Saturday, March 29

Old And New World Meet: Octoberfest In Bucktown

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Our family event, with a 100-foot main tent will also feature a huge section dedicated to the children. From a special 25’ firefighter inflatable slide and two other large inflatable devices, our children will have fun. There will be a special children’s food section as well.

Octoberfest in Bucktown will also have a special raffle designed to allow our guests the opportunity of wining some fantastic prizes, which include, a cash prize of $2,000, a weekend stay at Hotel Sax valued at $1,600, a cash prize of $1,000 and a weekend stay at a Galena Resort. All of that, plus much more from buying a $10 raffle ticket. Again, 100% of all profits from Octoberfest in Bucktown goes directly back to helping St. Mary of the Angels School.

There will also be three local radio stations broadcasting from St. Mary of the Angels during our wholesome and cozy event. A radio broadcasts that I would like to draw special attention to isRelevant Radio (950 AM), which is the home of Catholic Radio in Chicago. We will be broadcasting live from St. Mary’s from 3 PM to 4:30 PM. Very Rev. Father Peter V. Armenio, Joseph Fosco, founder and editor of The Keys To Faith Publication, and Alex Sharp, freelance writer, will host that special segment of Relevant Radio. Father Peter, Joseph and Alex will discuss ‘Catholic education in today’s world’ and ‘raising children Catholic today’. Special guests include, Cook County Commissioner, Cook County’s next States Attorney, and good Catholic, Tony Peraica. We invite everyone to listen to the radio show.

Following the radio show Father Peter will celebrate a special 5 PM Mass dedicated to ‘Our Lady of the Pillar 10-12’ in St. Mary of the Angels Church (named the most beautiful church in the Midwest). Everyone in the community is invited to this mass. Afterwards everyone can meet Father Peter, Joe Fosco and our radio shows special guest, Cook County Commissioner, and Cook County’s next States Attorney, Tony Peraica.

We invite you to join us.

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