Wednesday, March 12

All In The Family: Ald. Pat O’Connor & Chinatown

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Democrat Patrick J. O’Connor, better known as “City Hall Santa,” has been an Alderman in Chicago’s City Council representing the 40th Ward on the North Side of the city since he was first elected in 1983 at age 28.

During the tenure of Mayor Harold Washington, O’Connor caucused with the opposition block in city council known as the “Vrdolyak 29.” O’Connor chaired the city council’s committee on education as a freshman alderman.

In Alderman O’Connor’s first term a federal grand jury investigated him for providing in late 1983 (and again in late 1984) year-end jobs on the education committee staff for fifteen people, including a number of relatives, close friends and associates. Some who he hired claimed they did not realize they were on the city payroll. In 2008 O’Connor was exposed by Fox reporter Dane Placko as was one of several aldermen that got their children high-paying summer jobs with the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago.

More recently Alderman O’Connor, who appears to some as a helper to Mayor Emanuel in the closing of 50 much-needed CPS locations, denied that his political influence caused one of his immediate relatives to receive a high-powered position at Chicago Public Schools.

Chicago's 40th Ward Alderman Patrick O'Connor

Chicago’s 40th Ward Alderman Patrick O’Connor

“All in the Family” is a popular nickname for Alderman O’Connor’s hiring practices. In a bizarre departure from the usual denial tactics employed by most corrupt government officials, Alderman O’Connor seems almost proud of his alleged theft. At a press conference in 1984, O’Connor proudly proclaimed his nepotistic practices. “I think nepotism is a system that has been around a long time. It has worked very well in England. I don’t think it’s been much more of a problem here.”

Attitudes like these seem to be as frequent as the common cold in the Windy City. But while Chicago politics can corrupt almost anyone, sometimes this casual attitude towards fair work practices and taxpayer money begins in the home. In Alderman O’Connor’s case, corruption may run in the family.

It could be said by a number of wise guys in Chicago’s Chinatown neighborhood that Alderman Pat O’Connor’s father, Pat O’Connor Sr., was a legend in his day. My father, Gabe “Cokes” Coconate, worked for Pat O’Connor Sr. in the ‘60s and ‘70s. Pat Sr. was a Deputy Commissioner working out of the Streets and Sanitation’s 3700 S. Princeton facility (which is no longer there, because U.S. Cellular Field – Chicago White Sox Park – now sits in its place).

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  1. After writing this article it should also be noted that a key figure in the hired truck scandal also worked with Paddy O’Connor Sr at 37th and Princeton. Nick LoCoco was killed after the scandal broke . “Sticks” LoCoco made $90,000.00 with a Hired Truck that never existed. LoCoco was also shot (graced his head) at that same facility for shaking down a City Worker…..That same worker had his car burned by “THE SHIEK”.

    • Louie Aleman worked with my Dad . But was on the job all the time. Louie/Harry Aleman are not The Shiek …The Shiek is still active and a member of the ONIAC. I really liked The Shiek…but he let me down , as all the Chinatown Crew did. The sucked Daleys ass!

  2. Frank–Was your father affiliated with the Elmwood Park crew or Chinatown?

  3. Hey Frank, my sources tell me that Outfit member Peter DiFronzo (brother of the Outfit boss John DiFronzo) recently visited Mayo Clinic and may be ready to die. Do you know anything about this?

  4. Joe–When was Jonny DiFronzo made and was it the same time as Pete? Was Cerone or Gagliano his sponsor?

    • The Outfit doesn’t exist anymore. The DiFronzos don’t give a fuck about Loan Sharking or Street Bookmaking. It’s all bullshit that a few left over guys think they can operate. There’s no future in it. The minute you lean on a guy, he runs to the Feds. It’s strictly bullshit blue collar thinking. The DiFronzo’s are way above that kind of mentality. They have never killed anyone in their lives. Your articles are written and based upon your insane jealousy which is a sickness. Willie Messino never told you any of the stuff you wrote. He was a personal friend of mine and he never mentioned you nor did I ever see him with you.

  5. He’s never been indicted much less convicted of any murder in his life. you are also now a small type of public figure so I have as much right to call you a muderer and would also like to now when you will be ready to die from your cancer?