Jihadists and Fuhrers and Premieres, Oh My!
A New York Times story that the United States and Iran had finally come to…
A New York Times story that the United States and Iran had finally come to…
In one of the most clear-cut, decisive victories I have ever seen in a televised…
As if we needed another reason to turn the president out of office, Bloomberg News…
With six weeks until the presidential election, Mitt Romney is fighting an uphill battle against…
Obama must be getting smarter in his old age. Recently he agreed with a statement floating around on Twitter that Bill Clinton should be his “Secretary of Explaining Things.” Lately everyone seems to be gobbling up Clinton’s particular brand of bullshit, but that is nothing new. Obama could learn a thing or two about how politics is actually played from a man like Bill Clinton. He may be the most gifted politician of his generation… and I do not mean that as a compliment.
The Republican National Convention was its usual clot of cloying, decrepit and tiresome swill. More money for the rich, less money for the poor, starving and homeless. More money for the overly bloated military-industrial complex (even Ron Paul knows this is bad), less money for college students and the elderly. It was the often repeated mantra of liberty and justice for all… who can afford it. Everyone else is SOL.
California is nearly 400 billion dollars in debt. The lukewarm sense of hope following the…
Word has come that Bashir al-Assad’s illegitimate regime has begun moving stockpiles of chemical weapons…
This week’s Twit got FactChecked into the wall by the center forward of team truth.…
As you may or may not have heard, Prince Nayef bin Abdul-Aziz, next in line…