Wednesday, March 12


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This is a request for information from those familiar with Illinois’ Cook County Judge Catherine Marie Haberkorn (who sits in the Skokie, Illinois, satellite courthouse, known as the Second District) and her daughter, the very young and beautiful Cassie Elizabeth Cirignani Esquire, who works in the Office of the Chief Judge of Cook County, Illinois.

The Daley Center

The Daley Center

The Office of the Chief Judge of Cook County in the Daley Center is the personal fiefdom of Judge Robert Bastone – a name that should be familiar to ANP readers. Anyone unaware of the identity of Robert Bastone, please read this before proceeding. The information found via the aforementioned hyperlink is extremely news worthy, especially on page 2, paragraph 2.

I am in the process of assessing if there is enough credible evidence to warrant a thoroughly intense exposé on Judge Catherine Haberkorn and her daughter Cassie Cirignani. A simple Google search of these two women will show you some of the facts pertaining to serious unfounded allegations made by Judge Haberkorn and Ms. Cirignani to the police against a police officer.

So I am turning to the Chicagoland community to attempt to discover additional information. Does anyone know if Judge Bastone is in the process of initiating the procedure of appointing Cassie Cirignani to a judgeship? Does anyone know Ms. Cirignani’s true purpose in the Office of the Chief Judge of Cook County?

For those of you who wish to offer helpful information on Judge Haberkorn and/or Cassie Cirignani, I will be happy to receive your information on a confidential basis. Please send it to If applicable, I want to hear about anything illegal, immoral or unethical about these two women of the legal community in Chicago.

Thank you.



  1. On behalf of ANP I thank those of you who have submitted emails thus far, however, please note that Mr. Coconate does not mind if you leave messages here. Nonetheless, please continue sending emails if doing so is your preferred method of communication.

  2. This is one of the more benign comments from one of our readers via email recently:

    “The only info I know of is what I heard from Ofc. Duffy about his case,
    and when Cathy had some mentally handicapped janitor locked up.

    I do know that Dan Lukensmeyer (former cpd) dated her a while back. He
    lives on the north side on Natoma.”

    • Happy Saturday Heavy,
      I had a very busy week. Sorry. I will make sure to set aside time for a show next week. Thank you for your continued interest. 😉

      • Heavy D's Nuts on

        Hey Joe,

        Sunday is a fun day… Lots of action. This latest article with the female judge is like a bad “love triangle”. Not my thing, but whatever.

        I am sure your audience is growing restless. Any further Magnafichi news? Do you have any outfit guys, or at least, half-ass connected guys that will agree to be interviewed behind a black screen? You have to know a few guys that will do it. Maybe to get them more comfortable, have Ashliegh and Coconate assist… Doesn’t even have to be all eye- tal- yon. Grab a few Bolsheviks. Chinamen. Whatever. Other cities. Maybe a few cons. Something. No glamour. Just real stuff. I believe if you structured it right, it would be very compelling.