Saturday, March 29

Joseph Fosco On New Year’s Wishes And 2011 In Review

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Theodore Roe: Good to see you again, Joe.

Joseph Fosco: Thank you, Sir. It is always a pleasure to speak with you.

TR: Let’s dive right in, shall we? How was your year?

JF: I spent the entire year of 2011 living cancer free and I am very lucky to be able to say it. I count my blessings every day. I have invested a great deal of time in my family, who mean everything to me. I was able to make etiquette progress in the launch of regaining financial power last fall. As you would recall, financially, I was temporarily compromised because of the Chicago Outfit‘s victimization of my family and me, which was explained in an article that I released via ANP, Joseph Giacchino’s Victimization Of My Grandmother.

Of course, I maintained a high level of dedication to the continued growth of the ANP brand.

TR: Congratulations on your victory over cancer and your temporary financial shortcomings. I hope next year we can celebrate the anniversary of that happy turn of events.

JF: Another anniversary I hope to be celebrating next year is the revocation of Dr. Joseph L. Giacchino’s medical license. Anyone familiar with my writing is, of course, familiar with that Pusher M.D.

TR: What’s on the horizon for the coming year?

JF: 2012 is going to be an exciting year. We’re expecting some new contributors, as well as a return of at least one writer who has been on hiatus.

In the past we have talked about doing YouTube feeds but never settled on a game plan. ANP will most likely develop something to take advantage of this tremendous technology in the coming year.

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  1. Dear Readers:

    Whoever calls him or herself ‘The Don’ recently made contact with ANP, indicating that external influences, purportedly to be Outfit figure Joe Lombardi (not real gangster Joe Lombardo), who supposedly caused The Don to fall away from the true message of ANP (just as I suspected many weeks ago). All I wish to say is that we must never underestimate the abilities of The Chicago Outfit (an extremely powerful and influential entity). At this point, I would not be surprised if The Don connects with TNT or SQE.

    • Joe, the Don didn’t really say anything defamatory on ANP did he? As I understand it, he was neither a fan of the insurance fella nor SQE. And I’d assume that if he had been harassing you in the threads (i.e., if you felt harassed), you would have posted a formal cease and desist message. Did something occur off the threads involving the Don? The Don seems like a decent enough guy–a bit hard-headed, maybe. Can you shed some more light on the situation. I–and I’m sure other readers–am a bit confused about what has been going on for the past 2-weeks. Thanks.

      • Dear HF,
        As far as I know right now, no, The Don did not defame me. The fact that he claims to have turned against ANP because of his uncle, leads me to wonder if he will begin defaming ANP and me. If so, he will join TNT and SQE.

        • On second thought The Don has basically (falsely) accused me of being a liar (because of some new found hearsay), which he cannot back up, therefore, yes, he has defamed me. 

          • You are an honest person. You would have slipped up in some small way, and I haven’t seen that since the beginning when this was KTF. Plus, less than a year ago the Don had a completely different tone. He was backing up what you said. Then, he does a 180 and starts questioning things already discussed. Ok at first…good way to see if you keep your story straight. Then he got progressively worse even as you kept your story straight…as if he wasn’t reading the posts. Then BA would pipe up. And combined their ideology is off the wall loony. And everything they were saying and their supposed knowledge could have been regurgitated from past threads. 

  2. Joe,

    ANP seems to be under some kind of spam attack. A few of the links are redirecting to some other weird site. 

    • Dear HF,
      Maybe it is the equivalency of a modern day high tech drive by shooting via the Outfit. Lol
      Have you tried visiting other sites to rule out that Spam might be solely compromising your computer? I am not having trouble accessing ANP whatsoever. However, I will send a note to my IT person. Please email me details.Thank you.

  3. The Don had a beef that I changed my anonymous moniker (stress anonymous) as if that somehow has an effect on…what??? I
    don’t follow The Don’s logic. Then again I am coming to realize outfit
    guys or associates usually aren’t the sharpest tools in the shed. I agree with your comments about changing ANP to focus more on
    current events and outfit/political collusion stories rather than old
    stories that can be found (or I have seen) on a lot of other websites
    and publications. I even doubt the veracity of The Don’s self
    proclaimed family relationship. I wonder if the Don let his relative
    see all the information he posted here….and what the Don has said over
    the course of at least 2 years (I have been watching things for at
    least that long here). I would think that would get him in hot water.  For new readers – Joe has been 100% forthcoming  regarding his problems.  He posts affidavits, video clips, legal documents filed in court, he filed RICO charges against John DiFronzo, and what he has said about Dr. G the pill pusher holds water because the pill pusher lost his license to practice medicine.  He is not posting under an anonymous moniker.  Ask yourself who is more reputable? 

    • five finger discount man on

      I agree Pags. Its a shame what happened with the Don & Black Angelo. It really started to detract from what made ANP such a great site. So here a new years wish to Joe,
      horsey, Pags, Guido, Kkanz and everyone else for a great year full of great articles and no b.s.

      • Dear Five…,
        What happened with The Don and BA is unfortunate, but (as Conrad Black would say as friends and associates of his fell away) “we will soldier on.”

      • Thanks Pagliaccio. 2012 should be great. Joe seems too be reenergized and refocused.  Taking on the clout babies might prove more dangerous than the thugs.  Godspeed Joseph Fosco.

      • In addition…

        If The Don is Joe Lombardi’s nephew (Joe Lombardi, not the real gangster, Joe Lombardo), I know with certainly that Lombardi and Dr. Joseph Giacchino are very close friends. I never met Lombardi, but Giacchino used to mention him every time he talked to Lombardi. Giacchino described him as the “guy who used to hang around with Willie Messino until you (Joe Fosco) came along.” Now, if The Don is Joe’s nephew and recently made up with him, it would be very likely that Lombardi (Giacchino’s friend) told The Don not to believe me. If so, it would prove that The Don’s judgment is poor. Go back and look at his comments over the past three years. For The Don to do a complete about face and turn on me (and ANP) over purported hearsay information from a man who I never met (Joe Lombardi), who is a close friend of Giacchino (Giacchino is a man that I sued and whose scam I exploited, which contributed to the loss of his medical license), again, does not speak well for The Don’s judgment. Therefore, I do not take news of The Don falling away from ANP as a great loss. As far as Black Angelo goes, he could very well be The Don in cognito.

  4. Public Notice:

    American News Post hereby demands that ‘The Don’ cease and desist in submitting messages to any part of American News Post’s message boards and/or email accounts.

    Please be further advised that your unwanted electronic communications have harassed various individuals among the ANP staff – civil courts have jurisdiction over your actions.

    Your identity is discoverable via the multiple IP address that you have used, especially IP address, which seems to be based in or near Nevada.

    Respectfully submitted,

    /s/ Joseph Fosco

    • you sure its not ET from area 51.  I just dont think the don would do anything like that.

      • Dear Kkanz,
        IP address is the same for most of The Don’s message at ANP. Are you suggesting that someone hijacked The Don’s IP address?

  5. Yasmine Strumplemoose on

    do you mean to tell us that the don was posting from las vegas all this time?

    • His (or her) IP address ( appears to be from the Nevada area. Anyone could find an IP address search site on line. Have at it.
      I suppose a trick of some sort could be implemented to make an IP address appear as if it were from another location.

      • He is obviously using a browser that you can set your location to appear that you are anywhere. For example: If your on a Google browser on the left of the screen the default location is where you actually are. You can change it to Taiwan if you want to with a couple clicks!

  6. Another interesting note about The Don:

    The Don (in my opinion) pretended to fact check my unique data, which I acquired over many years of dealing with numerous sources, who have shared information about their direct role in various Outfit matters. The Don either confirmed or corrected my work as if he or she knew all about it, based on his or her supposed conversations that took place in the past with merely one source (a man alleged to be an Outfit associate named Joe Lombardi). LOL   

    The Don would want you to believe that his or her single source coincidentally updated him (or her) with exactly every bit of the unique information that took me years to discover after dealing with dozens of different people (most who did not even know each other). He or she also claimed to know more about my own father then me, but never once stated his nickname, which is the only name used by anyone who knew him well.  LOL

    I give The Don credit; he (or she) certainly did an interesting job of doing whatever he (or she) was doing for a while.

    • I think Jingledonkey said it best about Don.  There sure seemed to be an agenda there somewhere but like SQE, I could never figure out what it was exactly.  I for one am grateful that it is behind ANP.  I would suspect that the Outfit fan club, being such a merry and witty group will send another soldier your way again at some point, LOL! 

  7. Joe, how do you envision ANP’s YouTube channel? Are you guys going to be having round table discussions or something?

    • Good point. Round table discussion would be good. The problem is that most people who like ANP are too afraid to be identified (lol). Understandably so. Aside from round table discussion, I would stand at a podium with the United States Seal behind me and have an American flag on each side, while addressing my readers with speeches. 😉