Sunday, March 30

The Rise Of The Greeks

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Greece is the center of the economic chaos currently eating the European Union. It may be what ultimately destroys the much-vaunted Eurodollar. Through a web of financial deception, the Greek government hid its tremendous monetary problems, and in doing so has lured the EU into a trap. Whether or not the Greeks purposefully planned to lay this snare in front of Germany and the other financially solvent EU members remains to be seen, but the hubris of the EU big-wigs almost assures they will fall into it over and over again. The Eurozone, which has been plagued with crippling problems since day one, is currently the largest economy in the world. An admission from the leadership of the Eurozone that the endeavor is ultimately a failure will not come until most of Europe is crippled by the shortsighted economic policies of the EU.

But now it is becoming clear that, even with all the help in the world, Greece will default on its debts. When you factor in the dire financial straights of Italy, Portugal, Spain and Ireland into the mix, the collapse of the Eurozone almost becomes a certainty.

While the governments talk the good talk, the citizens on the street are preparing for the end. The Greeks are revolting against their EU-brainwashed government’s half-hearted attempts to rein in spending. Union strikes and work stoppages are becoming a fact of life in the little Mediterranean republic. The common man’s rebellion against the Teutonic masterminds of the new economic model grows every day. Even today the Greeks chafe at the rulership of a Western power even as they gobble up the resources the EU throws at them. They remember a time when a laborer could afford a cup of coffee, a time when their shores were swapped with tourists attracted to the excellent exchange rates of the drachma. They smell the end of the Euro is near – even if they do not say it out loud.

The funniest part is that Greece will probably emerge from the EU largely unscathed. They will return to their old ways, leaving the wreck of the Eurozone behind them. Future historians will scratch their heads, wondering how the rest of Europe managed to get so utterly bamboozled by little, old Greece, once again conqueror of the known world. Alexander would be proud.

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  1. Good article. I’ll comment on it later. What I’m interested in now is: where the hell is Theodore Roe with his twit of the week? I hope he’s not giving Larry Dominick, Town President of Cicero, a pass on fondling that woman’s breasts whilst passing gas. Didn’t he read page 1 of the Suntimes on Wednesday?

  2. Special Quest Explorer on

    I was told that Jim Morrison fashioned his hair after “Alexander the Great!” If you take a look at the head bust of Alexander shown, you’ll notice that the hair cut is remarkable to Jim Morrison’s hair cut!