Wednesday, March 26

Keep Reaching

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Pastors Dennis and Bobbie Jo White

Pastors Dennis and Bobbie Jo White

As we plan for this New Year it is important that we take inventory of the things we did not yet accomplish. For whatever reason they did not come about does not mean they still cannot happen.

I tend to believe that not everything we want or wish for is meant for us. Some people or things are not good for our development or future. What we need to do is redefine our priorities and our purpose. It’s another year to revise our life’s vision and keep moving forward. In the Bible the Apostle Paul said in Philippians 3:13 “forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead.” Yes, Paul said Keep Reaching!

Keep your eyes on the prize, stay focused on the goal and Keep Reaching for the dream. Learn from the past but don’t let it hold you back. Failing is not failure if you learn from the experience and keep going after your heart’s desire. Forget about what did not go right, did not take place or did not pan out.

Paul also says in that scripture “even though I did not apprehended or received some things I must keep moving forward.” 2014 is the year to keep moving forward, to keep believing for the best, to keep speaking positively and to Keep Reaching for those things which are ahead.

Your Best Is Yet To Come!

Dennis & Bobbie Jo White


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