Monday, March 31

Theo’s Twit Of The Week: Rick Santorum

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In a world where Republicans constantly have to fight against the unfair stereotype that they are all bigoted, homophobic, fundamentalist Luddites, there always seems to be a few bigoted, homophobic fundamentalist Luddite Republicans that are more than happy to spew their rancid stupidity all over the airwaves at the drop of the hat. That’s why Theo’s Twit of the Week is:

Looks like Rick's got something jammed up his...

Looks like Rick's got something jammed up his...

Rick Santorum

Yes, the man who brought us such gems as The (thankfully failed) Santorum Amendment, a proposed federal sanction on teaching creationism in science classes, and unwavering support for DOMA has dug another hole for the Democrat-dominated media to push the GOP down into.

Whenever Santorum is allowed to open his gob in front of the cameras, you can be relatively sure something incredibly stupid is going to come dribbling out. Why should the recent Fox News/Google debate be any different?

Here is Stephen Hill, a gay soldier currently serving in United States Armed Forces, asking the candidates (the question was directed to Santorum by Megyn Kelly) whether or not they would “circumvent the progress that has been made for gay and lesbian soldiers in the military.” He is, of course, speaking about the repeal of the disgraceful Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell policy instituted by Bill Clinton. Watch the video below to hear Santorum’s response.

I particularly like the little disgusted look on Santorum’s face when the question ends. Yes, Rick, you have to answer a question from a gay person. Don’t worry, God will still let you into heaven.

Evidently allowing a solider to admit in public that he or she is gay would “give them a special privilege.” How exactly is that, Ricky? Is it a special privilege for a solider to admit he or she is straight?

In Rick’s twisted little mind to “recognize a group of people” have a right to not hide who they are is somehow a dirty thing. I would posit that if Rick is so concerned about the military “recognizing” a group of people, then we should certainly stop supplying chaplains to soldiers, as that is recognition of religious beliefs – something that holds no bearing on one’s ability to fight in the armed forces. Somehow, though, I think Santorum would object to applying Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell to his Evangelical (a group of people I find incredibly revolting, mostly because they choose to join up) friends.

Also notice how craven Santorum is when it comes to Kelly’s second question. Supposedly Rick is a man of great conscience, yet he refuses to tell Stephen Hill that he would boot him out of the military for being openly gay. What a coward.

Thanks again, Rick, for dragging down the Republican party with your legislating of religion. And to the people in the audience that booed Stephen Hill, you are all the lowest sort of scum. I sincerely hope you all got hit by cars on the way home. I consider you all on par with Santorum, and I really mean that.

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