Sunday, February 23

Will Obama’s Overture To Iran Cause Alienation Down The Road?

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And here’s where the irony comes in. The sad thing is we’ve dealt directly with Iranian despots before, and the results were seriously lacking.

Remember the Shah? The United States was best buddies with Iran under his rule. This relationship is one of the biggest reasons we have a problem with the current government of Iran. When we cut a deal to work with the despotic leader of Iran we alienated the Islamic government that overthrew it. Are we going to make this same mistake again?

The majority of Iran’s population is comprised of young men and women. There is overwhelming evidence that they are unhappy with the current state of their country. Hopefully they can affect some positive change in the years to come, and wouldn’t it be great if we can say that the United States was never allied with the dictatorial theocracy that ran their country? We have a chance to prove that we are primarily interested in freedom and self-expression, and want all people around the world to have a say in government.

In the next 20 years Iran might be going through another revolution, and I hope we’re not caught on the wrong side of freedom yet again simply because the Obama administration wants to score some points in the land of international politics.

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