Friday, March 28

The Dogmatic Divide Between Modern Evangelical Christianity And The Founding Fathers

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In a recent attack ad, presidential hopeful Rick Perry used the following voiceover:

As president, I’ll end Obama’s war on religion. And I’ll fight against liberal attacks on our religious heritage. Faith made America strong. It can make her strong again.

The politics of the Obama attack aside, one must wonder if Rick Perry’s historical education was as poor as his scientific one. As even a cursory study of American history will show, the founding fathers of our democracy had some ideas about religion that Rick Perry and his fundamentalist elk would find extremely distasteful and potentially blasphemous. Yet it is their versions of faith, which share little or nothing in common with Perry’s brand, that shaped early America and served as the bedrock for the foundation of the United States.

George Washington was raised Episcopalian, a mainline Anglican Church, though there is some serious question as to what, if any, flavor of Christianity he followed as an adult. He was particularly quiet about his own religious beliefs during his public years, even going so far as to not directly confirm he even believed in Christianity. When religion did make it into his public speaking, often limited it to mention of God, typically refraining from using the term Jesus Christ.

Even if Washington retained the faith system of his childhood, it has much more in common with Roman Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy than it does with Rick Perry’s modern Christian Evangelicalism. Episcopalians believe in Apostolic succession and have a strong an emphasis on sacramental theology. While they do not believe in transubstantiation in the strict sense, the teaching of Real Presence does allow for such an interpretation.

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1 Comment

  1. Elect me President. All Organized Religions would be outlawed. There would be no more Democrats or Republicans.  Federal Income tax would be abolished.  10% tax on all items purchaed would be the only tax impossed on Americans.  All American troops abroad would be brought home immediately. All abortions would be legal up to 12 weeks after conception. All  Drugs would be legalized and taxed like anything else.  Gay Marriage would be allowed in every state.  Anyone illegally in this country would be extradited immediately.  All terrorists in this Country would be executed.  Free ice cream every Sunday at Baskin Robbins would be mandatory.