Sunday, March 30

Ignorance and Upheaval

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I, Joseph Fosco, would like to make some brief statements relating to the 2008 Election. Following my remarks I will be posting my friend Conrad Black’s article recently published by the National Post of Canada.

I have always been a firm believer that in order to be a good American, one must respect the person elected to serve as our President. I congratulate Barack Obama on his enormous achievement. I sympathize with John McCain, who fell short of his goal. He deserves much more. I wish to address our current President, George Bush, who has worked hard to keep our fine nation safe. Thank you President Bush.

I would like to take some time to shed light on the George Bush Presidency. Our President, George Bush, has made the safety of Americans his top priority. Perhaps gasoline prices became a challenge for some, and banking problems for others. However, blame should not be directed to George Bush, especially not for the banking debacle of recent that was triggered by an army of fools, who lack basic money management skills.

Please take the time to read Conrad Black’s article:

Ignorance and Upheaval

The U.S. presidential election campaign that is now finally ending (the 2012 campaign will begin on Thursday, and will probably cost $2-billion) has been so entangled with economic, racial and ethical questions, that it has obscured the most stark ideological differences between candidates since Ronald Reagan and Jimmy Carter in 1980.

Senator Barack Obama, who has the most liberal voting record of any current U.S. senator, is well to the left, according to all polls, of most Americans. He is surging toward the feat recently achieved by Stephen Harper in Canada: Being elected although most of his countrymen are ideologically closer to his chief opponent.

The voters have been heavily distracted by the financial crisis. Mr. Obama has displayed an almost sphinx-like discretion on the subject — while John McCain has produced a daily kaleidoscope of hip-shooting responses and King Lear-like promises of vengeance on the greedy financiers and sloppy regulators.

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