Sunday, February 23

Mormonism And Mainstream Christian Belief

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Is the Mormon’s Social Trinitarianism it any stranger than the traditional belief in the Trinity, or other Christian concepts like Transubstantiation or Unconditional Election? In my opinion, not particularly; but it appears my thoughts on this subject do not echo those of many Christians.

Because this prejudice against different views of the Trinity continues to survive, the modern LDS Church has gone a long way to burying their differences with mainstream Christianity. The LDS Church has made repeated efforts to show the compatibility of their beliefs with the rest of Christians while minimizing (at least publically) the differences. There is a renewed attention and emphasis on the Bible and Jesus Christ as savior and redeemer of humanity. the best example I have found of the teachings of modern Mormonism as largely congruent to mainstream Christinaity is in an article written by Gordon Hinckley, who served as the 15th president of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Please read it, as he does an excellent job of outlining his Church’s position.

Hinckley’s message shows that modern Mormons have strongly emphasized the common beliefs they have with mainstream Christian thought. Some take this as a thinly disguised ploy to grow the power of the LDS Church, while others see it as an attempt to heal wounds created by intolerance. Either way there will always remain some insurmountable differences between Mormon, Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant theologies, and fighting wars over them seems to be par for the course. Maybe it would be refreshing to take in the similarities between these different sects and celebrate the heart of what Christian primitivism espoused.

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  1. Mormonism is a cult based upon the word of some guy named Joseph Smith who was probably drunk one night and thought he was talking to God. Please, give me break. Any body that would believe that story is an imbecile.

    • Mormonism is a complete farce like most Organized Religions. The world would be a much happier place if people stopped comparing which one of their Gods has a bigger Penis.  Joseph ( Bullshit ) Smith said God told him to have multiple wives and that the wives need him in order to get into heaven. ( How fucking Convenient! ) Then, later in modern Cult Mormonism, they changed the rule and said it was not acceptable to have multiple wives. I guess God changed his mind. There must have been too many women betting booked into heaven,  they needed more men to even it out. Oh, and also, no African Americans  are allowed into  heaven according to original Mormon doctrine. No African Americans are allowed to become priests. They have to go to their own segregated heaven, kinda like sitting in the back of the bus. 

        • You got that right!  Kkanz, as you can see, I’m not predjudice. I hate all Organized Religions, especially Islam & any other stupid cults. This is how I turned out to be after 16 years of Catholic School from 1st Grade through College. I pray to George Carlin!