Saturday, March 29

Old And New World Meet: Octoberfest In Bucktown

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Older schools with changing neighborhoods have closed by the thousands across America during the past three decades. St. Mary’s has survived such defeat due to a commitment from the parish, teachers, Archdiocese of Chicago, and from the parents who want this “family school” to remain a vital part of the community for years to come. In addition, a large part of the help comes from organizations like American Courier Service Publication. These two organizations have worked very hard behind the scenes to ensure that St. Mary of the Angels School will remain in greet working order (this combination has proven successful).

Nevertheless, what about this Octoberfest in Bucktown? Just what kind of celebration and festival has been planned? Event Chairperson Greg Viti, who is part of the St. Mary’s family, has developed an outstanding program for this one-day celebration. In cooperation with families, neighbors and teachers, Greg has an event everyone will “love.”

There will be an outstanding Beer Garden hosted by local a merchant, The Cortland Garage. Our food court will feature a tremendous variety from another local merchant, Moonshine Restaurant. In addition, we will have a special selection of authentic Polish food, prepared the old-world way. In addition, we will have special a selection of genuine Mexican food. Now that is variety, and in keeping with the old-world Octoberfest style. In addition, need I mention the beer will be cold.

Octoberfest in Bucktown will feature a live music stage and runway. At 11 AM, our entertainment programs begin with a professional storyteller, something children of all ages will love. Following that, the Academy of Irish Music will perform with authentic Irish music and dance. Following that, recording artist Gary Filip & Friends will take the stage to entertain. We will also have several fashion shows that will be featured. The local shops have come together to help put on an outstanding and fun fashion show for the entire family. We will have two large screen televisions so you will not miss a minute of your favorite sporting events.

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