Friday, March 28

India’s Epic Conflict Over Ram Janmabhumi

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While the debate over building a mosque in downtown Manhattan rages in the United States, India is coming closer to resolving a centuries-old argument over a holy site sacred to both Muslims and Hindus.

In the city of Ayodhya the battle over the proper use of the birthplace of a Hindu deity has come one step closer to being resolved. The land known as the Ram Janmabhumi (“Birthplace of the Lord Rama”) and the mosque that had been (until recently) built on the site has been the subject of much debate in India for the last sixty years. The recent decision by a three judge panel (composed of two Hindus and a Muslim) found that the holy land should be divided three ways, between two different Hindu organizations and a Muslim one. One Muslim group has already filed an appeal on the ruling, saying they will take the issue all the way to India’s Supreme Court.

The root of the Ram Janmabhumi problem goes back a few centuries and speaks to the complicated religious history of one of the largest countries in the world.

Hinduism is the belief system of the majority of India’s prodigious population. Lord Rama, the seventh avatar of Vishnu, is a particularly famous man and deity in Hinduism. His life is detailed in the Ramayana, one of India’s most cherished epic poems. He is referred to as Maryada Purushottama, meaning the Lord of Self-Control or Lord of Virtue, and his wife, Sita, is considered to be an avatar of Lakshmi. Rama’s most epic accomplishment is the defeat of Ravana, the tyrannical leader of Lanka, which was immediately followed by his installation as King of Ayodhya and assumption of the title Emperor of the World. He is considered the very epitome of moksha (the Hindu concept of attaining total enlightenment and freedom from samsara, the cycle of rebirth), making him the ideal man.

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  1. allah have another on

    muslims always causing trouble where ever they go.

    what they need is a jesse jackson al sharpton type – an islamacist if you will.

  2. IP Address on


    you were never a labor arbitrator. prove it.

    yes, you’ve never been… (YOUR COMMENT HAS BEEN MODIFIED – repetitive rants are considered harassment by our management team and forbidden on this site. Thank you, American News Post).

    i hear you owe… money. why is that? (YOUR COMMENT HAS BEEN MODIFIED – repetitive rants are considered harassment by our management team and forbidden on this site. Thank you, American News Post).
    oh no! joe fosco has an ip address. did you ever think i could be using a computer at an apple store, library, or borrow someone’s comoputer at a coffee shop for $5? i could use someone’s cell phone for god’s sake… (YOUR COMMENT HAS BEEN MODIFIED – libelous statements are forbidden on this site. Furthermore, your comment proves your intent to harass. Every time you ask someone to barrow their phone to send harassing comments to this site, you are exposing your physical identity to an eyewitness. Thank you, American News Post).
    mr. cerone still has all the voice mails you ever left him… (YOUR COMMENT HAS BEEN MODIFIED – libelous statements are forbidden on this site. Thank you, American News Post).

    i never… (YOUR COMMENT HAS BEEN MODIFIED – false statements and insults are forbidden on this site. Thank you, American News Post).

    • Dear IP Address,
      I thought it was understood that I was never an actual labor arbitrator; I have never stated that I was. In fact, I explain it in detail here:
      Yes, my finances are somewhat compromised right now. You are asking me why my finances are compromised. Ask John and Peter DiFronzo, Rudy Fratto, Jack P. Cerone, Esq., and Joseph L. Giacchino, Jr.
      As to the voice mails that I left Jack P. Cerone, Esq., regarding the threats on my life that he played a part in, you may read the court transcripts, which detail the voicemails, here:
      In addition, you may access this article,, which provides a very clear understanding of the details pertaining to the voicemails that you have mentioned. Thank you.
      Please Cease And Desist With Your Lunacy!
      Joseph Fosco