Saturday, March 29

Questionable Deaths Of Two Women Surrounding Nick Caiafa’s Current Campaign For Mayor of Schiller Park, Illinois

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Nick Caiafa

Nick Caiafa

Since Mark Suppelsa’s March 6, 2017, WGN news piece on Schiller Park Police Commissioner, and Leyden Township Trustee Nick Caiafa, I caught wind of various concerns of multiple citizens, who I believe are primarily from the Cook County, Illinois, area. Commissioner and Trustee Caiafa appears to some as a person who may have committed inappropriate and/or illegal acts with respect to two now deceased women, whose somewhat coincidental deaths are now being called into question in part by former federal prosecutor, Sergio Acosta.

In light of this stunning information, there are some questions that come to mind.

· How close is Commissioner and Trustee Caiafa to Rosemont Mayor Bradley Stephens, embattled Elmwood Park Village President Angelo “Skip” Fosco Saviano (fighting civil conspiracy counts in an unrelated matter), and Cook County Board Commissioner Peter Silvestri? So far, I have found lists indicating over 2-dozen political donations from Commissioner and Trustee Caiafa to the aforementioned politicos, as well as to others, spanning roughly a 10-year range (click here and here to review these donations).

· Does Mayor Stephens spend time at Caiafa’s campaign office, which is located in Schiller Park near Irving Park Road and 25th?

· If so, how much time does Stephens spend at Caiafa’s campaign office?

· Do any of the relatives and/or close friends of the now late Mary Fatigato and late Lorraine Michalski recall if either woman ever expressed that Caiafa, and/or others threatened them in any way?

· If so, depending on the nature of any possible alleged threats, could the hearsay law (drafted and enacted for the disgraced and former Bolingbrook, Illinois, Police official Drew Peterson) help build a criminal case against a suspect in the deaths of Fatigato and Michalski?

I wish to clarify that Caiafa is presently not facing any criminal charges, and therefore is considered to be innocent of any crimes. However, considering the seriousness of the questions and subject matter pertaining to Caiafa at this point, I implore the good constituents familiar with Caiafa and other politicos, especially those closely aligned with him at this time, to carefully consider the magnitude of the circumstances that have recently surfaced so prominently.

Being the home of past and late individuals who were politically connected, such as prolific serial killer John Wayne Gacy and infamous wife-killer Drew Peterson, citizens from the greater Chicagoland area should be vigilant when discovering serious questions about the histories of those holding public office, or seeking public office.

Given all these shocking coincidences, I have decided to take a deep look into this matter. However, I need a little help. I would like to rely on some of my many readers, especially those close to the hot mess surrounding Nick Caiafa’s current campaign for mayor of Schiller Park, Illinois.

I further implore those who have not had a chance to view the WGN/Suppelsa piece to do so now by clicking here. If you already watched the WGN piece, please consider viewing it again. The exhibits attached in the hyperlinked WGN piece (and in duplicated links here) should not go unnoticed.

WGN hyperlinked exhibits to review are as follows:
Coroner and Police report on the death of Mary Fatigato
Coroner and Police report on death of Lorraine Michalski

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