybe that was Solly’s son). But their dad Tony was organizing bookmakers down their in the 1970s and other things to pave the way for his sons. So in a sense Tony Borse was “literally” setting his sons up to be legit lol. That Tony was one smart S.O.B. I must admit.

            Joey Borse is on the fringes of the Outfit too but only by marriage. Jimmy Marcello’s sisters daughter is married to Joey. Lewis is very very close to Fat Sarno but that is only because Fat Sarno knew Tony’s Father and their kids went to Montini Catholic together.

            A lil Irony but Lewis is one year older than Fat Sarno.. but Fat Sarno starting in 1978/79 was running around with Tony Borse. Lewis did not run the streets with his dad. Another Ironic twist but Fat Sarno’s father is squeaky clean. Interesting.

            Btw all the people I mentioned in the first paragraph also own a shitload of property in Lake Geneva Wisconisin. You name the city around the area and they got property their up the yin yang.

          • As usual Black, You nailed it to a Tee!
            I have been wondering about that for some time now.

          • To: Whoever has input:
            Speaking of Borse….He has some super wealthy relatives. The Marco Island” comments always made me think of his family. How did they manage to get so wealthy with no hassles? I know through marriage they are tied into “Outfit” people.

          • Black Angelo,  You hit it right on the head in the last paragragh of your posting right above me. Pete is not scared of them, obviously, but the father and son are not scared of him either.  The father, who is an older tough legitimate blue collar worker for many years in Melrose Park, would have killed DiFronzo with his bare hands. Your right , every dog has his day. But, my point was that not EVERYBODY is scared of Pete.  

          • Black Angelo.  I’m not a Pete DiFronzo hater. One of my other relatives was good friends with him & his wife. I’m just saying that sometimes he throws his weight around unfairly and not everyone who is the recipient of it is afraid of him. That’s all. As Archie Bunker would say. Case Closed. LOL

          • Joe,  Very well stated.  I didn’t mean to make you think I didn’t believe you about the 2nd $500,000.  I just know myself, and speaking from MY OWN PERSONAL perspective,  if my family had paid the first $500,000 back in 1987 to the Outfit,  then 15 years later,  I would never have started paying them a 2nd  $500, 000.  It would not have mattered what anyone said to me. Al Capone could have come back from the dead and demanded ANOTHER large sum of money from me and I would have told him to go back to hell where he came from and go fuck himself right to his face and he better have a good aim if he’s going to try and kill me.  Then, I would have gone to the F.B.I. with the threat.  But that’s just me, speaking from my perspective.  I was questioning your weakness, not your integrity.  I know you DID NOT  con your mother and Grandmother out of the 2nd $500,000 Dollars, that’s obvious. I just don’t know why you started paying the blood money in the first place. You didn’t need that crazy fucking drug pushing Doctor to protect you from anybody. You should have called the bluff. That’s all I meant. My statement on the other thread pertained to weakness and maybe sometimes coming across a little patronizing with some of your comments. But, make no mistake about it, Joe, it had nothing to do with integrity.  

    • The Des Plaines Police did not make said contact with me, nor did the CPD. However, I wish I could have listened to the phone call she made to the police. It had to be a real pants pisser.

    • Horsey,  Isn’t SQE a Fortune teller or Psychic of some sort? Isn’t that her business besides her very lucrative Detective Agency? Well if she’s a psychic,  she wouldn’t need to ask Joe Fosco or anybody else any questions about people that nobody knows or cares about?  She should already have all the answers.  Am I wrong?   

      • Yes, a fortune teller or something like that. 

        You make some good points. Not only was she unable to see into the past or foretell future events, but SQE wasn’t even able to correctly interpret PRESENT events–like the fact that she was making a damned horse’s ass out of herself in the threads. Maybe her crystal ball needs to be recalibrated or she needs to reshuffle her tarot cards. She should forget about divination as a career and consider switching to comedy.

        • In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit – God, please help Kathy Peric overcome her emotional obstacles. May she convalesce in a psychiatric facility until teams of doctors believe she is stable enough to rejoin society. Thank you. Amen.

          Once Kathy submits her graduation papers from Sunnybrook, I would be willing to give her another chance here. What do you say?

          • I’d say I would find a way to cut off every possible way you could possibly access the internet. I would also insure that you had Chinese handcuffs on every finger to insure that you couldn’t type, dial a phone, etc.
            Last but not least, there would be APB postings, at every trailer park, in the Midwest to assure you would not have the ability to ever allow that mental mangina of a basket case from the bowels of hell ever  interupt our threads any more!

          • LOL.

            No, don’t let her back because she want crying to Tosto the second you blocked her. You didn’t see The Don go posting messages on when you blocked him.

          • Horsey,  Thank You. You’re correct.  And I felt I was misunderstood and treated unfairly, but I TOOK IT LIKE A MAN and didn’t run to the F.B.I.( Tosto).  SQE is not only a nut case but also a traitor.  Horsey & Chitowndago, you’ve been studying the Outfit very thoroughly for the last 9 months.  I ask you now, What is the penalty for false impersonation of a woman,  insanity and treachery?

          • LOL.

            No, don’t let her back because she want crying to Tosto the second you blocked her. You didn’t see The Don go posting messages on when you blocked him.

  25. Joe,you tube,War of deception 2011 the shadow goverment and shadow economy.
    By Chalkboard warrior,at 2:02:oo there is A.fosco and big jim thompson portrait.
    He also talks about conrad black. 

  26. I agree Thread Police,
    I think if he’s trying to get admiration from “Outfit” guys, it just shows what a mental midget he is. If they have knowledge of it, or saw it, they would tell him to shut the fuck up!
    He mentioned what I originally said in a post to Joe a while back, “He is blowing up” as far as hits go on his little youtube site.
    I’ve been way too busy lately with work and my training schedule. But next time I’m out and I see him, I will tell him who I am on here and I would love to have a camera crew with me because I promise he will shit a brick! He won’t believe it’s me!
    By the way we are not friends at all….just happen to run into each other here and there once in a while.

    • For several reasons I suspect Bill Daddono (the third) is a principle force behind Tosto. One point I would like to make, Tosto smear feeble jobs directed at me began shortly after the Magnafichi interviews. If you recall, Daddono was mentioned a number of times in the interviews (never favorably). Again, I have several other reasons to suspect Daddono.

      • I can’t keep up with all the posts on every article on here, especially when it comes to chronilogical order.
        But one of Tosticular emotion’s posts, in the beginning referred to “Golfing with his guys”
        Dead giveaway!

    • For several reasons I suspect Bill Daddono (the third) is a principle force behind Tosto. One point I would like to make, Tosto smear feeble jobs directed at me began shortly after the Magnafichi interviews. If you recall, Daddono was mentioned a number of times in the interviews (never favorably). Again, I have several other reasons to suspect Daddono.

  27. Tosto is professionally acquainted with Bobby Hitz. Hitz has been a Daddono stooge for many years. I maintain that Daddono is chiefly behind it.
    As a non-fighter, I would consider taking a few months to train and go in the ring with Tosto if there would be a reasonable financial incentive (of which I would donate a sizeable portion of the proceeds to Rush University).

  28. Once again, it’s Teets here (obviously). Joe, I hate to tell you this, but the time has come for me to make a cameo appearance in the threads of that bald mortadella known as Tosto (LOL). Maybe I’ll email him, and if I do I guarantee that he won’t address me in one of his videos because me email will be so embarrassing for him that he’d probably start blubbering like a baby on the web cam (LOL). He’s out doing an internet hit job on you, and I’m sick of it. No one believes his stories because he doesn’t even know you and he especially doesn’t even know Lee’s son(Michael).  

    Tosto’s videos are so terrible that no one can believe it, to be quite honest with you. To tell you the truth, his videos are so bad that by now everyone is tired of them, luckily. Antipasto Tosto’s videos are so totally offbase that it indicates that he probably thinks that Joe Ferriola was once the top boss of the Outfit, and Antipasto’s friends probably let him keep on thinking that because he’s their lackey (LOL). 

    Joe, is the Lee Magnafichi article coming out soon? (Please forget about my requests for information about Sam Urbana, but I’m sure we will both agree at this point that on (rare) occasions, Mr. Urbana had to “make a believer” out of guys, especially when he was busted out in Maryland with Don Angel. (LOL)

    Keep on keepin’ on (LOL)


    • I am putting info together for the piece on Lee. I have a photo of Sam and Lee somewhere. In fact, I posted it once in the threads a while back. I had a photo of Johnny, Lee and Michael golfing about 25-years ago, but i gave it to Porky because his eyes lit up when he saw Johnny, as if it were Christ. Porky loved Lee too.

  29. joe,i think it is in very bad taste for you to allow these threads under this posting.from what i understand your granma was a very nice woman who seldom said a bad thing about my opion it is disrespectful to her memory to make jokes and personnel attacks against people that had nothing but good feeling for her.

    • I am listening, but not following you? Where have I made jokes about people who had good feelings for my late grandmother. If I am overlooking something, or confused about something, please be specific so I could address it. Thank you.

      • Joe,  The only people that we are making jokes about are SQE & Tosto.  Is She ( Kkanz) trying to say that SQE & Tosto had nothing but good feeling for your Grandmother?  They didn’t even know your Grandmother!

          • if im not mistaken the gist of this post was people trying to take advantage of a kind elderly woman.i dont see how staging a fight with an entertainer or calling people,without any ties to illegal activity stooges,pertains to that topic.some of the names you mention mite have behavouir flaws but who among us doesnt?dont let ur personnel differences get in the way of ur otherwise good reporting…

          • The article above focuses on accusations made by my late grandmother through her official affidavit (which was filed in court a few years ago and unattacked by Dr. Joseph Giacchino in said forum), charging that Dr. Joseph Giacchino personally forced her to handover money. My ‘good’ reporting covers the details of the aforementioned story well.
            As far as the blogging, in general it tends to deviate from the initial subject matter. Blog conversations are similar to real conversations, which sometimes take a twist, especially when there are several people interjecting and in some cases weeks and/or months apart.
            I believe that a number of reasonable people would disagree with you, although I see your opinion as reasonable itself. Thank you for commenting.

          • Kkanz,  I don’t think you will be successful in monitoring Joe,  Me ( The Don),  Horsey Chitowndago or any other reader from making a few jokes about Tosto or SQE.  We all had to put up with SQE’s bullshit for the last 9 months.  Plus that, Tosto has unfairly attacked one of my friends, Joe Fosco.  I might disagree with Joe about a few things occasionally, but I do like him and consider him a friend.  I am very loyal.  This is our male way of laughing at it all and bonding.  After men encounter something that is very unpleasant, they usually make some jokes about it and laugh together about it.  It’s a genetic thing that my wife is just now starting to understand after years of marriage.  It’s definitly a male thing.  No question about it.  It has  nothing to do at all with Joe’s Grandmother.  Like Joe,  I understand your point but respectfully disagree.  

  30. TnT is Dyno-mite
    All his comebacks on you you tube
    Look Real tuff.
    I gotta a guy,He does Everything.