Thursday, March 27

Is Elmwood Park President Saviano Trying To Blackmail A Resident To Thwart His Run Against Crony Silvestri?

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But perhaps the most striking part of this video is how President Saviano alternated from exhibiting outbursts of anger to laughing in the face of his resident who was simply addressing some harmless issues. I am not a psychiatrist, so I won’t begin to speculate if whether President Saviano suffers from a possible health problem. Perhaps he was still engaging in the holiday cheer prior to the board meeting commencing.

I personally believe Mr. McPartlin could have made some of the points that I did on the Wasilenko matter while speaking at the board meeting, such as those indicated in this article. Instead he focused on issues related to the time-limit that public speakers are allotted at village board meetings. Perhaps President Saviano’s blackmail style of intimidation (which is my opinion on the issue), was effective enough to rattle Mr. McPartlin.

I will end by saying that out of all the allegedly corrupt officials the Village of Elmwood Park ever had in her 100-year stain on the map, this is the first time that I know of where we had an opportunity to witness (what I see as) gangster styled tactics by the village president aimed at a harmless resident. In my opinion President Saviano’s behavior with Mr. McPartlin is very similar to the conduct of John Wasilenko in connection with the dementia victim. Perhaps President Saviano has learned how to do more than cook from his association with Outfit Boss John DiFronzo.

Readers, thank you for your time. I hope you are as shocked as me by the message President Saviano gave to his residents the other night. It seems clear that if someone decides to speak at a village board meeting in a manner that is viewed as challenging, President Saviano might try hanging something over your head in public while you are filmed.

Great message to the community, President Saviano.

Now I am off to pursue the matter of the recent Wasilenko criminal indictment.

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    • disqus_in1LAyDN4t on

      I have not heard but do hope he, for the good of our United States of America and for the good of Cook county, snitches on his “boss” John Daley (D). Silvestri is RINO who uses our government office against citizens, using government for himself.

  1. disqus_in1LAyDN4t on

    Thanks for exposing this political scum which is the EXACT reason why and how we have Barack Hussein Obama in our White House of our United States of America.