Saturday, March 29

An Udder Waste: McMahon Milks Public Schools

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After Chicago’s finest counted the hard-cash, Milkman ordered his prey (the vixen) to count it again. While the ambitious young woman was counting away, the Milkman continued his obscene assault. “When you are done, I’ll take you downtown to see Mayor Daley and some other good friends of mine,” he lustily slurred.

The young student’s eyes widened. Unfortunately, the naive young woman seemed impressed with the Milkman’s pathetic antics. According to my source, this was simply a typical evening for the Milkman.

Sometimes McMahon wouldn’t restrict his pursuits to just the fairer sex. One particular evening sometime around 2006 my source was yet again with the Milkman at Hawkeye’s. Frank was purportedly so intoxicated that he was actually hitting on an extremely feminine-looking male student with pretty long blond hair, who supposedly looked like a woman. The two left together, however, we have no idea if anything occurred that would have caused anyone embarrassment.

How can Rahm Emanuel look the Chicago taxpayer right in the eye and say that the only recourse for fixing the budget is to close schools when companies like McMahon Food Corp, brought to prominence by men like Frank, continue to milk the system? The Milkman’s lack of respect and decency, center stage and for all to see in bars like Hawkeye’s, partnered with his proud embrace of corruption is emblematic of what is wrong with the Windy City.

We have a duty to continue exposing how taxpayers’ hard earned money is enjoyed by the fat-cats who know how to rub elbows with “the powers that be” and enrich themselves by doing it. McMahon Food Corp is only the tip of the corruption iceberg – but we need to start somewhere.

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