Friday, March 28

ANP Welcomes The Lead Investigator On Family Secrets Case

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Forward by Joseph Fosco

Back when I started this publication over three years ago under the Conrad Black-inspired name of Keys To Faith, I thought that I would be writing about Catholicism on a full-time basis. God works in mysterious ways.

ANP now covers a broad spectrum of topics, including current events, history and special announcements. However, ANP has an organized crime section that has been center stage for quite awhile. I suppose that it is appropriate since we are based in the Chicago area, which will always be remembered as Al Capone’s town. Chicago’s reputation as a haven for the corrupt and corruptible extends much further than the Outfit, though. From the lowliest political offices all the way to the Mayor and Governor, there is no place even in the supposedly legitimate world of Chicagoland that is free from this stigma.

I know that our part-time celebrity contributor Conrad Black certainly thinks of Chicago as That Corruptin’ Town. In 2007 Conrad was forced to participate in a tragic farce that recalls the unwarranted persecution of Joan of Arc. Not unlike King Charles VII of France, former Illinois Governor James Thompson suffered no ill effect for refusing to rescue an innocent person from corrupt officials. Thompson was treated like a hero for refusing to take responsibility, pleading weakly that he only ‘skimmed’ the documents used to temporarily put Conrad in prison.

If Thompson had simply done the job which he was paid to do, Conrad would be in control of the Sun-Times today. This is, however, Chicago, and things would be amiss if the fix was not in from the start. While I am sure Conrad does not miss the Sun-Times, I would like him to know that plenty of us in Chicago miss him.

With the aid of Joe Myles, I am sure we will uncover new levels of corruption in our fair city and expose them to the light of day. I suspect it will not be long before my friend and colleague Betty Loren-Maltese takes out her pen and authors something related to Joe’s knowledge on various Cicero-related matters concerning Frank Calabrese and the Chicago Outfit.

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  1. Hello, Joe Myles, I am especially interested in the Private Detective sector of Law Enforcement. I am so proud that you have chosen to come on board the AMP Team. I have so greatly enjoyed Joe Fosco’s articles in the past, and I feel that you are the perfect treat; as well as remedy to Joe Fosco’s cause in the fight against crime!
    As you can see, I as usual, I am seated in the front roll, with my arm up with questions! Well, here goes my first one. Joe Fosco has in his articles presented on a Menace that has threatened out neighborhood. That would be of course, this notorious Joe Messino Jr., from the Messino Chicago Outfit family line! I feel this Joe Messino is responsible for the killing and fire at the Horse Shoe Inn! Then in further, the killing of Michael DeFillipps and the Disappearance of Anthony Catalano. (All are from the local area of Elmwood Park)
    I would like to have the public aware of a picture of him; as well as any information leading towards the arrest of all 3 cases. Can you help provide in AMP, a public awareness picture? I feel so many of our neighborhood friend’s may be on his list, as well as the places they may go; and they need to be warned. Also, anyone else Joe Messino may encounter since he is dangerous!
    One more added special note: Good luck with American Post, Special Quest Explorer!

    • Dear Joe, Do you think the prosecution played all of Frank Calabrese Senior’s audio tapes to Nick Calabrese at some point BEFORE the trial so Nick would KNOW WHAT TO CORROBORATE? I certainly do and wouldn’t put it past them to do such a thing. Maybe that’s why Nick Calabrese’s stories were the same as his brother. Did Frank’s defense attorneys attack this point during the trial? If they didn’t, why not?

      • As you will see in my book after publication, they did not play all of the tapes. In my opinion they played only those that were felt useful. A lot of what GFrank said was not acuurate and could have been picked up though various means. Frank appeared to repeat what he heard as opposed to what certain facts were. They said that Nick did not listen to the tapes, but what was repeated in trial was what Frank said to his son. The defencse attacked this matter, but not with the enthusiasm all had hoped for.

        • Joe Myles, who is GFank? is that Frank Senior or Frank Junior? I think if you refer to them as Senior & Junior, it would make it easier to understand. So, in other words, everybody had to take the word of the prosecution that Nick never listened to any of the tapes in advance?

          • Much of what Sr told Jr was inaccurate, according to my investigation and the witnesses statements that are in transcript from the trial. There was a love hate situation going on between Sr and his brother Nick over Jrs attention.

      • Mr. Myles, you said that much of what Frank Sr. told Jr. was inaccurate,can you explain more about that?

        • Dom, The info Sr told Jr about certain murders was in contrast to what eye witnesses related in court. Sr seemed to be telling stories about what he heard or read in the news. I feel Frank Sr wanted to pump himself im Jr’s eyes for waht ever reason.

        • DOM, The ORTIZ and MORAWSKI murders placed someone else at the scene and identified the real shooter.

  2. Merlin Tenderpony on

    Dear Misters Fosco, Myles, and the Don:

    At the risk of repeating myself, let me ask if you ever wonder about Louis Marino not being indicted on murder charges in relation to the Spilotro killings?

    It has been repeatedly reported that, initially, Al Tornabene and John DiFronzo were both central targets in the Family Secrets case. But, as per the Marcello prison tapes, “they [feds] don’t have enough,” according to John Ambrose.

    But what about Marino? Calabrese fingered him, but he was never a target in Family Secrets in the first place.

      • Merlin Tenderpony on

        I think that it’s almost stranger than DiFronzo not being indicted. At least we know that DiFronzo was, at least in the beginning, a prime target in the Family Secrets Case. What caused the feds to change their minds is unknown and open to speculation. The point is, he was a target.

        Marino was put at the scene of the crime by Nick Calabrese–kust like John DiFronzo–but was never a target in the case to begin with. That’s strange to me.

        (Tornabene was a target too, but not for murder. I believe it was for crimes related to being Jimmy Marcello’s proxy.)

      • Merlin, If I were to make an educated guess, I would say that the prosecution didn’t want to jeopardize the credibility of golden made boy Nick Calabrese in anyway, so they didn’t take a chance on indicting Marino with only Nick’s word. However, DiFronzo was the Top Boss of the Outfit and would have had to have given the order to murder the Spilotro Brothers. Also, being the Boss who towered over everybody in the Outfit ( along with Carlisi ) would have presided over the ceremony of ‘making’ a new man. Frank Calabrese corroborated some of this in his audio conversations with his thief drug addict son. The ruse was to make the Spilotro brothers believe Michael was being ‘made’ into the Outfit. So, in conclusion, it would have been easier to at least indict DiFronzo over Marino.

  3. Merlin Tenderpony on


    Was Lee Magnafichi present at the Spilotro murders? I thought I read in the threads that he was.

    I find it strange that Nick Calabrese didn’t name Lee. Frank Sr. was certainly acquainted with Lee, and Junior was familiar with him. We can assume Nick was, too. Why do you think he didn’t name Lee? The 3 other murderers were unidentified in court because Nick said he didn’t know them.

    • Joseph Fosco on

      Dear Merlin,
      I know your question is meant for Joe Myles. However, I will answer based on my knowledge. Yes, Lee was there. It was his brother-in-law Jimmy’s house.
      Perhaps Mr. Myles could shed some light on if it came out in court.

      • Joe Myles, in addition to my other question in the thread above, I have one other question at this time. What was Frank Senior’s opinion of his neighbor in Elmwood Park, Top Boss Jack Cerone? In his taped audio conversations, he certainly talked about DiFronzo and how powerful and rich he was and also about Andriacchi in a similar, but lesser way. I remember him saying that Cerone Junior, the crooked lawyer Outfit wannabe, was an idiot. However, I do not recall him saying anything about cheapskate Cerone Senior who would have probably presided over his making ceremony or at least have been present. Wait, on second thought, Jack was too busy to make an appearance. He was probably sun tanning his bald head while golfing.

  4. Joe, glad to see you are writing a book from another view hopefully you will expose the truth in that July 23 homicide. will continue to read posts and watch from the sideline.

  5. Joseph Fosco on

    Attention readers:
    Someone is attempting to cause complications on the threads, however, the person has asked a legitimate question which I will post below:

    Hey Joe Fosco can you explain this.
    On July 28th 2010 you had this to say about Michael Castellan:
    Joseph Fosco 28 July 2010 at 6:32 pm #
    Dear VIN,
    Castallan is a major Scavo crony and in my opinion very bad news. I am not aware of details on his business partnerships.
    Then on February 28th 2011 you had this to say:
    Joseph Fosco 28 February 2011 at 9:53 am #
    Dear The Don,
    I know of Castellan. I do not know him personally. I do not know anything about him.
    Joe you are such a stand up guy why would you make 2 different claims? Can we believe anything you write?

    Readers, its Joe Fosco again, I would like to respond to the comment above:

    I do not recall where these comments came from. However, I could easily figure out that my comment on February 28, 2011 is simply incomplete. It should read as follows:

    Dear The Don,
    I know of Castellan. I do not know him personally. I do not know anything about him, other than he is a crony of Scavo and any crony of Scavo is bad news (in my opinion). Thank you.

    • Joe, I remember that thread. Michael Castellan was NOT A CRONY of Scavo. Michael was not in Scavo’s personal crew that got in trouble. He is a very fine detective and has been on the force for well over 20 years. Not every police officer or detective in the Melrose Park police department participated in Scavo’s outside activities.

      • Joseph Fosco on

        Dear The Don,
        I recall seeing Scavo and Castellan together a few times and they appeared to be very close. If your opinion is that my opinion is incorrect, thank you. Opinions are opinions. In addition, I have talked to some people that had issues with Castellan. Forgive me for not recalling prior to checking my notes a little while ago. It is not always easy to remember every Tom, Dick and Harry that comes up in the various comment threads on an infrequent basis over long periods.

        • Joe, noone can remember every detail from every person on every thread. Ask the person who was complaining if they like their Boss, and if they don’t, do they let the Boss know it! Micheal Castellan HAD TO get along with fatso Scavo so obviously he had to be nice to him. However, I know for a fact, detective Castellan flatly turned down Scavo’s offer to participate in the extracurricular activities of him and his crew. That’s why Castellan is still doing his job and Scavo is in prison. Micheal also didn’t take any bullshit from Pete DiFronzo either. Micheal Castellan liked Scavo the way DiFronzo liked his Boss, Jack Cerone.

          • Dear The Don,
            I know who your uncle is. Have we ever met? Obviously, I do not know your identity.

          • Joe, No, we have never met. I’m hesitant to give too much information about myself for obvious reasons. However, sometime in the future, I would very much enjoy meeting you if you feel the same way. We have a lot in common. You remind me of the Italian guys in my fraternity at Loyola University. Take that as a very high compliment.

          • I would have a cocktail with you sometime – whenever you are comfortable. I will spring for taxicabs.

    • Joe Myles, Sir, I have a serious question for you. Did Frank Senior think that Frank Junior was upset about an innocent man getting killed for being in the wrong place at the wrong time?

      • Joe Myles, when you have a chance could you try and answer my question right above. It seemed like Junior was more inquisitive about it and was baiting Frank Senior by telling him Nick was criticizing him about it behind his back. Thank you for your time.

        • Joe, I’m disappointed that Joe Myles will not answer any of my questions. I thought his article was good and I’m sure other readers have questions about Frank Calabrese which would be very interesting. It seems like Joe Myles is not very interested in answering questions. I hope I’m wrong.

          • Joseph Fosco on

            Dear the Don,
            Joe Myles is under no obligation to answer questions. Frankly, I am grateful for the few questions he has answered. And, I believe that he indicated in his article the following: “I cannot promise to answer all of your questions, but I will certainly try my best.” Perhaps it is a bit unreasonable to feel disappointed in Joe Myles for his lack of answering every single question asked of him, especially after he made a heartfelt point to explain in advance that he could not do that. Thank you.

          • Well, He certainly doesn’t try as hard as you do. It’s okay, I’ll wait for his book to come out. By the way, I never said he was obligated to do anything. I’m simply disappointed in his lack of effort to answer questions. I expected there would be more dialogue, like on your blogs. Maybe he’ll surpise me!

          • The Don
            Sorry for taking so long to answer your letter.

            I feel that Jr was asking more questions about the Cicero double homicide because the FBI wanted to clear up that crime to protect others. I cannot go into a lengthy description of my feeling about this, as it would take a book. I have answered your question in detail in my book, which I hope will be coming out soon.

            Frank Sr’s appeal is on hold due to failure to make an untimely filing with the court of appeal; there is a chance that a new attorney will be appointed for Frank Sr’s defense. This situation is causing the others in the trial to have to wait for their appeals to be filed as all appeals must be filed at the same time since they were tried under the RICO act.

          • Thank You Sir for your time. I am looking forward to your book. I don’t know whether Frank Senior was involved in those two murders or not. There was some baiting PURPOSELY done by Frank Junior to get his father to boast, KNOWING his father’s personality. In other words, Junior manipulated his father so he could keep the money he stole from him. That is what addicts are good at doing. There was questionable corroboration by Nick Calabrese because it was quite possible the prosecution played those tapes to him BEFORE he testified in court so his story would be the same as his brother. There was also NO physical evidence linking Senior to the murders. Frank’s biggest problem was his boasting to try and compete with his brother to win the affection of his son. All I know is that the prosecution did not prove their case beyond a reasonable doubt. I’ll rest my case.

  6. Merlin Tenderpony on

    Dear Joe,

    Call me impatient, but I’m a little underwhelmed with Mr. Myles so far, as it is going on a few weeks now, and he hasn’t contributed anything, really.

    I do apologize if that comes across as unreasonable, and I’m sorry if there are extenuating circumstances, which render Myles incapable of writing for ANP at this time.

    Having said that, can readers look forward to anything by Mr. Myles in the near future?

    • Dear Merlin,
      There have been many things happening as of late. Frank Sr’s attorney Joe Lopez has been taken off Frank Sr’s case for filing or attempting to file the appeal in a timely manner. There has been another attorney who authored the appeal, but there was a lack of communiction for e timely filing between Lopez and the other attorney.

      As you may or may not know the others involved that were convicted cannot file their appeals until ALL are completed. A new female attorney out of Peoria has been assigned to take over for Frank Sr’s defense by the Federal Court. I am still performing work in Frank Sr’s behalf. Unfortunatly that is one of tyhe reasons I have not made quicker responses to inquiries I have been busy trying to get reports ready so the new attorney can proceed. It’s going to be a long wait until she is fully ready, and the appeal can proceed before the court.

      As for Frank Jr, he appeared on TV stating that he had never been to the hanger in Kane County where several antique cars and a great deal of money was stolen, this is untrue. He further stated he never stole money from his father Frank Sr on other accossions. I guess Frank Jr can say whatever he wants when his father is locked up in SAM not being able to talk to anyone to tell the truth about what realy happened.

      • Merlin Tenderpony on

        I am aware that Frank Sr. has been beset by various legal snafus. Joe Lopez and Robert Caplin’s recent removal from the case received particularly close media attention.

        As for Junior, I agree that he comes across as having ulterior motives.

        As for the Kane County hanger scenario, as I understood it, Junior stated that he hasn’t been there ever since his cooperation with the government. (I took that to mean that he has been there before—perhaps several times.) Also, he has openly admitted clearly times that he stole between a half million and 1-million dollars from his father prior to their incarceration. What he has denied is plundering his father’s property after being released from prison.

        At this point, I wouldn’t be surprised to find out that either of those scenarios are false–or half-truths. Junior obviously worked hard and put himself in harm’s way to make sure his father was incarcerated and has never denied that.

        You certainly have an interesting job working for a sociopath like Frank Calabrese Sr.

        It will be interesting to read your articles.

        • Dear Merlin,

          I can’t begin to start telling of the lies that were spewed forth by both Frank Jr and his Uncle Nick.

          There are things happening now that I am not at liberty to write about, but you can be assured that more will come out in regards to Frank Sr’s defense.

          Frank Sr has a 3rd grade education and it is felt that that was used by the Feds to exploit his lack of grasping legal speak. At the family Secrets Trial he made a statment with all the major charges against him saying “we’re all guilty of something”. Not a major stament to make by him in his defense.

          But, Frank Sr is Frank Sr and that is what makes him vulnerable to attack by the Feds. After all they are a well machined organization, except the time an agent on surveaillance at the Victoria Banqet Hall fell through the ceiling during a meeting of “guys” and landed on the table of one the alleged top guys.

          Maybe he was just dropping in for a bite to eat

  7. Mr. Myles,

    Is it true that after Frank Calabrese Sr. was found guilty of the pair of murders committed in Cicero, the Town of Cicero offered to open up a new police inquest regarding the murders? Is it true that they renwed their offer when Frank Calabrese Jr’s book came out recently?

    • Horsey,
      There are many questions to your question that are yet to be answered. That statment may sound a bit confusing. If we truly knew what the circumstances behind the double murder we would be in a better place to bring out the truth.

      As you may or may not know key witnesses were not allowed to testify at the Family Secrets Trial. They would have testified as to who the real shooter was, but they were not allowed to have their say in court.

      I hope it is true, as I have located additional witnesses who will knock Nick and Frank Jrs testimonies out of the box, and could cause a mistrial.

      As for Jr’s book, I’m more into non fiction material.

      • Interesting. We’ll see how it plays out. As it happens, I’m reading Frank’s book right now, and I’m not sure what to make of it. I’m at the part where he’s drunk and suggests to his dad, who’s angry that Frank Jr. stole the money, that they kill Angelo LaPietra, so they don’t have to pay it back. It seems a bit melodramatic to me.

        Did you see Black Angelo’s theory on the other thread? Black Angelo believes that Frank “Toots” Caruso convinced Frank Jr. to cooperate against his Frank Sr. so he (Toots) could ascend the ladder and become Capo, de facto, of the Chinatown crew. It is an interesting theory. You should check it out.

        • Joseph Fosco on

          Dear Horse…,

          I did not read Jr’s book. I talked to him on the phone a few weeks back and he almost inspired me to read it. However, I have lost my inspiration. In addition, now that you have pointed out the part that says that Jr suggested to his father that they kill LaPietra over money, I feel certain that I would not read the book in the future. That is as stupid as saying “let’s kill the alderman so we do not have to pay the tax increase next year.”

          As to Black’s theory, that Toot’s convinced Jr to cooperate against his dad (for any reason) is something that I do not believe and the idea of it is as absurd (in my opinion) as Jr’s suggestion to kill LaPietra.

          • Yes, Joe, that conversation sounds interesting. Please elaborate. For the record, in the book, Frank Sr. dismisses his son’s suggestion that they kill LaPietra.

          • Joseph Fosco on

            Dear Horse…,

            In a phone conversation, Frank Jr and I recently discussed getting together for an interview; in addition, we talked about the possibilities of doing something together and perhaps with a source of mine. I mentioned to Frank that a reliable source told me that his father wishes him no harm and is more concerned with his appeal than anything else. I asked him if he believed it. He told me that he would have to see his father eyes to know if it were true. Other than that, he pumped up the father and son story in his book, much as Kass did. Hearing it from Jr directly rather inspired me to think about reading the book. But, I have not read it.

            I briefly hung around with one of his brothers when I was a kid and had been to his home in Elmwood Park back then and met his father. I remember that we had to be on our absolute best behavior because their father seemed very strict.
            Another friend of mine bought their home when they sold it in the late 80’s or around 1990. I found the house interesting in that it was similar as to how Charlie Nicosia and Johnny DiFronzo’s houses are designed. Each of the three is connected to an apartment building with their own quarters partially over their garage, adjacent to the apartment units that are rented to tenants.

            Getting back to my recent phone call with Jr, he told me that he was not interested in doing what I do, which is going after the living and free gangsters/criminals because it is too dangerous. At that point, I quickly realized (in my opinion) that all he wants to do is make money on a stupid book. He does not want to make a difference in society and rid the community of the fearful element that lurks in the shadows of the Chicagoland area. Its obvious to me, Jr had a detailed agenda when he decided to cooperate, which was used in connection with the government’s multifaceted agenda. In fact, I predict that in the next couple of years, Frank Jr will relapse and wind up in trouble with the law. For the record, I truly hope that I am wrong. But, he does not want to make a difference, he wants to sell glamorous stories about him and his dad, even if the stories are barbaric, there is certain (twisted) Outfit glamour there. Jr and I have major core differences. However, I would be inclined to have further discussions with him in the future. He is a very polite person.

            You did not have to tell me for me to know that Sr dismissed his son’s suggestion about killing LaPietra. I am sure the book does not say how Sr slapped and punched the shit out of Jr for even saying something so ridiculous.

  8. Black Angelo on

    The Outfit has always been conniving.. Even the most absurd things sometimes come to light eventually. If Frank jr. was willing to kill LaPietra over the money (so they would not have to pay it) .. He is willing to do about anything over that MONEY.

    Look at who has been murdered or disappeared in the pass 12 years.. Ronnie Jarrett, Hatch Chiaramonti, and LT. We know why Ronnie was knocked down. The Hatch was knocked down based upon JF’s theory of stealing monies from Magnifichi (who I don’t think is made)..

    I tend to believe this theory, up to a certain extent but I cant believe that Johnny DiFronzo would knock down a made guy connected to Jimmy M without a sit-down to hash out the problem or anything. Especially when the guy is Magnifichi.

    The real reason that the Hatch got knocked down was upon Apes death in 2001 he tried to takeover 26th street crew and the vast South Suburbs. He was hitting Connies pizza for a street tax (on top of Connies already paying Frank Sr.). The Hatch was truly out of control but it was most defiantly organized chaos..

    But I could see the argument the Hatch would have in thinking based on a seniority thing 26th street should have been his. Nonetheless you have the incident in which the Hatch stills money from some lightweights in the Outfit, you have the shoving incident of Mickey Marcello, but the TRUE nail in the coffin was The Hatch trying to takeover Chinatown/26h street.

    And I also have a good source who tells me Captain DeFazio went to Toots about trying to get the Hatch knocked down in 2001. Of course Captain D is a big time bookie, works for Connies and was the President of the old Italian American Club at one time.

    Johnny DiFronzo would of more likely okay’d a hit on the Hatch based on Toots going to him and not Fratto over some money.

    Recently on the threads LT Zizzo was connected to the Hatch trucking company incident because he was alleged to have held on to said monies of the Hatch. At first I found this somewhat believable, but to wait 5 years to get said monies sounds unrealistic. However I’m still keeping an open mind to such a theory I will say that much.

    But I was told LT disappearance of LT is directly related to Toots also. I stated this before in earlier threads. And it was quite simple LT was put in charge of the lucrative video poker racket that he inherited from the Marcello’s. Toots wanted his guy Casey S in charge of the lucrative racket.

    Toots felt the Marcello group had a long enough run with said racket. LT was not willing to negotiate and that was it. So the Hatch is murdered, LT purportedly is kidnapped, both Marcello’s are off the streets indefinitely … it looks like Toots came out okay.

    I will say this about LT if you know him and his personality he is definitely the type to fake his own disappearing act and go live somewhere until the dust has settled. Back to Frank Jr. I will go back to this point if he did something to piss of Toots like put his father (Frank Sr) in prison for LIFE .. Inasmuch Frank Jr would be in WITSEC.

    I also find it ironic Frank Jr is willing to talk about LT’s disappearance, Curly Peluso, Jimmy DeLeo and other entities about the Outfit but when the subject of Toots comes up he plays ignorant or runs 1,000 miles the other way.

    Even John Kass co-signs on this by saying Frank Jr. has never said anything about Toots “for the record” … listen to this interview specifically at the end.,0,3503890.mp3file

    • Black Angelo,

      I am surprised that you responded to Joe’s criticism of your Toots-Frank Jr. with further unrelated theorization about Zizzo and Chiaramonti. You seem to really like Toots because he is a central figure in all of your theories. I never really thought much of him, and he doesn’t really have the reputation of being someone who is well-connected with people like John DFronzo. So it’s hard to imagine him being the puppeteer you believe he is. btw, Mickey Marcello is not away indefinitely. He only got 8-years in Family Secrets and will still be relativley young (by Outfit standards) when he is released.

      As for the Toots-Frank Jr. theory, as intriguing as I find it, it’s still hard to believe because of what it would say about Toots. (That is, it would say that Toots is a dimwit who’s so near-sighted that he couldn’t see his own hand in front of his face.) Then again, as you pointed out, these guys aren’t the sharpest knives in the drawer.

      But if people in Bridgeport and other members of the Outfit really believe this theory (as it was told to and reported by you), I would think that Toots’ life would be in danger because of what Frank Jr.’s cooperation did to the Outfit.

      The main reason I originally found your theory interesting is because I wonder if it’s something that Joe Myles has encountered or will encounter as he continues his efforts to develop something other than an eyerolling appeal for Frank Calabrese Sr.

      btw, Frank Jr. did help the FBI identify Toots in some of the Family Secrets audio recordings. Frank Calabrese Sr. mentions “the Doctor” to some of the other defendants, but it was Junior who revealed the Doctor’s identity in court. So to that extent, he unmasked Toots and implicated him in then-current Outfit activities.

      Black, do you realize that some of your theories contradict each other in small ways? I understand that a theory is just a theory, but you can’t believe all of them because some of them are contradictory.

      • Black Angelo,

        Has it occurred to you that maybe Frank Jr. hasn’t come out against Toots to protect his brother, Kurt?

        Kurt spends a lot of time in Chinatown at his mother-in-law’s house, which is the Hook’s old compound on 26th St. I understand that Kurt has been subject to numerous threats in recent years because he’s still very visible in Outfit areas. It is said
        that he bartends/waits tables at various establishments where he still sees “people.”

        Perhaps there is an unspoken agreement between Frank Jr. and Chinatown gangsters that as long as he remains quiet about what’s left of the Chinatown crew, no harm will come to Kurt.

        • Black Angelo on

          Kurt had nothing to do with Frank jr and all of his schemes. Kurt did not steal his fathers monies.

          Frank Jr testified to put his father away.. Kurt had nothing to do with any of that. Kurt is free to go as he pleases in Chinatown-Bridgeport etc..

          And I’m sure Toots did not mind seeing Nick Calabrese put away an arch rival Jimmy Marcello for LIFE. All though I’m sure Toots has a problem with Nick C based on the principle of becoming a stool pigeon.

          And Toots is not someone to take lightly he is very much behind the murders of Ronnie Jarrett, Hatch Chiaramonti and the disappearance of LT Zizzo. And Toots is very well connected. He is also not someone to take lightly.

          Remember this is a guy that got a murder contract approved via Apes and Johnny DiFronzo to whack a sitting Cook County Judge one Daniel Locallo. It was veto’d by Johnny at the 11th hour because the FEDS got wind of the contract put out by Toots…

          Toots not well connected to John DiFronzo lol. Just ask Toots best friend Bobby Abbinanti how close he is to the upper echelon.

          • Joe, do you know if Toots Caruso–the guy who believes that Jack Cerone, Esq. is an Outfit boss–is closely connected enough to John DiFronzo to get murder contracts approved by him?

          • Joseph Fosco on

            Dear Horse…,

            I wish to clarify something that I stated a while back. The Caruso’s have been long misinformed that Jack Cerone, Esq., had maintained empowerment via the Outfit on union related matters. Jack was never an Outfit boss, not even a member. Thanks to my efforts here for over 3-years, the Caruso’s may have snapped out of it and know better about Jack these days.

            Regarding the hit on the judge, please refer to my recent comment to Black A, on the ‘ANP Welcomes The Lead…’ at 7:34 tonight.

          • Joseph Fosco on

            Dear Black,

            Mentioning Kurt reminded me of another thing that Jr told me on the phone recently. He said that certain outfit guys tried to coerce Kurt to testify at the FS trial to knock Jr’s credibility. All Kurt wanted was to be left out of it.

            I remember the incident with the alleged hit on the judge. DiFronzo and/or the Apes had nothing to do with that. The FBI merely picked up sources discussing that they believed that the judge was going to be hit. By law, the FBI has to report any intelligence intercepted that pertains to a threat on human life to the intended target, even if its hearsay. If the FBI picked up Apes and Johnny sanctioning it, they would have been indicted immediately. The fact that no one was indicted over it proves that it was based on hearsay. The sources could have been The Don talking to his Uncle Joe. LOL

            Sorry for making this less exciting for you.

          • Black Angelo,

            So far, Kurt may be free to come and go when and where he pleases. I’m just saying that it’s no secret that he’s recieved numerous death threats from people both connected and not connected with his father. And, I’m not just talking about the fake bomb thing that happened during the trial. He still sees people, and regardless of the fact that Kurt played no role in the trial, there’s a lot of people who hate him for no good reason.

          • Joe,

            Interesting response. The killing of a judge seems like the last thing in the world that DiFronzo would ever want to get involved in.

          • Joseph Fosco on

            What I know about Johnny tells me that if anyone had been ordered killed, it would have been that punk who savagely beat a child with a baseball bat, who also heated up everyone in the Outfit over it.

            The mysterious death or disappearance of an alleged witness in the beating case could very well have been the independent work of the Carusos, having nothing to do with the Outfit whatsoever.

          • Meaning that if the Carusos were behind the 1998 murder of Michael Cutler, it was personal not business, and so not an Outfit matter?

          • Joseph Fosco on

            I suppose that The Don will soon be at the hospital that I go to having a cup of coffee with someone important that knows about my medical issues.

          • Even though I would welcome the Don’s return to the threads, I have to say that I would have tolerated any other kind of veiled threat other than something as personal as the thing with my medical information–even though I was not really threatened. I think it’s unlikely that he had such a source and was probably just trying to elicit some kind of uncertainty in me so that I might consider the possibility that he might know these things about me.

          • Joseph Fosco on

            Someone emailed me today giving me the name of The Don, who might be Dan or Danny. It appears he has lived in Forest Park and Elmhurst. I will keep you posted if I get better information.

          • Interesting.

            I always forget what a wide readership this blog probably has. You probably get interesting emails everyday. Did the person who named the Don identify himself/herself in some way–like an ex or something like that?

            This is probably the #1 reading material for members of the Outfit and their friends and families.

            Are you aware of that phrase “tickling the wire?” The FBI probably hasn’t needed to tickle the wire since ANP began. I’m sure ANP has people chattering quite a bit.

          • Joseph Fosco on

            Dear Horse…,

            You are right. The Outfit their friends and the FBI read this all the time. I know that Marco gets the stuff from here printed and handed to him.

            The informant on the Don messaged me from a bogus email account. I tried asking a question and my email was returned undeliverable. I do not have any identity on the person.

            I have received emails from the Cold Case Division of the Chicago Police Department asking me for information.

          • Joe,

            Other than Marco and the defendants in your civil RICO case, and I suppose Michael M., what other gangsters do you know read ANP and the threads?

          • Joseph Fosco on

            All they guys around Marco, guys from Cicero. I am sorry; I am unable to go into detail. Too much detail on this subject could heat up my source.

    • Joseph Fosco on

      I do not dispute Jr’s capabilities. However, the whole Toot’s involvement is absurd. Again, I do not believe that Toot’s would take part in setting up anyone.

      As to your comment about Jr’s willingness to talk about various individuals, but decides to run 1,000 miles in the other direction when Toot’s comes up, tells me that Jr is in fear of Toots, unlike the others, such as a former state senator. Who would fear a former state senator, or even a current state senator?

  9. Black Angelo on

    If the Caruso’s believed Jack Esq was a Outfit boss that is laughable. I have no evidence to support that theory. If anything they made him feel like he was boss by coercing him.

    But if this is true they (the Caruso’s) believed that well then you gotta believe he would be willing to have Jr testify against his father without looking down the road at the Pandora’s box it could very well open. Inasmuch Toots is not very smart lol.

    Therefore Toots Caruso is so far out of the loop he might as well read books to find out some inside info on the Outfit lol.

    And YES their was a contract out on that judges life. IF you don’t know how the Caruso’s operate .. you might not get their thinking or logic. Their a very tribal bunch.

    They wanted that judge to pay for what he did to the Prince of Bridgeport.

    • Joseph Fosco on


      I am sure you are right. I am sure the Carusos wanted the judge dead. Leave Johnny and Apes out of it. The fact that no one was indicted over the hit on the judge conspiracy, would mean that third party sources were overheard by FBI surveillance (or by informants) discussing the hit as a theory. I would not be surprised if the FBI bug was under a table that The Don and his bigmouth gangster Uncle Joe were sitting at. LOL

      If the FBI bug or informant had witnessed the plotting of a conspiracy to deprive someone of the right to human life, the FBI would have intercepted the bad guys as they did when Blago was arrested.

      • Black Angelo on

        LOL .. And I heard he went to Apes with the Judges contract. Again it seems as if the Carusos are operating as their own crime family.

        I believe Jimmy Marcello touched on this when he said certain individuals where out their doing things without permission (if your willing to believe Nick C’s testimony).. I Imagine he was talking about all the murders the Caruso’s where behind without getting them okay’d. That being one of a numerous amount of things Jimmy was mad about.

        And I dont think the FBI caught Apes or Johnny on bug.. but somewhere in between the Feds found out about the contract.

        And leave Pretty Boy out of this LOL

        • What do you mean by “all the murders the Caruso’s where behind without getting them okay’d?”

        • Black Angelo,

          The “doing things without permission” was in reference to certain activities and inquiries made by Al Tornabene. For some reason, Marcello was very pissed off at Tornabene for going to Rockford and poking his nose around (something he wasn’t asked to do). He asked his brother, “Does the Trucker know he did that?” (The Trucker was Zizzo.) I’m not sure exactly what role Tornabene played in the Outfit at the time of Marcello’s imprisonment, but I know that they complained that he had “nothing to do.”

          Marcello was also infuriated at Sarno for taking liberties with certain rackets.

  10. Black Angelo on

    I meant by manipulating Jack ESQ. and the Caruso’s where behind the dissaparance of a witness and Michael Cutler murder.

    Nick LoCoCo I have no idea about him.. have heard though. But not sure to say yet.

    • Black Angelo:

      I enjoy your comments.

      One thing, though, is that all of your posts are so expansive in scope, and usually describe large scale schemes, Outfit politics and alliances, and numerous players. In other words, things that would be hard for anyone, even the actual gangsters, to know.

      Can I ask if you believe everything you write, or are you just throwing it out there for people to chew on? Do people tell you this stuff in a straightforward way, or do you hear or read different pieces of information and put the pieces together in your head? Please do not be offended. I’m just interested because there are a lot of things that I hear that I refrain from posting if I think they are suspect.

      You seem to be hung up on the Caruso family, especially Frank. I suppose I understand since despite having a famous name he is relatively mysterious. Why are you willing to attribute so much to him? He’s a central figure in all your theories, and you seem convinced that he’s a prolific murderer.

      Where do you hear this stuff and why do you believe it?

  11. I said on these threads a while ago I do not believe anything or anyone right off the jump. I don’t believe JF’s sources no more than I believe my sources or Bill Roemer’s sources right off the jump.

    Obviously both major newspaper companies have sources also and I don’t really believe them ever (because they are consistently way off on the structure of the Outfit). I will say I tend to believe my sources and JF’s sources more than any other including the Feds sources.

    I will say I know a lot about the Outfit and I know some of these guys personally. My sources have their ear to the street and I have my ear to the street. I have source that knows Frank jr. personally. (Frank jr. I might add knows a lot about the Outfit).

    Toots Caruso is not a prolific murderer but he has access to a many of prolific murderers throughout the United States. He has access to New York Mobsters who are beholden to the Outfit. He comes across as unassuming, he donates his money to charities, DeLaSalle High School and he still gives money to certain African American churches on the southside.

    I know of all the properties his wife, Ray T and Tommy DiPazza own. I know all of Toots kids are law obiding except for one. Toots is inasmuch the Pablo Escobar of the Outfit.

    However if you don’t believe that Toots Caruso is behind the murders of Ronnie Jarrett, Hatch Chiaromoniti and Michael Cutler.. Your simply out of the loop.

    The disappearance of LT may not be a disappearance at all. His wife Sue called him in missing awfully quick. And he left the one thing you could track him by behind (his cell phone). Everything was just set up too perfectly. I have reason to believe he was going to be indicted with Fat Sarno in 08 over that video poker bombing. (remember Joe DiFronzo hid from the FEDS for 5 years in Boca Raton).

    However if LT did really get kidnapped and murdered I have a strong hunch who did it and who was called into do it. And who has access to said individuals.

    Yes I do have alot of theories.. But these are based on good sources. My one source that died two years ago knew more about the Outfit than JF. We talked about him briefly on here. But I know he was the guy that drove the Spilotro brothers from the Bensenville home to their Enos Indiana temporary coffin.

    But like I said I know a lot about the Outfit and its hierarchy and can prove it. If Johnny DiFronzo dies tomorrow .. I would know who is going to replace him.

    I know a lot of personal things about some of these mobsters. I know what time Johnny DiFronzo gets up in the morning.. I know he enjoys Massa’s Café on most mornings. (he secretly owns the Café). I know that Johnny DiFronzo has lifetime season tickets to the Bulls, Blackhawks and Bears games but usually gives them to his grandson.. Also named Johnny.

    I know that Marco D’Amico is loosing his hearing and that he likes to watch ESPN Sports Center in the morning to see all the scores and highlights. A lot of that is to see certain scores as it pertains to his massive gambling operation. I also know that he is in good shape (besides his hearing issues) and works out every morning.

    I know that Fat Sarno named his first born son after Marco. I know that Fat Sarno and Marco Damico go way back to the late 1970s and the Survivor Club and that Fat Sarno has always been enamored with him.

    I know how, when and where Solly D met his newest beautiful wife (a woman he is 30 years older than). There is a Marco connection to that story. That is a great story, but a little to personal to tell on here. Solly D by the way has been married 3 times.. 5 children.

    I know or have heard through a great source that Obrien personally made a lot of guys. “Sleepers” the Feds have no idea about. Hell some Outfit guys don’t even know about them.. But they are respected individuals.

    I know about Al Vena and his relationship via marriage with the 3 Spina brothers. (2 of which are just as dangerous as Alby himself). I know about the Joseph Russo murder in 1985. I know of their (the Vena’s and Spina’s) wheeling and dealing going on in Curacao and all the money they launder down their through legitimate business set up decades ago.

    I have met Michael Magnifichi before twice in fact. He is the Charlie Sheen of the Outfit but looks more like Jean Claude Van Damme in person lol. I know his sister Jolene a lil bit better. I think I have met Carrie once before also.

    I could go on and on. But for the most part there is only so long you can be on a blog and not get bored. It has nothing to do with JF. But I rather just read what he and some others has to say on here and see if anything comes from it.. Like Indictments etc.

    Inasmuch I think some Outfit guys might be on to me. I’m actually related to some of these nuts. I really could care less if they found out but I will say this will be one of my final postings here on the threads. (I may have one more post in me)..

    I’m officially retiring from ANP but will continue to read when I have some free time.. I enjoy the articles.

    • Joseph Fosco on

      Dear Black,

      You could very well be a real estate agent in River Grove, Illinois, who moonlights as a bartender, which would put you in the position to know many of the things that you claim to know. However, arguing that you would be a good source for information on murder would be very difficult, unless you could be more specific about your role.

      Thank you for your involvement in the threads. I appreciate your many contributions.

      On this Easter Sunday, I will pray that you do not suffer in anyway by sharing your information with us. Take care. JF

  12. Black Angelo,

    Some of the stuff you mention (Marco D’Amico’s favorite brand of breakfast cereal) seems realistic to me, and some of the other minor stuff I believe to be true, as well. For instance, it seems perfectly natural that people who make their living off of professional gambling would watch Sports Center in the morning. John DiFronzo, the grandson, is known by many to be a man about town, legitimate, and the apple of his grandad’s eye. I’ve also encountered the Sarno family and am familiar with the son you mention. You referred to him as the oldest son, but I actually believe he is the only son. (He is a star athlete at a west suburban Catholic high school.) There is one daughter, too, who is older than the son and is a genuinely nice person and a dutiful student. There is also a Sarno niece, who is older than the daughter, who many people wrongly believe is Sarno’s oldest daughter from a previous relationship. I’m not sure who started that rumor, but it is false.

    The reason I assumed that you believe that Toots Caruso is a prolific murderer is because he is central to many of your theories involving murder, and you also specifically mentioned, “all the murders the Caruso’s were behind without getting them okay’d,” in your 8:20 p.m. comment from yesterday. (I asked you to explain this comment, but you didn’t .) That seems to be pretty far out there.

    Don’t misunderstand me, I believe Frank Caruso is a capable guy. The Michael Cutler murder is definitely troubling, and it’s not unrealistic that Caruso could have possibly played some role in the Jarrett incident in Bridgeport. But do I believe Toots routinely calls in killers from New York to do his bidding in Chicagoland? The truth is that I don’t. I don’t believe that he was involved in the Chiaramonti shooting or the Zizzo disappearance either, mainy because both of these crimes are explained by simpler means. Caruso’s involvement in either would be extraneous.

    Robert Cooper was sentenced to 22-years in prison for his role as the getaway driver in the Chiaramonti murder, and he implicated Anthony Calabrese. I understand that Cooper and Calabrese were believed to be connected further south, but the information provided by Cooper pointed further north. I also can’t believe that you think that Zizzo, who was 71 and had progressive kidney failure, simply skipped town.

    I’m glad you don’t believe anything the first time you hear it. Am I to assume that material you’re posting to the threads is designed to be some kind of exercise for the other readers?

    We know what Joe thinks of it, but I’m interested to read Myles’ response to the Toots-Frank Jr. theory. (This is a legitimate theory that has been reported to you by people you know in Bridgeport, and is not your own pet theory, correct?) Obviously, if people really believed this and were talking about it, then Myles (a P.I. working for Frank Calabrese who is following-up on leads in Bridgeport) is bound to encounter it, right?

    • Horsey, I do not completely agree with Black Angelo’s theory. However, he is not completely wrong. Toots Caruso is very competitive and he loved being accepted as the Capo of 26th Street after Johnny Apes died. He would not want to back down in any way to Frank Senior. However, the decision on things of this nature are made by the Top Bosses of the Outfit. I do not believe for one second that Toots Caruso would be forced to give up his power as Capo of the 26th Street Crew if Frank Senior were to be released. Frank Senior’s reputation has been somwehat tarnished because he talked about murders to his son. Even though his son was an Outfit soldier working for him, it’s a strict Outfit rule NEVER to discuss past murders with anyone at any time, son or no son. Toots Caruso would have no reason to fear any kind of demotion in favor of Frank Senior. In addition, Joe Fosco’s statement that if the Top Bosses cannot control your gun, then you will be knocked down is completely accurate. Toots Caruso would never test that statement nor would he need to test it.