Sunday, February 23

Political Contributions by Media Fail Americans

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The media under-reports important stories all the time in favor of stories that coincidentally coincide with the narrative the Democratic Party is pushing. Instead of being well informed on Fast and Furious scandal, the American people are made aware that Rush Limbaugh called a 30 year old student activist a derogatory name. That bias has been evident to conservatives for decades. Every so often the bias reaches a boiling point and the need to point and make notice becomes urgent. Quite coincidentally, these boiling points crop up around important elections.

In 2006, the year Democrats regained control of the House of Representatives after 12 years in the minority, Mark Foley, a little known Republican congressman from Florida found infamy after it was discovered that he had exchanged inappropriate messages with under aged pages. Democrats largely based their national campaign on Foley. The media willingly did their part to fuel public disgust.

In 2008, the New York Times printed a full front page tabloid style piece with unsubstantiated claims that Republican presidential candidate, and presumed nominee, John McCain had a long term affair with a staffer. After the election, the public became aware of a cabal of mainstream journalists cohesively working on the campaign narrative behind the scenes, using an online discussion board dubbed The Journo List.

In 2012, the media is doing everything it can to ensure an Obama victory. The list is seemingly endless. In January, the Obama campaign drummed up a fictional war on women by the GOP. The media pliantly published stories about Republicans’ “problem with women.” Next, Obama made an issue of how many years worth of tax returns Romney released. For months, at nearly every opportunity, Romney, his wife and his campaign surrogates were queried on this trivial nonissue.

When the media collectively sets its sight on the “important” issues, it’s very difficult for any other narrative to break through. The American people are deprived of important information in exchange for being spoon fed the media approved story du jour. Joe Scarborough, of MSNBC recently lamented Mitt Romney for the timing of a statement critical of the Obama Administration because it prevented the press from adequately reporting on the security failures regarding the attack on the U.S. consulate in Libya and assassination of Ambassador Chris Stevens. Indeed, the press spent the better part of three days probing the Romney campaign on his statement and precious little on the unraveling nature of the White House narrative of the incident.

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  1. I find that it’s easier to read this column if you do it while imagining a teeny, tiny, sad violin playing in the background.

  2. I find that it’s easier to read this column if you do it while imagining a teeny, tiny, sad violin playing in the background.

  3. Fed up but hopeful on

    BOTH sides are manipulating their media outlets. Why can’t the media remain unbiased? It is ridiculous to see them carrying water for their candidate. This is not the America I fought to defend for so many years. Shame on them all.