Saturday, March 29

Thank You For Trusting Us With Your Information

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We at American News Post pride ourselves on being an excellent source of news not only for the Chicagoland area, but also for people from all 50-states of the U.S. as well as 85 different countries around the world. I am proud to remind you that the Chicago Tribune, Chicago Sun-Times, ABC News Television, WGN News Television and Fox News Television have plugged American News Post on several occasions.

But most of all we consider ourselves an excellent source of information because of the overwhelming participation of you, the reader, in our endeavor to uncover the truth.

Aside from the vast quantity of intelligence soaked up through the message threads, consisting of approximately ten thousand messages to date, we also receive a great deal of information through our contact page and direct email. As long as you continue your tireless efforts to aid us in our cause, American News Post will surely continue to tell the stories major media outlets cannot.

American News Post is certainly responsible for keeping Dr. Joseph Giacchino under the bright spotlight that seems to have encouraged the State of Illinois and various federal agencies to consider him as a threat to the community. Ultimately all this attention from the government cost him his medical license for a second, and hopefully final, time.

In addition to the mad doctor’s high crimes and misdemeanors, we have gathered interesting data on other doctors, various public officials and criminals, such as members of the Chicago Outfit. Please know that I pledge to continue maintaining appropriate management of the intelligence that is acquired by American News Post. In the spirit of fighting crime as I have with the quack-doctor named Joseph Giacchino and with every other wrongdoer that American News Post finds, I will put forth the same amount of effort to help bring each alleged ‘bad guy’ to justice. Cook County Judge Jill Cerone Marisie, Park Ridge Police Chief Frank Kaminski, imprisoned gangster Rudy Fratto and Outfit hitman Joseph Messino are just a few of the people I have concentrated on in the past. Other alleged wrongdoers will be mentioned in the future.

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  1. I will get my revenge in VEGAS! on

    Mr. Fosco,

    Please go into detail about some of the rough stuff perpetrated by Joe Messino. Also please post a picture of him–especially one that features him and other gangsters.

    • Dear I will…,
      I cannot go into details on Messino at this time, per investigators orders. I am in the process of obtaining photos.

  2. I.P. Address on

    (YOUR COMMENT HAS BEEN MODIFIED – please cease and desist with violating the Illinois State law of harassment by wire. Thank you, American News Post).

  3. Joe,

    I can’t wait for the next articles about Cook County Judge Jill Cerone Marisie and Rudy Fratto. Looking forward to it!

    (As you can see, I streamlined my name for the new security program here. I assumed it has been implemented to avoid drive-by insults, like I.P. Address’s comments. I hope ‘registration’ doesn’t scare off Harlem Playboy. I would miss him. I wonder if he’ll stick with that Johnny Depp / Donnie Brasco avatar that he uses from time to time.)