Friday, March 28

Theo’s Twits Of The Week: Penn State Rioters

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This week’s Twits are a bunch of snot-nosed, whiny brats who don’t have any concern for others (and no, it isn’t Congress!). Please cease your game of beer pong and join in the mayhem of:

Penn State Rioters trash a news truck

Penn State Rioters trash a news truck

The Penn State Rioters

A riot broke out on the campus of Pennsylvania State University Wednesday night. Fueled by alcohol, hormones and a total lack of decency, some students at Penn State decided they were unhappy with the firing of octogenarian football coach Joe Paterno and decided to throw some beer bottles and trash some cars to express their rage. Their incoherent keening and carrying on brought out the police and the press coverage.

Of course none of the students seem concerned about the reason JoePa was fired.

So why was Paterno sacked?

Because it appears he protected a prolific child rapist.

He was the latest head to roll in a series of firings that reflected the school’s board of trustees’ disgust with the shocking failure of the university to do anything of consequence in preventing the rape of children in their midst.

Mind you, I am not here to go after Paterno and his cronies… yet. The Grand Jury’s report leaves little doubt as to what had been going on behind the scenes at Jerry Sandusky’s The Second Mile charity program and the fact that key members of Penn State’s staff were aware of it, but in the end this is a matter for the courts. The extent of criminal conduct of those involved in this seeming cover up will be decided there, not in the columns of opinion writers.

My beef is with the spoiled brats that decided to riot over the only sane decision the board of trustees could make.

They weren’t concerned with the lives Sandusky ruined, the fact that their demi-god of a football coach JoePa and his staff looked the other way while their former defensive coordinator sodomized a child in a campus shower or that the law enforcement apparatus of their university was unable to protect children. They just wanted JoePa, and screw everything else.

It was a sick and disgusting display of id. Those kids should be deeply ashamed of themselves. They worship Joe Paterno like he has actually done something truly positive for the world, when all he has spent his life doing is teaching young men how to play with leather balls. This riot is a grand indictment of the cult-like obsession with organized sports that pervades so many educational institutions. This blind, frothing-at-the-mouth loyalty to a coach and his program above all other concerns, academic or civil, is something I find deeply disturbing.

Penn State is host to several Nobel laureates, National Medal of Science recipients and Pulitzer Prize winners, yet it was Joe Paterno who local Congressmen were nominating for The Medal of Freedom (they have since rescinded the request). Did Joe Paterno make a revolutionary discovery in physics or write a landmark book? No. Did his “winnest” coach in Division 1 football career contribute to the advancement of human society? Not one bit.

But to hear the coarse cries of the Penn State rioters, you’d think JoePa discovered the theory of relativity or invented the Internet. Those kids need to get their priorities straight, otherwise they’re liable to be moving into a tent city in the middle of Manhattan real soon.

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  1. The Coach who committed the felonies against teenagers and young boys is the same as one of the predator Catholic Priests.  Joe Paterno and the Penn State Administration are the same as the Roman Catholic Hierarchy. The only difference are the names.