Thursday, March 27

Outfit Stool Pigeons Want Their Cake And Eat It Too

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I know some readers may be willing to allow that the Frattos and Dadonno/Rainones of the world might betray the Outfit for leniency, but Johnny DiFronzo? Certainly the top boss would not cooperate with law-enforcement. While I have nothing but circumstantial evidence to prove that charge, I do know that Johnny DiFronzo is fully capable of betraying the Outfit, especially when it comes to saving a DiFronzo.

Let me tell you about the drug case of the early 1990s, where John DiFronzo’s brother, Joe, became a fugitive.

When Joe DiFronzo was charged in a narcotics case, Chicago Outfit overlord Sam Carlisi decided to put a hit on him. Narcotic dealing was forbidden by those in the Outfit’s hierarchy, and the ban not only included made members of the organization, but extended families as well (ask the Outfit family of the late Willie Messino, whose own nephew, Chris Cardi, was killed for his involvement in narcotic dealing).

My father

My father

Carlisi’s underboss, John DiFronzo, did what he was supposed to do and agreed with Sam that Joe needed to die. John never had any intention of knocking down his brother, however. Instead John betrayed Carlisi and ordered my now late father to hide Joe out at my dad’s Florida vacation home. Although Joe DiFronzo did not remain at my father’s Florida residence for an extended period, he was there long enough for my father to learn that John DiFronzo was betraying Carlisi’s wishes.

My poor father, who served in fear of John DiFronzo, shared this story with me for the first time shortly before his passing. Now, with the recent death of my uncle, I have decided that I have no important reason to keep this family secret any longer.

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  1. Great piece Frank! I commend you for sharing such tense
    stuff. May your dad finally rest in peace. I am sorry about the fear your now
    late dad lived in because of the DiFronzos.

  2. Frank, with respect to your question posed on page two (last
    paragraph), I believe former police officer and convicted murderer, Drew
    Peterson, would like to know the answer as well. lol

  3. Wisconsin Reader on

    Frank, Wouldn’t Joe Fosco also be considered a stool pigeon for telling secrets about the Outfit supposedly told to him by Willie Messino? Every stool pigeon has to create some kind of justification for their betrayal of Confidence. How is Joe Fosco different from other stool pigeons?

    • Dear WI,
      I’ll answer for Frank (however, Frank, please feel free to speak up if you care to spend the time). I believe Frank’s latest article is referring to people who have received special treatment for unknown reasons from the U.S. Attorney’s Office. Go read the article again perhaps you have not grasped it the first time. Trying to loop me into the matter is somewhat of a stretch. However, you are free to think of whatever you wish. On another note, thank you for visiting ANP. Take care.

    • Willie never told him any real Outfit secrets. Fosco made up those stories because of his insane jealousy of the DiFronzos who never did anything against him and don’t give a fuck about him one way or the other.

      • The commenter who is known by many assumed names including his or her recent name “Joe Gags,” is obviously working at an insignificant pace in attacking American News Post as he or she lashes out in aid of Johnny DiFronzo, who is the known boss of bosses of one of the most lethal criminal organizations ever based in America.

  4. Wisconsin Reader on

    I see your point. You obviously have not received special treatment from the Government for your betrayal of of Willie Messino, Mike Magnaficchi and Joe Devita. How do you know that John Difronzo is receiving special treatment? In a criminal case, you need more evidence than the ” Word ” of a stool pigeon like Nick Calabrese. The other people in the Family Secrets Trial were convicted with SUPPORTING evidence to go along with the ” Word ” of Nick Calabrese. I don’t think Frank completely understands the criminal trial logic which is much different than a civil trial.

    • Again, WI, please read Frank’s article again. And, this time, keep Drew Peterson in mind. Drew would probably appreciate your take on law and evidence.

  5. Wisconsin Reader on

    It’s not ” My Take ” on Criminal law, it’s the way the law operates. You cannot convict someone on strictly the WORD of a stool pigeon. There has to be corraborating evidence. That’s why the Government did try and prosecute DiFronzo. I don’t know if DiFronzo is geting special treatment or not getting special treatment and neither do you. The POINT is that you cannot ever get a conviction on soley the word of a stool pigeon. You need more. Do you understand this concept or do you just want to be contrary?

    • Dear WI,
      Before I retire for the evening (actually early morning), I will refer you to our honorary expert on evidence and murder convictions. You may write him at the following address:

      M35067-Peterson, Drew
      P.O. Box 711
      Menard, IL 62259
      If you want ANP to pay for postage, please send us your mailing address. Thank you whoever you are…

    • Furthermore, WI, a reasonable person should not take the Spilotro girls testimony (in the Family Secrets case) as credible. One, we have only her opinion of who was calling. Two, so what about who was calling. She didn’t testify that the caller was threatening to kill her father. Third, with the FBI scrutiny on the Spilotros at the time, including the bugging of their phones, it is interesting that a clip of the supposed phone call intercepted by the daughter was not captured by the FBI or played in court. Do you really trust the Spilotro girls opinion? Having explained things a little more, I contend that the Spilotro girl did not prove to be a valid corroborator. Therefore, with respect to the charge involving her testimony, it would be reasonable to conclude that the charge was not truly corroborated by her (a second source). However, a jury came in with a guilty anyway. I believe that a jury would have came in with a guilty on DiFronzo as well, even if his charge was prosecuted as irresponsibly as the charge involving the Spilotro girls mysterious testimony, which is why, in my opinion, the government refrained from charging DiFronzo, they gave him a pass. Kudos to you Johnny. High Five Johnny!

  6. Wisconsin Reader on

    I left out the word ” not ” in my previous posting. I repeat for the last time, the government DID NOT try to go after DiFronzo because there was no corraborating evidence. You cannot convoct someone on the word of a stool pigeon without other evedence to support it. I will not repeat myself again because it’s obvious you purposely do not want to understand this concept. Scott Peterson’s case has nothing to do with DiFronzo and was completely different. I don’t know why you would even mention it. it’s completely irrelevant.

    • I suppose “Wisconsin” would argue that DiFronzo being on the top tier of the leadership in the Outfit (including at the time of the Spilotro murders) that such role would not corroborate that DiFronzo was involved (if not one of the bosses who ordered the hit) in the Outfit’s conspiracy to murder the Spilotros (consistent with the testimony of the governments star witness, Nick Calabrese).

      • Prove that he odered or even knew about the murder. The Feds can’t prove it because it’s not true and the Feds are a lot smarter than a rejected Outfit wannabe like you.

        • It took the feds over 20-years to create the Family Secrets case after roughly 10 people (that I know of) who are not even Outfit guys knew all about the entire double murder from the time it occurred.

  7. Wisconsin Reader on

    I’m not Mr. DiFronzo. However, the fact that you have now resorted to name calling shows me you cannot refute my legal point.

  8. In the book Family Affair they mention that difronzo was also part of the teams that lured and murdered the burglars from the Accardo home break in. My question is, is there any proof of this and wouldn’t this add to the reasons to prosecute difronzo?

    • Mr. Wismer,
      There has been roughly as much information and testimony about DiFronza as some of the defendants who were found guilty in the Family Secrets case, but DiFronzo (for some odd reason) escaped prosecution.

      • Thank you Mr fosco for a quick response, I get the gyst of what you’re saying. I have one more question for you if you can. Nick calabrese gave info on a lot of other unsolved homicides that were not included in the family secrets case, do you have any information on any of these or is there a source other than soliciting the freedom of information act where I can find said info?