Sunday, February 23

Dr. Joseph Giacchino Defrauded The Department Of Justice For The Outfit

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I challenge the Illinois Department of Professional Regulations to look in to my allegations. Surely Giacchino’s office and/or the Federal Bureau of Prisons would have a copy of the doctor’s note that served as a get out of jail fee card for a Chicago Outfit member. I do believe that Giacchino also charged Ciotti’s insurance for the visit, in addition to receiving the cash bribe.

Could anyone imagine putting Giacchino on the stand during his current matter at the Illinois building, then handing him his doctor’s note regarding Ciotti, and forcing him to explain what he did to Ciotti for approximately 12-hours a day, seven days a week over almost the entire month of July 2002?

I would love to hear his answer.

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  1. Y does this matter now.? It really does seem like you got it out for dr.giacchino ? I doubt you were in his life to think you know it all. People will tell you what you want to hear but uless you were there all your doing is talking out of your a** !

  2. What were you doing in the month of April, 2000? Specifically, what beverage did you prefer to drink that month out of all the beverages that were there? I remember seeing a cherry pepsi can in your hand.

    I do believe that is why there is a statute of limitation….. WHERE WERE YOU, 10 YEARS AGO!?

    Asking a Dr of one of a possible few thousand patients about a note? Come on now. If you’re gonna write about it, act like you know something that is relative to challenge authorities on.

    • Dear BS,

      Under federal law, sometimes statutes allow prosecutors to go back as far as 10-years. However, under the rules of a professional regulations complaint, thru the Illinois Department of Professional Regulations, statutes of limitations do not exist.

      Again, I would like Giacchino to explain what medical procedure was done for the time and days a gangster was freed from custody. Surly a doctor would recall such an unusual experience.

  3. If I were a betting person, I would bet that Dr. Giacchino provided Buddy with MUCH more than a doctors note over the years. Of course all in the name of “pain management” I’m sure.

    What was Buddy’s cause of death at such a young age with no heart trouble history?

    Wonder if narcotics “pain management” ones of course, played a role in destroying his liver/kidney function.

  4. Joseph Fosco on

    Dear No Way,

    Aside from Buddy’s cause of death, Dr. Giacchino certainly contributed to causing the death of Buddy’s son three months ago.

  5. Hey Joe
    great article as usuall but both of buddy’s son (YOUR COMMENT WAS MODIFIED – please keep your comments related to the subject of the article. Thank you, Joseph Fosco)

  6. Joseph Fosco on

    Dear Tom,

    I have not referred to anyone of the Ciotti sons negatively. Aside from Buddy’s bad decision as being a gambling racketeer, the Ciotti family has always been considered a great family.

    Buddy’s late son was stricken with a liver disease many years ago. Giacchino erred by overlooking the disease and prescribing medication that contributed to the illness causing the young mans death, recently. And, I never said Giacchino was the only reason for the death of Buddy’s son, I said he contributed to it.

  7. I saw that and I’m sorry , but both of his son’s (YOUR COMMENT WAS MODIFIED – please keep your comments related to the subject of the article. Thank you, Joseph Fosco)

  8. Also never said you refered to them as… not the father… (YOUR COMMENT WAS MODIFIED – please keep your comments related to the subject of the article. Thank you, Joseph Fosco)

  9. on
    Submitted on 2010/06/18 at 8:46am
    Y does this matter now.? It really does seem like you out for dr.giacchino. I like him and i think you r full of garbage. You arent chaging my mind. Bring out your dirty laundry. Let peope know about you so you can be talked about and judged.

  10. Why do you refer to Ciotti as the Outfit’s underboss? Ciotti was under Anthony Centracchio in the Melrose Park Crew and essentially did his bidding…Centracchio was essentially a CAPO. Do you know of the current whereabouts of Rocky Circelli or Bobby Cechini?

    Also when will you do an expose on the legal practice of Outfit lawyer Alexander Salerno?

  11. Ciotti have relatives in the Detroit area? Used to know some mobbed up types back there with that name. All in jail or dead now as far as I know.

  12. Joe
    What do you think is Mr G next move ? If you where in his shoes ? It sound like he is shit out of luck to me ….!!! Sorry about yesterday’s remarks , keep up the great work , and time is running down for Rudy .

  13. 25 Grand for a doctors note? Thats a little over the top. Joe are you sure about your figures? It just seems a little crazy for a guy like Ciotti to pay a guy like Giacchino that kind of money for a simple doctors note.

  14. Ha u think maria cares about his infidelities….. she had a heart attack wondering if her second baby was her husbands or the guy who runs motor city…. shes been hooking up with that guy for years lucky enough for her the baby came out white and not paki

  15. Joseph Fosco on

    Dear Logic,

    Ciotti and Joe DeVita were in a partnership as underbosses to the Bastone brothers for many years.

    Circelli is running a pawnshop in Elmwood Park, Illinois.

    What is there to say about Alex Salerno? His closeness with the Outfit guys from Cicero, Illinois (there – I said it)?

  16. Joseph Fosco on

    Dear Tom,

    I would never be in G’s shoes. However, to answer your question, he should sell off his toys, hope his wife leaves him sooner, rather than later, and move to California. He could live with his sister in her home with an elevator in the mountains and pray the U.S. Attorney forgets about him.

  17. Joseph Fosco on

    Not a doctors note, a key to freedom. Ciotti used to pump 25-grand in slot machines on the gambling boat in 30-minutes. You are questioning if he would pay 25-grand for a month of freedom.

  18. Im just saying sounds a little over the top. Ive had family members that stayed at the same place when they came home and all they had to do was say they had a job and that was it. Its a salvation army halfway house not a prison. Just sounded a little crazy thats all.

  19. Joseph Fosco on

    Dear Gallardo,
    Do not shoot the messenger. If it sounds crazy, then it sounds crazy. What do you think Michael Jackson would have paid to get out of a halfway house for a month, without having to take a job sweeping a floor somewhere? A million dollars? Well, Buddy Ciotti only paid 25k.

  20. Joseph Fosco on

    Dear Gallardo,

    I believe the 25k was paid in case Giacchino would have had to back it up and go to the wall arguing it was legitimate.
    Nonetheless, Ciotti beat the time because of Giacchino.

  21. “Ciotti used to pump 25-grand in slot machines on the gambling boat in 30-minutes”

    I used to have to walk away….was hard to watch. I used to think, wow, what he just spent in an hour would have paid off remainder of my house.

    He was a good guy. I realize it’s all relevant as far as he was into what he was into, but he had a good heart. I think the “high” from the gambling used to take away, for the moment, the endless sadness he had. Always seemed sad. No?

    I wonder if any of his “affiliates” came to the aid of the family after his untimely death. I almost don’t want to know because if they didn’t it would make me sick.

    Specifically, always wondered if drumhead, the pig ever offered a hand.

  22. Tommy Twinkle Toes on

    How can I get giacchino’s wife to… (YOUR COMMENT WAS MODERATED – vulgar content is prohibited from the commnet threads, regardless of how appropriate it might be to the subject matter of the article. Thank you, American News Post)

  23. Guy in Bama on

    Buddy’s love and kindness had a long reach. He did many kind things for me and my family. He may not have been perfect but none of us are. I miss him very much.