Friday, March 28

A Happy Woman Brings Joy To Others

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Personally, I find women to be among the most fascinating creatures on the planet. Women are beautiful, soft, sweet, kind and loving. They know how to make a man stand at attention in more ways than one. Women are very intelligent human beings.

When a woman falls in love with a man, she might dream of getting married, building a house, raising beautiful children and living happily ever after. First, the woman begins making her wedding plans. However, shortly after starting this special process, the thought of building or buying a marital home emerges, which brings on thoughts of another important subject. After the wedding, the bride and groom begin living together as man and wife with one major objective – making babies.

Her first child is born and it is definitely the most joyous experience of the new mother’s life. She loves her husband with all of her heart for contributing to their marriage and helping her make their first baby. Seven or eight years later, the loving married couple now has two or three children, enrolled in school and on their way to young adulthood. All is progressing as she anticipated. The slow but inexorable dance of life is flowing as it should.

But even seemingly ideal situations can change. In fact, all too often they do.

She is active with her profession or another similar activity, such as charity or a distinct social engagement, when all of a sudden she meets him. He is a special man who catches her eye. He might be strikingly handsome, humorously witty or perhaps very tender and compassionate. Better yet, he might be all of the above. Nonetheless, she is somewhat captivated by this new interest. However, as a loving and respectable and loyal wife and mother she quickly dismisses any serious thoughts of pursuing this new man on an intimate level.

Meanwhile, back at home she starts to see things between her and her husband in a new light. He is not as romantic as he used to be. Perhaps he is emotionally neglectful. However, she credits him for being a good provider and a loving parent. For these reasons, she has convinced herself that her loyalty is with her husband.

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  1. Lovely Linkus on

    Astonishing Joseph. I did not expect you to post something like this?!?! I have mixed feelings about this. On one hand the women is lucky enough to have felt the impact of love from another human being. I think there are many people out there that will never experience that. Secondly a decision to be happy is easier when you are a relationship jumper. If that person never came a long she would have possible stayed in that stagnant marriage until something else happened like death. It saddens me that the reality is marriage isn’t forever in most cases.This topic has led me into my existentialist old self,love sucks and why bother?…