Sunday, February 23

The Templeton Prize Celebrates The Inherent Compatibility Of Science And Religion

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However Dr. Ayala is also against the wholesale dismissal and belittlement of religion by some of his collogues. “Richard Dawkins (biologist and author of The God Delusion) has been a friend for more than 20 years, but it is unfortunate that he goes beyond the boundaries of science in making statements that antagonize believers.” (source)

Dawkins has famously criticized the validity Templeton Prize, saying it is typically given “to a scientist who is prepared to say something nice about religion”. (source)

I find it curious that more people do not share the beliefs of Dr. Ayala. Fundamentally science and religion answer different questions about life. Science is the tool that can give us the how of reality and religion (as with all philosophy) can give us the why of reality. Science is not equipped to supply meaning to the processes of existence. It cannot make a moral decision about the birth of the butterfly or cellular mitosis. Religion is not equipped to supply the diagram for existence. It cannot inform us on how a combustion engine works or why gravity warps light. Because they fundamentally address different concerns, there need not be any real conflict between the two fields.

“I contend that science and religious beliefs need not be in contradiction … if they are properly understood,” says Dr. Ayala, and I wholeheartedly agree. Please leave your thoughts on this matter in the thread below. I look forward to hearing what others think about this idea.

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