Friday, March 28

You Are Not Plan ‘B’

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Pastors Dennis and Bobbie Jo White

Pastors Dennis and Bobbie Jo White

You may not have been planned by your parents or those who brought you into this world but be assured of this; the fact that you are alive is proof that you are indeed necessary. You were allowed to be born for a reason.

You may not as of yet discovered your true purpose in life but just know that God never creates anything that does not serve a unique purpose. The Bible reminds us in Psalm 139:14 that “I am fearfully and wonderfully made; marvelous are they works;…” That word marvelous means you are surpassing, distinguished and extraordinary. Having these types of qualities is reason enough to know you have a grand purpose in life.

Everyone and everything has and serves a needed purpose in this life. Chairs, tables, cars and houses all serve a purpose. If doctors did not have patients, if lawyers did not have clients, if restaurants did not have patrons how would this world succeed. People just like you are make this world a success.

You are not plan ‘B’, you are in fact PLAN ‘A’! You are an original and there is not anyone on earth who looks like you, acts like you are who can do what you were gifted to do. Life is not about you comparing yourself to others, it’s about you being the best that only you can be.

Celebrate who you are, let the real you come forth and release the extraordinary abilities that are within you. You were created and designed to be a success in life!

Your Best Is Yet To Come!

Dennis & Bobbie Jo White


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