Saturday, March 29

Giving To Our Children: Resurrection Health Care

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Our children may be the most beautiful gifts from God we have on this earth. We love them. We love them unconditionally. We love them when they’re sad, we love them when they’re mad; we love them for what they say, and we love them for what they pray. My son is 4 years of age now and I have been blessed with the one grace that any parent would value: he is healthy. Every day I thank God for his life and his wellness. Without it I do not know what I would do. I would be lost in a world of darkness and ignorance. I wouldn’t know where to go. How can I help him? Can I help him? Where do I go? What should I do?

This realization of a child’s loss of health, which could easily happen to anyone, is very scary. To hug your baby; to hold their little hand; to rub their back and pat their head. What joy! For some this life does not exist. The dream is crushed. Taken away with sadness and depression, leaving a parent unaided and lonely. Leaving a provider desperate and pessimistic. Their youth taken away with sickness and they are unable to give to their children. Not only taken away by illness, but also left with little hope. These are the children in our neighborhoods who have no health insurance.

Now there is hope. Resurrection Health Care and the Chicago Sun-Times have recently implemented a program called 1,000 Healthy Kids & Families to get Chicago children in the state’s All Kids health care program that provides health coverage to uninsured children at a reduced cost. A great program purely designed to help our children. When our children need it most, these people are there to help.

Resurrection Health Care has a unique mission: it “exists to witness God’s sustaining love, through compassionate, family-centered care. Motivated by a reverence for life and respect for those we serve, we are committed to improving the health and well-being of our community.”

It makes me proud to see that our community is beginning to understand the ways and importance of Jesus’ teachings. We need to give more and we need to love more. Without it our children will have a dangerous future. So God bless our children and those who help us give our children a better life. Progress is a gift from God and we are responsible to see that it continues.


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