Saturday, February 22

Democratic Party: “Catholics Get Lost!”

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The truth in this matter is the national Democratic Party will neither consider a Catholic lawyer for seat on The United States Supreme Court nor will they allow the Republicans to nominate a Catholic. Let me repeat: It is now the policy of the national Democratic Party, its national leaders and the Democratic Party’s Presidential nominee Barack Obama, to not allow a Catholic to be considered for the highest court in the land. Why is that? It is because the Catholic Church, with its doctrine, tradition and the teachings of the Pope come out against abortion. It is the policy of the Democratic Party in America today that is telling anyone who will listen, “Catholics, we want your votes but we don’t want you in the Supreme Court.” The Democratic Party believes today that they have the Catholic votes because of their Social Conscious and therefore they do not have to listen to any Catholic issues or beliefs concerning abortion. The Democratic Party has decided not to let the sanctity of life become part of their platform.

Yes, there are people who say they are Catholics and support the polices of the Democratic Party. Senators Kennedy and Kerry of Massachusetts both claim they are Catholic yet, pandering to their party, they both support abortions upon demand. They are Catholics who believe in interpreting Catholic doctrine and polices to benefit them politically. In the view of the Democratic Party, they believe that is the overwhelming view of today is American Catholics.

The Democratic Party is stating that not anyone who follows the teachings and policies of the Catholic Church need apply nor should they even be considered for the highest office in the land. In other words, the National Democratic Party is saying to Catholics in the United States – GET LOST! All we want is your vote.

If Catholics realized the true nature of what the Democratic Party stands for, they would not support a party that is so un-Catholic. To John McCain and the Republicans, why not ask the Democratic Party and its leaders, “Why is the Democratic Party Anti-Catholic?” Demand Barack Obama answers this question, “Would you nominate someone who is a true Catholic to the Supreme Court?”

Since the media is protecting the Democratic Party by not asking the hard questions, it is not shocking that Barack Obama has not been asked, “Why Is the Democratic Party in America Anti-Catholic!?” If Catholics knew the truth about the Democratic Party, I do not think the polls would be evenly split.

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