Wednesday, January 22

The Dogmatic Divide Between Modern Evangelical Christianity And The Founding Fathers

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James Madison, primary author of the Bill of Rights, co-author of the Federalist Papers and forth President of the United States, and James Monroe, A Revolutionary War hero that studied law under Thomas Jefferson and was the fifth President of the United States, were also Episcopalians by birth. James Monroe was perhaps even more secretive than Washington about his religious beliefs. Since practically none of his personal papers have survived to this day, there are many questions about what Monroe really believed.

There have been more Episcopalian Presidents of the United States than any other Christian denomination. Other Episcopalian presidents include William Henry Harrison, John Tyler, Zachary Taylor, Franklin Pierce, Chester A. Arthur, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Gerald Ford and George H. W. Bush. Theodore Roosevelt counted himself as a member of the Dutch-Reformed Church, but would attend Episcopalian services if it was more convenient. Alexander Hamilton, the first Secretary of the Treasury (who wielded tremendous influence on the formation of early federal economic systems) and co-author of the Federalist Papers along with Monroe and John Jay, an extremely powerful early American statesman, diplomat and Governor of New York, were also Episcopalians.

John Adams, one of the primary authors of the Declaration of Independence and the Massachusetts state Constitution (not to mention the second President of the United States), was a Unitarian. One of the most important beliefs in this Protestant doctrine is the unity of God and the rejection of the Holy Trinity. This teaching alone fundamentally separates the faith of John Adams from evangelical Protestantism. John Quincy Adams, son of John Adams and the Sixth President of the United States, was also a Unitarian.

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1 Comment

  1. Elect me President. All Organized Religions would be outlawed. There would be no more Democrats or Republicans.  Federal Income tax would be abolished.  10% tax on all items purchaed would be the only tax impossed on Americans.  All American troops abroad would be brought home immediately. All abortions would be legal up to 12 weeks after conception. All  Drugs would be legalized and taxed like anything else.  Gay Marriage would be allowed in every state.  Anyone illegally in this country would be extradited immediately.  All terrorists in this Country would be executed.  Free ice cream every Sunday at Baskin Robbins would be mandatory.