Saturday, March 29

I Will Not Fear

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Pastors Dennis and Bobbie Jo White

Pastors Dennis and Bobbie Jo White

I have learned that when creativity stops or problems solving becomes an issue it is due to people’s fears. Fear is the opposite of faith and phrases like “I can’t, It won’t or I don’t see how” are all fear producing thoughts.

Fear does not focus on success it focuses on failure. In 2 Timothy 1:7 the writer instructs us “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” God never gave you an ability to fear! Your DNA is not a make-up of timidity, shyness or cowardice.

In you is the power to get the job done, the ability to love others and the discipline to make those tough decisions in life. You were never meant to fear your bills, you were never meant to fear your boss, you were never meant to fear taking risks and you were never meant to fear making difficult decisions.

This year you have to believe in God, believe in yourself and believe that when you step out by faith something good is going to happen. You don’t have an ability fail, you have an ability to be a success in life.

Don’t be afraid to color outside the lines, that’s where the real creativity lies.

Your Best Is Yet To Come!

Dennis & Bobbie Jo White


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