Thursday, March 6

Sandy And The Politics of Presidential Leadership

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Along with the devastation caused by Hurricane and Superstorm Sandy, the nation is being availed of the opportunity to see an American president acting presidential. Barack Obama took time off of the campaign trail to play the part of president that he sought with rare perseverance during his 2008 iteration. It is striking, to see the President providing relief updates and seemingly in command in the situation room, particularly because this is leadership that’s been in rare supply over the last four years.

The pundits are all wondering, with all known variables being considered, “How will Sandy affect the presidential election?” The answer is simple however unhelpful, “no one can possibly know.” The storm will probably dampen turnout in the affected areas. No one knows how that will play out. As for how Sandy will impact cast votes remains unclear.

What voters should consider is the novelty experience it is to see the current president treating a crisis with a presidential level of attention.

Consider that Obama took nine days to publicly speak about the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill of 2010. His remarks were hastily inserted to his presentation of the Teacher of the Year award on April 29, literally minutes before Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal declared a state of Emergency due to the approaching oil’s impact on the coast. During the worst environmental disaster in United States history, the Obama administration appeared impotent and late to the scene.

Governor Christie and President Obama

Governor Christie and President Obama

There were no such photos from the situation room during Hurricane Isaac, which made landfall in New Orleans with sustained winds of 80mph. Obama was on the campaign trail that day, first in Iowa, then Colorado. Isaac was not as large or strong as Sandy, but concerns centered on the durability of the reinforced levees after their wide spread failure after Hurricane Katrina.
Even as the East Coast made final preparations for Sandy’s landfall, Obama had intended to be out on the stump in Florida and Ohio. On Sunday evening, Obama flew from Washington to Orlando, Florida. Only when it became apparent that Air Force One would be flying into the storm were events cancelled. First the Ohio leg of the campaign trip was cancelled. The campaign cancelled the Orlando event Monday morning, citing the deteriorating weather conditions.

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