Thursday, March 6

KTF Media Group Welcomes Betty Loren-Maltese, Former Town President Of Cicero, Illinois, As Our Latest Literary Contributor

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For those of you that do not know me, I am Betty Loren-Maltese, the former Town President of Cicero, Illinois.

I have recently made the decision to be a literary contributor to KTF Media Group because of some common experiences that I happen to share with the Publisher, Mr. Joseph Fosco, and part-time contributor Conrad Black. All of us have suffered (in some cases considerably) from victimization by the law or the underworld – and, in some cases, by both.

The Chicago Outfit has victimized Mr. Fosco. The entire judicial branch of the Northern District of Illinois, including the United States Court of Appeals Seventh Circuit, has victimized Mr. Black. Both of these entities have hijacked my life in the past, and I know how difficult and painful it is to go on living after this kind of persecution. I hope I am able to exorcise some of these demons here, much like Mr. Fosco has done, and contribute to the social and political well-being of the greater Chicagoland area.

I would like every media outlet and advertising venue that takes interest in me to know that I am represented by KTF Media Group and its Publisher Joseph Fosco. For all requests, please contact Mr. Fosco at For those that have acquired my phone number do not be insulted when I simply refer you to Mr. Fosco’s email address in lieu of answering any questions or making any comments.

For viewers of my future articles that wish to reach me, you may do so at

During my involvement with KTF Media Group I plan to write about various current affairs in the Chicago area as well as relevant topics related to my experiences. Of course, I will not get too specific about my past, as I have a pending book deal that will cover all the details.

I will have my first article up in a couple of days and look forward to your support and criticism.

Thank you and have a nice day.

/s/ Betty Loren-Maltese



  1. the ghost of... on

    I’m really looking forward to reading your material, ma’am.


    the ghost of…

  2. Greater Oboe on

    Yet another whistle blower. Joe, is KTF about to hand the Outfit its lunch?

  3. I have a question, ma’am.

    I’m not sure if you ever had the pleasure of meeting the late-mob boss Joey Aiuppa, but, if so, can you provide any explanation for his appearance? Supposedly, he was dangerous and powerful, but he dressed like an old, harassed-looking man who had lost his faculties. I have difficulty reconciling his wardrobe with his reputation.

  4. happy you joined..interested in what you have to say.
    p.s… gat a raw deal. others have done WAY worse, and recieved NOTHING !!!

  5. Im rubber your glue,,, on

    You did get a raw deal! Cicero Took 2 steps back when you left!

  6. Do think it was right you AND your mother had health insurance paid for by the City of Cicero while the city’s retired firemen and policemen paid?

  7. Mr. Jingled... on

    Haha. Infelise (that MOTHER!) and Solly D. Are you going to write anything about them?

    I am REALLY looking forward to what you’re going to write about!

  8. Dear Mrs. Loren Maltese:

    I enjoyed your snubbing of Mr. Goudie – WE LOVE YOU!!!

  9. Hey Betty
    Just wondering when you are going to start responding to the comments people are leaving ? & f** k Rocky & Solly two one way streets along with the rest of those guys ……..!!!!!!

  10. “Zizzo was feuding with reputed Cicero street crew boss Michael “Big Mike” Sarno, 52, and “that came to a crescendo just before Zizzo was last seen,” according to a confidential federal informant described in the court document as an upper-echelon member of the Outfit who has been providing information to the government for more than 25 years. The informant is not identified.” — Warmbir, Sun Times

    Any ideas who the double agent is?


  12. Ms. Maltese: I am hoping movie director John Waters will discover you and offer you a part in a future film. You’d also be great as a reality TV cast member.

  13. All you deaf blind and stupid people
    who think she got a raw deal
    no the tax payers and employees got a raw deal , most politicians who get caught
    cry not me,I didn’t do it. Like most criminals do the crime do the time

    who get nailed

  14. Common sense on

    If anyone is looking for any sort of open forum, don’t bother. This is ran like a dictatorship. Your voice just disappears if you ask the wrong question. Or maybe it’s the right one.