Sunday, February 23

No Time For “No Chin”

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If Fratto’s attorneys make another attempt in September to take advantage of an overly sympathetic judge’s easiness, I will be very disappointed in the U.S. Attorney’s Office. It is their duty to fiercely object to the defenses request for more freedom. Surely, the U.S. Attorney’s Office and/or the judge have the power to persuade the Federal Bureau of Prisons to reassign Fratto to Chicago’s MCC. If Fratto is imprisoned in Chicago, his attorneys can have easy access to him for discussing discovery matters on his new crime.

Enough is enough, Rudy Fratto belongs in prison and he must begin repaying his debt to society as soon as possible.

Of course there’s always the chance that Rudy Fratto has no intentions of going to prison.

Could he be working on a secret deal with the government? Should we expect to see John DiFrionzo or Joe Andriacchi indicted soon?

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  1. Joe ,
    Just wondering who No Chin lawyer is and how much do you think each of the case will cost him ?? Thanks & Happy 4th of July

  2. My guess is he does his 366 days.

    Not much of a sentence to consider “rolling over” no? Unless of course they have other charges that they have not yet pursued.

  3. Joe
    For starters Happy 4th of July…!!! Just wondering who’s is No Chin’s attorney is & how much do you think his two cases cost him or us as the tax payers ..?

  4. Joseph Fosco on

    Dear Tom,

    Rudy is using two different attorneys for his federal cases. One is the infamous (that is right, I said infamous) Art Nasser and the other is the very proud son of a prominent late hoodlum, Donald Angelini. My guess is that Rudy is paying them very little to no money for their services.

    Nasser was indicted with a major scam artist back in the 1960’s, Alan Rosenberg. Rosenberg was quite a character. He belonged to Milwaukee Phil. Some day I will write an article about Rosenberg. You will be shocked to hear some of the things I know about him. I will leave you with this; on March 16, 1967, Rosenberg was found dead, beaten badly with a coke bottle shoved where the sun does not shine.

    Nasser also started dating Outfit Capo Joe Ferriola’s widow, Judy, after Joe died. The two no longer date.

  5. Joseph Fosco on

    Attention Readers:

    Aside from Rudy’s never-ending surrender delays, he was taken off home confinement a number of weeks ago, merely required to be home by 10 pm every night instead. It is a very special circumstance for a defendant like Fratto to have the opportunity to put off prison after committing serious crimes, while the government makes no objection.

    If it walks like a duck…

  6. 22 street and 1st ave on

    Do you think that this could spell ruin for the ‘outfit’ that is, if rudy flips?
    Doesn’t it look like the ‘outfit’ is on the verge of “non-existance”
    I say this because a lot of people already say that there is no more mob and that it is a thing of the past.
    That the last remaining few guys with some power are just languishing around and are like dinasours.
    That italian immigration is now stagnent and that new members are few and far between.
    Who do you think would be prosecuted if rudy decides to flip? In other words, who in your estimation, would rudy be flipping against? Could it simply be ‘the large guy’ or do you think someone else would be brought to the table. If rudy flips, do you think that he would join witness protection for the sake of protecting his loved ones.
    Lastly, I read somewhere that there are 2 higher-ups in the outfit who have been cooperating with the feds for several years. Do you have an opinion on who these people might be?

    • Joseph Fosco on

      Dear 22nd Street,

      It is not a question – It is a fact, Rudy is cooperating. However, whether he is bullshitting the G remains to be seen. Rudy could shed light on matters related to ‘the large guy’, however, Rudy was never close enough with him to do a great deal of damage to Sarno. If Johnny DiFronzo is not a beefer, Fratto could hurt him. Fratto could hurt Magnafichi and Andriacchi. I am sure there are others – Fratto can hurt, Jack P. Cerone and Joseph Giacchino. Jr. It would be interesting to see if Fratto would hurt some of his relatives.
      Fratto is a desperate man. He is capable of anything right now.

      I have no idea which two higher ups have been beefing. I would guess Fratto to be one, only because he has done a great job of making people think he is high up. Fratto is nothing but a “made” guy. To some that means everything, but it does not amount to wealth in most cases. The scheme behind being ‘made’ was so the Outfit would not have to pay outrageous sums of money to their flock. The mental part of it helped the thugs feel as if they were in a royal family of some sort, which meant more to them than money. You have to remember, these folks are not brain surgeons.

      I do not believe the Outfit will die off because wannabe’s are born every day. I will not name any of the wannabe’s that come to mind. I do not want to dignify their status by naming them. The few zeros that are out there know who they are.

  7. Joe
    Your right about that with Rudy , the news makes him bigger then he is ….!!! He a real c**t