Tuesday, March 25

Elmwood Park: ANP Needs Your Help!

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Elmwood Park Chief of Police Frank Fagiano

Elmwood Park Chief of Police Frank Fagiano

ANP needs your help – so that we can help you!

Recent developments regarding the infamous Elmwood Park Police Sergeant John Wasilenko, who cashed a $20,000.00 check belonging to an elderly Elmwood Park resident suffering from dementia, make it clear that Elmwood Park Chief of Police Frank Fagiano failed to protect his residents. Removing Wasilenko from power several months sooner should have been a top priority for Fagiano. Unfortunately the chief was apparently too busy keeping other secrets from Elmwood Park residents, like the allegedly botched arrest of an Elmhurst, Illinois, man, who is the genuine victim of a highly dangerous and mobbed-up person. Of course, Chief Fagiano would like everyone to believe this Mafiosi wannabe is the victim. Please click here to read an important article related to the Elmhurst man, which also pertains to Elmwood Park Village President Skip Saviano and Chief Fagiano in a very serious way.

I am in the process of preparing an online petition calling for the Village of Elmwood Park, Illinois, to terminate Chief of Police Frank Fagiano. How many more times will society have to see examples of Fagiano’s flagrant disregard for the prevention of danger? Frankly speaking, there comes a time when a realization is made that someone is simply not right for his or her job. If a resignation or termination is out of the question, at the very least Frank Fagiano’s desk should be dragged from the chief’s office and relocated in the squad room with all the patrolman.

In the meantime, I will continue to pursue leads, particularly allegations that contend Fagiano was paid a portion of the money Wasilenko acquired from the elderly dementia patient.

I am confident that ANP won’t approve of Fagiano’s successor, but at this point almost anyone would be a better selection. If there is any evidence of this crime, or any other, I will share it with you.

I need a willing Elmwood Park resident who would be interested in circulating the petition seeking Fagiano’s termination in his or her name. ANP will do all of the legwork in the spirit of justice. Please reach out to us via our contact page on American News Post’s website or call us at (312) 685-2760. Thank you and be safe (especially those of you living in Elmwood Park, Illinois).



  1. way to go frank stay on top of this. from what i herd they stole 70 thousand from his house to.

  2. With 208 likes on this article and no commentary, it is obvious to me that people feel threatened by Fagiano. After seeing how he runs his police department, I suppose I could understand why people would feel threatened by him.

    • Prove you had 208 likes. Sounds like you just invented that number. Nobody’s afraid of Fagiano, not even you. More exaggerating sensationalism for your Articles. You are so easy to see through it’s amusing.