Friday, March 28

ATTN PUBLIC!  Town of Lebanon, Maine, Fire and Rescue Chief Meehan Shortchanged Safety?!

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Lebanon, Maine

Lebanon, Maine

I was recently privileged enough to interview a very thoughtful and caring firefighter from the Lebanon, Maine, area, on American News Post’s “The Joe Fosco Talk Show.”

Aside from this young man’s alleged wrongful termination, it appears the Lebanon Fire Department might be suffering from many problems.

Could it be possible that Lebanon Fire Chief Meehan would rather spend the money on making his command vehicles prettier than fund programs designed to save human life?

Please watch this interview and decide for yourself.



For those of you who are interested in being on the Joe Fosco Talk Show, please email Joe Fosco at

P.S. Does anyone in Maine have knowledge of who owns the company that was recently hired to improve the decals on Chief Meehan’s command vehicles?


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