Monday, March 31

The Pope ‘Speaks Out’ On Child Abuse, But Does Little Else

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Where are the mass convictions? Why aren’t the prisons getting a fresh batch of child molesters? In the case of Ireland, it is because the commissions were not formed to bring charges, merely to shine a light on the offending institutions in order to curtail further abuse. In the case of the Ryan report, that ability was curtailed even further, due to a legal challenge from the Christian Brothers. They got all the names redacted so that they could deal with the abusers in private.

So what is the Pope’s response to this litany of horrific abuses? “Jesus’ harsh words in the Bible about those who harm children should commit everyone to never lowering the level of respect and love.”

Is he really serious?

How could the Pope be so divorced from the reality of this situation? In an e-mail statement, Barbara Dorris, a director at SNAP (Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests) wrote, “These are more meaningless and self-serving words from the Vatican. How many times does the Pope get to ‘condemn’ clergy sexual abuse while doing virtually nothing to stop it?”

The Catholic Church has succeeded in hiding these abuses for so long specifically because they are either unable or unwilling to admit the full scope of this disaster and reap the terrible publicity it will surely bring. Joseph Fosco, a founding member of the Chicago-based Cardinal Cody Observation Commission, has commented frequently on the Church’s obsession to avoid publicity by employing a veil of secrecy. “What I find especially alarming is the Archdiocese of Chicago’s obsession over ‘scandal prevention’, which seems to be more of a concern than the safety of children. The depositions of Cardinal George and Bishop Goedert clearly show that scandal is among their chief concern (in my opinion). It was sad to read letters regarding the late Cardinal Bernardin, who apparently was as worried about scandals as his successor seems to be. I understand that scandals are critical matters, but the safety of children is far more critical.”

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  1. Dear Alex,

    Thank you for another great article. Everyone should call upon the Pope to make a rule that “all child molesters be immediately turned over to the secular authorities.”

  2. it is my opinion that until the offenders are made answerable to secular authorities, there will continue to be touchers disguised as priests.

    please tell me that the CCOCommish is AGAINST touchers!

  3. Like in Corporate America, the man at the top has to take the praising along with the criticism. The Roman Catholic Church is a huge International Corporation. The safety and preservation of the Corporation to stay in power comes before anything else as clearly demonstrated by his Holiness, the Pope. He should be indicted on criminal charges along with much of the other Hierarchy. That’s exactly what would happen in Corporate America. Why should the Roman Catholic Church be any different?