Biden “Forcibly” Defeats Ryan
In one of the most clear-cut, decisive victories I have ever seen in a televised…
In one of the most clear-cut, decisive victories I have ever seen in a televised…
Editor’s note: Welcome to a new feature here at ANP, Roe v. Raed. In these…
Last week Mitt Romney yet again proved what a tremendously terrible president he would be. He chose to make political hay over how a local embassy chief expressed a message of religious tolerance hours before a riot broke out, and laid the blame for this chief’s actions squarely at the feet of President Barack Obama. Rarely have I seen this level of idiocy displayed on the national stage.
The Republican National Convention was its usual clot of cloying, decrepit and tiresome swill. More money for the rich, less money for the poor, starving and homeless. More money for the overly bloated military-industrial complex (even Ron Paul knows this is bad), less money for college students and the elderly. It was the often repeated mantra of liberty and justice for all… who can afford it. Everyone else is SOL.
It is sad to see men who so nobly served their country become shills for…
It took the boldness and courage of the Speaker of the Senate to shine the…