Saturday, March 29

Outfit Boss Rudy Fratto, LOL!

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Rudy Fratto

Rudy Fratto

It appears that the U.S. Attorney’s Office has decided to finally put forth a bit of effort to cause convicted Chicago Outfit member Rudy Fratto some well-deserved challenges. He may finally have to deal with an appropriate measure of justice.

In a recently filed Sentencing Memorandum in U.S. Court in Chicago, the government apprised the court of a sentencing enhancement that certainly applies to Rudy Fratto, who is a genuine Chicago Outfit member. The enhancement (or upward departure) is warranted when a defendant such as Fratto uses his membership in or association with organized crime “to further the criminal activity for which a defendant is convicted, a sentence above the Advisory Guidelines sentencing range is appropriate… equivalent to seven Guideline offense levels imposed, analogizing the use of organized crime to the discharge of a firearm.”

Really, the collateral damage of the Outfit’s activities would make a weapon of mass destruction a better comparison than a single, puny firearm, but we have to start somewhere.

Take a look at this segment of the government’s memorandum, quoting Rudy Fratto himself saying, “I’m the fu**ing boss of this area around here. No one else.” Even if Fratto were to enter the courtroom and explain to His Honor the truth, which is that he lied when he declared that he was “boss,” it would not change the fact that Fratto is a made member of the Chicago Outfit since 1988.

The memorandum further quotes Fratto, citing a lurid tale he told about his eagerness to assault an innocent man and the prowess with which he did so. “I remember when I was a young guy… the thing wound up in my lap… this guy humiliated Tony Accardo in a traffic thing… the guy was cutting grass one day and he got beat up so bad… I don’t think he could push a lawnmower anymore.”

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  1. How totally embarrassing for Mr. Fratto. He was talking himself up to some younger guys only to have his stories and exaggerations publicly disseminated by the G. I wonder what the DiFronzo bros. make of this. And if Rudy gets skewered in his sentencing, I wonder how they’ll be sleeping. I imagine there’s a lot of Elmwood Park guys that Rudy could hurt if cooperating becomes a viable option.

  2. Joe.
    Let me start this by saying i have known the Fratto family my whole life of 71 years so I know what i’m talking about. I know the judges ruling on the Rudy the phony gangster is appalling and must have you unnerved but this was still a win for you and all of the people that had contact with him.Putting Rudy in jail for a long time period is way to easy, he’s out of sight out of mind and the type of jail he goes to is like a vacation where the inmates are praising him and kissing his ass, so he would have a ball with that,plus whatever stress it puts on his family is out of his hands so Kim and the kids have to carry the ball and he gets off easy again so not good.This way he does short time and has to face the reality that every person including J”NN”D and all of his friends to run for cover!! So he does not have them anymore.His brother in law BD2 and sister BD have given all they are going to give, so he does not have them anymore.His cousin who has a restaurant and a pro football player son has also decided to stop answering the phone for him because it cost him money every time he does and he made that very clear in his restaurantin front of many patrons about how he has to duck that guy, before he borrows more money he can never pay back, him and his wife need to get F_CKING JOBS!!! He said.His brother Bobby would give him the shirt off his back but then poor Bobby doesn’t have much to give. Im sure his other cousins just don’t care because he does not give them the time of day!!!Maybe his California cousin Johnny would help him a little because that’s in his nature and Rudy has probably given him a ton of content for all of his Hollywood gangster stuff plus he couldn’t buy the kind of current PR Rudy has given back to their family.You are right that Rudy does not belong in the Fratto family and is not a pimple on the asses of his Uncles who were real men of honer.So Joe in this end he is forced to only do 1 year if that and real life kicks in again all of the stress and worries of just living life but now he can’t claim his mob boss status or tough guy roll and has to for the first time in his life earn a real living without his old friends or family helping.Him and his wife will be reduced to being a beggars that they have been for years but now it will be forever!!Im sure the only thing that upset his family is that the judge gave him till January to turn himself in and he will be on the phone begging for some extra Xmas money like the Wimpy the hamburger man.I ran into him a few years ago while shopping at Dominicks and he couldn’t wait to tell me who he was with and how important and powerful he had become to even talk about childhood stories of what a tough guy he is but the whole time i’m thinking I grew up with you, you are not this person you are portraying, you can’t fool me because i was there too and you were just the funny looking little kid that got in everybody’s hair.So Joe if you want justice, this is justice to make him live like begger on the street because his gangster day’s are over.
    Elmwood Narc

    • Dear Elm…,

      I appreciate your detailed and informative note. I agree with you. Thank you.
      Please know that I am not devastated by the judge’s decision. Rudy’s lawyer Donny (though I suspect the real brains behind the defenses response was Donny’s brother Phil) submitted great arguments on Rudy’s behalf. The G’s decision to sandbag Rudy came too late (in this case). The case was already established as a regular case, not an Outfit case. The government could appeal the judge’s ruling on the issue, however, I suspect that they might simply focus on bringing a new case against him for any of the hundreds of other crimes he committed over the years. If the G was genuinely serious about locking up Rudy for a long time, yesterday only made their interest in him stronger.

  3. Seems weird to me that Greedy P was made in 1988. One would think it would’ve been much earlier. So, just a few years after he got his badge, his brother pulled the plug on the whole EP crew. Greedy P & his brother were able to live by their wits and off their legitimate income, whereas guys like Rudy & Handsome Mike were not. Boo hoo.

    • Pete was made at the behest of Black Sam, not his brother John. Pete was carrying messages at the time between certain Outfit guys, so Sam wanted Pete made for this reason. John did nothing to stop it, but did not initiate it.

      • Fosco, you really do know a lot about the Outfit. What you
        just said makes perfect sense. I understand that this was also the case with Al Tornabene. Tornabene held as
        similar role as Pete D.

        “Little Al” Tornabene was trusted by Aiuppa
        because of the former’s close association with Black Sam. Though he was
        somewhat involved in actual street rackets, Tornabene’s principal role was
        courier, advisor, and later he functioned as something of an arbiter for

        Carlisi does not get enough credit from O.C. historians as an Outfit boss. His
        influence and power shaped the Outfit for years after he was incarcerated, for
        years after he died, and still shapes it to this day. Carlisi & DiFronzo
        went to prison around the same time on separate cases. But whereas Carlisi died
        there, DiFronzo was released shortly thereafter, owing to a successful appeal
        or legal technicality. DiFronzo then became de facto #1 boss of the Outfit–a
        position he didn’t relish or desire. DiFronzo basically shelved his whole Elmwood
        Park crew, as “Meb” already pointed out. Except for the very brief
        Johnny Apes Era (during which 26th Street was arguably the dominant crew),
        Cicero has basically always been the top street crew in the post-Aiuppa period.

        With DiFronzo sitting on his hands (and Apes deceased), #1 went to Carlisi’s
        heir, Marcello, whose release from prison was imminent. Marcello retained power
        through his proxy Al Tornebene, with Mickey acting as the go-between. This is
        why Marcello was so completely paranoid about the feds pursuing a case against
        who he called “Fau Fau” (Tornabene). Nick Calabrese “could hurt Fau Fau” and
        therefore hurt Marcello, the puppeteer. This is also why Tornabene was
        originally a target in the Family Secrets case. (By the way, I’d bet money that
        Mickey is made, too, given this role and the responsibility that went/goes with
        it.) By the way, I’m not saying that Joe Lump wasn’t also a top boss, but his
        crew dwindled over the years during his own significant incarceration.

        All in all, Black Sam knew what he was doing with his guys. Do you have anything
        to add?

      • wtf happened to the layout of the comment? Why is the spacing all over the place? Can you condense it so it’s easier to read? Thank you. (Please do not post this comment regarding the editing.)

    • Dear Joe,
      I have been following the threads for some time now, but have only recently begun to comment. I just want to say that you have always had great reponses for people. You have a gift with words! But the funniest thing you ever said (without even trying to be funny) was when someone asked you how the outfit still operates when most people believe it no longer exists. You said something along the lines of “there are still people out there that think there is an ‘O’brien’ or a ‘Joe Batters’ that will come after them if they don’t pay up.” Not in those exact words but you said something along those lines. Anyway, you made me laugh.
      Keep on keeping on (Lol)

  4. Dear Stronzo,
    I will put it this way. There is Outfit activity going on in all three places (EP, MP & SP), however, Cicero manages it, and yes, Cicero is “still going on.”

  5. In past articles you mentioned that Mr. Fartto was a pariah and a “gangster without a gang.” Does thus still hold true or, since doing his time on the tax case, has Mr. Fartto found a way to get back into the good graces of Ellwood Park’s top brass? Thank you. I look forward to additional articles regarding mobsters such as Mr. Fartto.

    • Dear Ace,
      Rudy is a gangster without authority to do anything Outfit related, which is why he resorts to worming his way into other peoples scams. If Rudy served 20-years behind bars it would not change anything for him, he would remain without Outfit power.
      By the way, I do not think Rudy would hold up if he had to face 5-10 years in prison.

    • Dear Ivy,
      Counting living Outfit Guys, today, who are “made” and are on the street and in prison would be roughly 40 to 50, according to some of my best sources.

    • One of my good sources does not believe that Mickey could ever rise to anything of significance within the Outfit. However, it’s likely that he will take over whatever legitimate business endeavors the Marcellos have, if any are still in existence.

      • Indeed…eat in there any day in the late 90s and you would see everyone from the Grand Ave. Crew having breakfast. Spina, Cozzo, Dominic, etc.

        • Yeah, I believe its called LaRoc’s, after Jack LaRocca, who also owns that funeral home down the road on Western, as well as the Huron Social/Athletic Club, which is not a hundred yards from both LaRoc’s and the funeral home, and is allegedly the GAC’s social club. But apparently LaRocca has nothing to do with GAC (or does he :-/). LaRoc’s is closed now though, no??

          Anyways I know you can catch GAC guys having coffee at the Starbucks inside the Dominick’s on Chicago & Damen, as well as Uncle Mike’s on Grand down the street from the old II Jack’s, Oggi Trattoria on Grand & Noble, and obviously Richard’s. However the main place they seem to congregate is the Burger Baron also at Grand & Noble.

          • How do you know Jack LaRocco owns the Huron S.A.C.? Or LaRocs Cafe? (I can hear it. Its in the name, right?)

  6. The outfit is my favorite family. They are really secretive and easily have over 100 made members and a thousand associates. They have the city on lockdown. They control all the politicians and crime that goes on in the windy city and their tentacles reach all over the us. They are just so powerful.

  7. Joe, what do you think of sam22’s comments? I think they are mean-spirited and sarcastic. Who do you think is behind the comments?

    • Dear Joe,
      It is important for every Italian-American male to know their heritage. I am glad to see people participating in the threads again. For whatever reason, it seems like a lot of people were scared off which is ridiculous. This is a public forum on the internet for crying out loud. Anyway, the reason I visit this site is because it educates the viewer. Like it or not, the mafia is a huge part of our heritage and it is important to educate oneself in this area. So, if anyone says anything about this being a sick and twisted fascination, they are dead wrong. The stereotype has always followed us around. Hence, why it is important for us to come here and talk to each other which is why I am never going to stop visiting this site.
      In all seriousness, I really do miss the comments posted by Angelo, Horsey and Don. Joe, I assure you that I am not them. It was better with them and some of the other people because they kept it interesting (way more participation). I wish they would come back. Joe, has it ever occured to you that Don or Angelo are just two average guys who follow the outfit and are just putting you on when it comes to them being ‘in the know’ and related to reputed outfit figures. My money is on them being just a couple of average ‘goofballs’ who are putting you on. But, who knows? I could be wrong. Anyway, have a good night and as a great man once said, “Keep on Keepin on” (LOL)

      • Dear Stronzo,
        Anyone and everyone on this planet are allowed to comment here, provided laws are not violated. I will not go into detail, so please do not bother asking, but one of the people mentioned in your previous comment victimized me while violating the law. Once a commenter violates the law, ANP has a duty to permanently block said commenter. Thank you for your readership.”Keep on keepin on.” 🙂

  8. Joe–Did you know Jaimie and Anthony Giannone of Bartlett? What is his connection to the Outfit and is he still active? I know that there were some issues with his wife and John Rainone, hence my question.

    • I met Jamie, who is now married to the Daddono-Rainone rat, Johnny. I met her at Johnny’s mother’s wedding. I never knew Anthony. He was a ‘nothing’ and still is a ‘nothing’. Johnny moved in on Jamie (Anthony’s wife) and wound up marrying her. Every time he beefs with her, he calls his mother crying about it. At least that is what his stepfather always used to tell me. Now that I think of it, his stepdad told me that Jamie used to make passes at him. I honestly do not know if Billy ever took her up an her advances. He once told me that he wanted to. However, these days Billy is busy screwing around with a bartender from Roosters bar in Bloomingdale, IL, which, many, including his wife already knows.

  9. chrismatthewsisgay on

    Dear Joe,

    Is there any connection between some younger associates and the Sinaloa Cartel as has been rumored in some taquerias on Lake Street

  10. Hey guys I’m a relative newcomer to thus site and I considered myself somewhat of an outfit buff until reading your comments here. Now I realize I dont knife much at all. Anyway, I was in Richards not too long ago and was curious the mob connection there? Thanks..