Monday, March 31

Thursday, July 1st, 2010 Is Rudy “No Chin” Fratto’s Big Day

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Fagin And His Prey

Fagin And His Prey

This Thursday Chicago Outfit heavy, Rudolph “No Chin” C. Fratto, Jr, makes his debut with the Federal Bureau of Prisons. Such a maneuver should be nothing for the self-proclaimed Outfit boss of the Elmwood Park street crew. However, we all know that a few months back at his sentencing hearing “No Chin” took cover behind his rambling daughter, whimpering minor son and babbling handicap wife. “No Chin” purportedly instructed his immediate family to try to manipulate the judge as best as a Fagin such as “No Chin” can attempt to do, without having to dirty his own hands too much – although, in his failed attempt “No Chin” did face the judge in his own desperate plea for mercy.

Does it make me a bad person to feel great joy in witnessing the self-destruction of man that played a major role in extorting money from my family and me, with the use of threats against my life?

This Fourth of July holiday for me will be as magnificent as the ones I spent as a boy lighting firecrackers with my father. Knowing that Rudy “No Chin” Fratto will be behind bars will truly be joyous times for me. Hopefully the Feds will continue to pursue further charges against Rudy and keep him in jail for a very, very long time. Then every Fourth of July I could celebrate this memorable turn of events.



  1. Joe
    Two great articles as always …..!!
    That a shame that lice is leaving , you should
    send a fruit basket or wait by the entraces of the jail .
    Keep up the good work

  2. Well Joe , Rudy is in his last handful of freedom what time do you think the chinless wonder has to turn himself in ?

    • Joseph Fosco on

      Dear Tom,

      I would guess that he is required to turn in no later than the end of the business day, approximately 4 pm.

  3. Joseph Fosco on

    One of the first things I did today was check the Federal Bureau of Prisons website to see if Rudy was tucked away yet. He is not there yet. I knew better, realizing it was too early and he probably did not arrive yet. However, I was eager to check. I did find that he was issued his register number already, which is 04001-748.

  4. Joe,
    I was just reading Kass article today and he brought up Rudy and said his date to report to bop was pushed back , just wondering if you heard anything

    • Joseph Fosco on

      Dear Tom,
      I just read the same thing, sorry to say. There goes my Forth of July celebration this year. I am looking in to it right now and plan to write a piece on the recent change, which should be up later today or tomorrow.
      I am growing tired of these imaginary turn in dates on Fratto.
      As far as my article titled ‘Thursday, July 1st, 2010 Is Rudy “No Chin” Fratto’s Big Day’, I apologize for taking it for granted the judge would do the right thing – send Fratto to jail. The judge is known to be a soft judge; perhaps he will keep his word next time and send Fratto away.