Saturday, March 29

ATTENTION PUBLIC: Purported Founders of Terrapin Coffee Appear Frauds?

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WARNING – According to very close sources of Robert and David Meyers (from the Coralville, Iowa area), both men have purportedly swindled Chicago-based business consultants during a foiled attempt to gain massive support for their alleged scheme known as Terrapin Coffee. The two suspects are brothers in their late 30s, whom have been purportedly selling coffee under the name Terrapin for several years in Iowa. However, sources close to the alleged fraudsters claim that the Meyers brothers have been spinning a story that depicts them as hapless victims of a fraud. They claim to need money and other professional services from their victims in order to “fix” their ailing business.

Robert Meyers, a.k.a. Robert Giuseppe, has used Facebook to establish an assumed identity, including a disingenuous residential location in Chicago.

David Meyers, a.k.a. David Christopher, has allegedly used Facebook to perpetuate his older brother’s alleged calculated plan to deceive unsuspecting victims into thinking that the Meyers brothers are major executives that live in Chicago. This is a total sham.

Photos of their fraudulent Facebook pages have been copied for your review. They can be found by clicking here and here. American News Post intends to preserve the electronic evidence in case the Meyers brothers’ Facebook pages are altered at some point in the future.

Public, please be advised that extreme caution should be exercised if any of you should be approached by the Meyers brothers in regards to business development.

American News Post is offering a cash reward for any information leading to the arrest and convictions of the Meyers brothers. If you have any strong information of other frauds allegedly committed by the Meyers brothers, please report your claim to the Attorney Generals of Iowa and Illinois. Please do not forget to visit our contact page to let us know about it. On behalf of American News Post, thank you.



  1. I know these strange birds. Aside from being fat, they talk shit, which is how David’s (whatever his last name is) breath smells. Losers!

  2. Merlin Tenderpony on

    So, are you alleging that these guys are getting donations and monetary gifts under the pretense that they have been swindled?

    • Joseph Fosco on

      Dear Merlin,
      I am familiar with the story. I believe the Meyers brothers have received lavish entertainment benefits as well as professional services under the guise that they had been cheated out of their fortune by a mysterious evildoer, coupled with their promise that their coffee product could be on the verge of booming with a little help. From what I understand, it was nearly impossible for the Meyers brothers to scare up a mere sample of their product, which took a number of days. Apparently, the Meyers brothers duped an extended family member into covering thousands of dollars in business expenses related to their project, which was geared to launch their product in various grocery stores.
      I believe it is a typical case of taking advantage of someone close because it is easy. Close sources usually see no reason to raise their guard – a classical con situation. The victims wish to remain unidentified, which I think is reasonable.
      If the Meyers brothers disagree with the article, they are welcome to challenge it in court. American News Post has been there and done that. We will continue to win, because we print the truth and we could back it up!

      • Interesting to see how far they have gone! They do not live in Chicago, they live in Iowa City. Together, at home, with Mom. They are very very delusional. They have even entered the coffee shop in a local ‘best of’ competition. Even though it closed 9 months ago. They do not roast their own coffee, they buy it from somewhere that sends it to them. That is why it is hard for them to come up with a sample. The ‘coffee shop’ address they use is the ups store in Coralville. Look it up! Giuseppe? Perhaps someone has watched the Godfather a few to many times…

        • Joseph Fosco on

          Dear Marc,
          I am not surprised to hear about this. However, I appreciate the insight very much. Please consider sending me more information at Perhaps you could give me enough info to do a follow-up piece. I would certainly keep your identity out of it. Thank you, Joe Fosco

  3. I worked for these guys. I knew it was a bad idea. They’re crooks, 100%. Every single one of my paychecks were late and less than what they should have been. And the same goes for my four other coworkers. Upon confronting David with a comparison of my paychecks and my hours worked, I was told it would be taken care of as soon as possible. The next night I received an email telling me my services were no longer needed. I (obviously) kept all of my evidence, time stubs, and pay stubs. I am  STILL trying to get paid what I am legally owed, and it appears they continue to swindle, just from what I’ve heard from my representative. If I am unable to get the money to which I am entitled, then they accomplished exactly what they wanted, cheap/free labor. If American News Post would like to learn more about my story, I am willing to share and I will check back to this page periodically.

  4. Stephen Ravenfeller on

    I lived with these guys just before they started the SHOP. All I ever saw was one of them was obsessed with turtle shaped turtles, and the other in strong coffee. I live there about a month, as they were getting things together such as road trips to buy coffee machines etc, and get money for investment in them from family in the Chicago area. I never thought twice about it, in reading this, it is odd, cause they did say they were swindled and had come there to restart. So when they would leave to get “Investors” I didn’t think much about it. I wasn’t involved really. Other than I drew the first 12 labels to make a little cash, for their custom bean flavors, and they loved them, kicked me out of the house at that point and never paid me. I threatened them and I don’t think they ever used my labels.