Tuesday, March 25

God Has Made A Way

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Pastors Dennis and Bobbie Jo White

Pastors Dennis and Bobbie Jo White

In life we sometimes get ourselves into situations that seem almost impossible to get out of. We spend too much money, we work too many hours, we didn’t work enough hours, we said things we should not have said or we forgot to take care of some important business.

Whatever the case, God has made a way where there seems to be no way. He has made a way out or your mess, a way out of your situation, a way out of your circumstance and a way to take care of all the things that have gone wrong. With the problem you are presently facing God says in 1 Corinthians 10:13b “but with the temptation (condition of things) will also make a way of escape…”

I don’t care what condition your finances are in, what condition your health is in, what condition your marriage is in or what condition your employment status is in. God has already made an exit so that you can be set free to deal with where you are stress and anxiety free. There is no problem you will ever face that does not already have a solution to it.

Step back, breathe and get focused on the solution and not stuck on the problem!

Your Best Is Yet To Come!

Dennis & Bobbie Jo White


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