Saturday, March 29

Sexually Assaulting Women In The Name Of Information

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The Mendota Mental Health Institute might want to do another bed check, because it seems like their governor has slipped out of the facility for the umpteenth time.

Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker

Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker

Wisconsin’s very own Union-busting Scott Walker, a relentless shill for the increasingly mentally maladjusted Republican Party, opened his mouth again, and, predictably, a torrent of stupidity came roiling out. At a press event the governor who recently dodged criminal charges in the John Doe probe  said that he doesn’t “have any problem with ultrasound.” He also added that he believes “most people think ultrasounds are just fine.”

On the face of it, that seems like a set of reasonable statements. But, as it is safe to assume with anything Walker says, there’s something sinister going on underneath this benign-looking affirmation.

You see, Governor Walker is glossing over the fact that when he’s speaking about ultrasounds, he’s really talking about forcing women to have them against their will for no medical reason whatsoever.

This latest of Walker’s endless stream of misleading drivel comes in the wake of Wisconsin’s Senate’s push to require ultrasounds for women seeking an abortion. Under the bill (which passed the senate yesterday), an ultrasound technician (not required to be a doctor) would have to display the image of the fetus, describe it and identify any viewable internal organs or external features. The bill also requires abortion facilities to have admitting privileges to a hospital within 30 miles, a move which would shutter some existing clinics.

This is being done in the name of “information.” I’ll let Republican Senator Mary Lazich, the author of the bill, lay out her nonsensical argument:

“If you have a loved one that’s thinking about terminating their pregnancy, for crying out loud, you want them to have full information, you want them to have an ultrasound, you want them to know what’s going on in that womb and what they’re doing, and that they’re not going to be able to change that for the rest of their life!”

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  1. jazzquipster on

    Talk about government intrusion! And this, from the very people who claim they want less government poking around in their lives.

  2. Lol, wow some people have no shame. You may have topped the worst article ever written here, which means you out did yourself once again..this “article” is so ridiculous it doesn’t even warrent a logical response.

  3. Another fine example of hate from the morally repulsive Lucy Raed. In the pursuit of ignorance she wants to kill as many unborn babies as she can. She probably yelled out in orgasmic joy when she heard news reports of how Kermit Gosnell snipped the spinal cords of babies that survived abortions, and cried when he was convicted of murder.