Thursday, January 30

Mormonism And Mainstream Christian Belief

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This is, in my opinion, the most shocking divergence from other modern Christian communities, because it is the basis upon which Mormon cosmology really goes off on its own. This shift in the perception of God and Godhead totally alters humanity’s relationship with God. It is also the origin of the belief that Mormons may become Gods themselves and rule over other planets, a belief that has brought endless derision and scorn from other Christian denominations.

Smith ultimately espoused that the difference between beings like Elohim, Jehovah (Jesus), the Holy Spirit and regular humans is really just a matter of enlightenment, because all of humanity has eternally co-existed with the Trinity. Through the following of Jesus’ teachings, participation in the sacraments and good works, a Mormon may become an exalted being. The LDS teaches that even Elohim was once a flesh and blood man and to this day has a glorified physical body, much like Jesus.

While several of the other controversial beliefs of the LDS Church, like the Adam-God Doctrine, Blood Atonement and plural marriage were eventually scrapped by later generations of Church leaders, this exotic take on the nature of God’s relationship with humanity has remained largely intact. This differing on the belief of the structure of the Trinity is not without precedence, however. There has been a long and vigorous debate about the nature of the Trinity throughout much of history, and while it has been at a bit of standstill for the last few hundred years, I think it is hardly strange that some Christian groups would still be up for re-evaluating the concept.

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  1. Mormonism is a cult based upon the word of some guy named Joseph Smith who was probably drunk one night and thought he was talking to God. Please, give me break. Any body that would believe that story is an imbecile.

    • Mormonism is a complete farce like most Organized Religions. The world would be a much happier place if people stopped comparing which one of their Gods has a bigger Penis.  Joseph ( Bullshit ) Smith said God told him to have multiple wives and that the wives need him in order to get into heaven. ( How fucking Convenient! ) Then, later in modern Cult Mormonism, they changed the rule and said it was not acceptable to have multiple wives. I guess God changed his mind. There must have been too many women betting booked into heaven,  they needed more men to even it out. Oh, and also, no African Americans  are allowed into  heaven according to original Mormon doctrine. No African Americans are allowed to become priests. They have to go to their own segregated heaven, kinda like sitting in the back of the bus. 

        • You got that right!  Kkanz, as you can see, I’m not predjudice. I hate all Organized Religions, especially Islam & any other stupid cults. This is how I turned out to be after 16 years of Catholic School from 1st Grade through College. I pray to George Carlin!