Saturday, March 29

R. Kelly’s Struggle Is Our Own

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I would like to call upon the many brave and dedicated parishioners of the St. Sabina Parish in Chicago, where I personally maintain status as a part-time parishioner. Please let us come together and stand strong for our community by voting against the Cook County States Attorney’s loyal veteran, Anita Alvarez. Let us be clear in understanding that music sensation and song artist R. Kelly, aka Robert Sylvester Kelly, was a victim, like many other innocent people, of an overzealous prosecution by the current Cook County States Attorney’s Administration. In fact, this artist was not only overzealously prosecuted, but also persecuted. We Catholics understand persecution very well, unfortunately, and it is with this in mind that we must stand up for right action.

The R. Kelly disaster is an icon for the much needed change necessary to clean up an office infamous for botching prosecutions, sometimes grossly compromising innocent people’s lives. This flawed system must now end.

Although Cardinal George has politically silenced Fr. Michael Phleger, I would imagine his opinion on the matter cannot be too far from mine. Just to be clear, Father Phleger would agree that I am acting independently issuing this message, as I have not sought after or received Father’s approval to write this article. However, my constitutional rights allow me the voice that I have made for myself here. More importantly, God has given me the strength to speak for all of the weak and troubled people that have been bullied by the administration that Anita Alvarez has been loyal to for so long.

All of my good Catholic brothers and sisters must understand that we can do a great deal of good by coming together and managing our voting power, making it work for us, as it should. We must keep ‘Anita Alcatraz’ out of the States Attorney’s Top Spot!

R. Kelly, would you support the following message:

“I want to appeal to all my supporters who are registered Cook County voters. Please vote against Anita Alvarez, who is a loyal veteran of the current administration of the Cook County States Attorney’s office. The current administration made my life a living hell for the last 7 years. Please prevent Anita Alvarez from doing business as usual, vote against her, by voting Republican for Cook County States Attorney next month!”

Please contact me if you wish to help spread my vital message,

Please register to vote before it is too late, and support R. Kelly and other victims like him in Cook County!



  1. Excuse me sir but I am a practicing Catholic and have been for all of my life. You do not speak for me or any other Catholics that I know. From everything that I have researched and learned in this race, Ms. Alvarez, who started her career as a social worker committed to the needs of the community has carried that spirit with her throughout her career as a prosecutor who is always committed to doing whats right and just. Her opponent, on the other hand, appears to be a dishonest scoundrel of the first order. Please do not use our religion to espouse your misled political positions.

  2. Dear CF,
    If you feel that I was speaking on your behalf, or others who disagree with me, I am sorry. However, I you have not addressed my point that Ms. Alvarez is currently a vital part of the current faction (Cook County States Attorney’s Office) that has botched many prosecutions and seriously compromised innocent lives. Instead, you offer an argument based on appearances (in your opinion).
    God Bless you.
    Joseph Fosco

  3. Regarding the Doctor, my source of information will appear in an article on this publication in the next 10 days.

    Thank you.

    Joseph Fosco
    KTF Media Group

  4. My sources of information regarding the doctor may now be found in a postscript directly under the article in the Key To State section of our site, titled “Crimes Against The State/ Melrose Park…”
    There is a link listed in the postscript section, which shows my 69-page motion to dismiss his bogus claim of defamation, which also further exposes that Dr. Giacchino for recently filing a false affidavit with the court, under penalties of perjury. Please check this out.
    Thank you,
    Joseph Fosco