Friday, March 28

Joe Fosco Show: Lord Black Shares View On Donald Trump

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Lord Black and Mr. Fosco examining a book originally owned and signed by Abraham Lincoln.

Lord Black and Mr. Fosco examining a book originally owned and signed by Abraham Lincoln.

Today’s show was recorded at Lord Black’s Bridle Path estate in Toronto. We met in his library, the grandeur of which attests to Lord Black’s love of the written word. It is truly a sight to behold.

His Lordship was a gracious host. We discussed several topics, including the 2016 U.S. Presidential race. His views on Donald Trump, Ben Carson and Carly Fiorina are worth listening to.

Please enjoy the footage of a conversation we had during my visit.

Rear aerial view of Lord Black’s estate

Rear aerial view of Lord Black’s estate

Joseph Fosco And Lord Black

Joseph Fosco And Lord Black


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