Saturday, March 29

Gov. Rod Blagojevich: Save Us From Pusher MDs

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In addition, I recently heard new information about Dr. Giacchino last week that suggests law enforcement seems extremely concerned about his prescription writing (specifically regarding controlled substances). Therefore, I pray to God that Dr. Giacchino’s alarming behavior does not take innocent lives. Some unfortunate drug addicts might be sending their sympathetic and/or ignorant friends or family members to take advantage of Dr. Giacchino’s (greed-motivated) willingness to write ‘anyone’ a prescription for narcotics. As long as someone can pass an instant drug test, claim to be in pain, promise not to share their medication with others and pay a $200.00 doctor’s fee (cash-only), anyone can receive narcotics from Dr. Giacchino. This behavior is not only despicable; it is extremely dangerous and can cost innocent lives.

Sadly, it is near impossible for law-enforcement to gather the necessary evidence to arrest these Pusher MDs, men and women who, under the guise of healer, unconscionably provide narcotics to drug addicts. It is outright evil when doctors are consumed with greed for money and become unconcerned with their patient’s wellbeing. This is not what God intended for his healers. In fact, this is clearly the work of the Devil on one of his most evil levels.

In one of my last civil conversations with Dr. Giacchino, which occurred in the summer of 2006, he told me that he had been claiming less than $290,000.00 a year in income over the last several years. Then he laughed as he told me that his property tax in River Forest on his new estate (1026 North Lathrop Avenue) was projected at roughly $50,000.00 a year. As I was listening to him, I was doing the math. I started to count his homes: the estate in California on Balboa Island, the Penthouse in downtown Chicago (that he briefly leased to Advantage Mortgage Company, otherwise is usually vacant), the condominium in the new Trump Towers in Las Vegas and the condominium in Miami. Then we can get into his bevy of personal belongings, such as the ‘his and her’ set of new Bentley automobiles and the several other luxury vehicles purchased for family members and friends, a vast network of people which spans from coast to coast. In addition there are the ‘Black’ American Express Cards (practically impossible to get) for his family members and friends. One might wonder, how does Dr. Giacchino do all of this on less than $290,000.00 per year? I suspect that he is living off the cash proceeds of an inappropriate drug empire.

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1 Comment

  1. I am on to you Chumpman! on

    Sam Chapman of Empower Public Relations, in my opinion, is not half of the sales person that his wife, Dr. Laura Berman is (Berman sells sex toys – Chapman sells reputations).
    I just read Chapman’s comments left under the article titled ‘Is Empower Public Relations A Naïve Firm Or Plain Old Deceitful?’ published by KTF Media Group. According to Chapman’s blog comments, he has done a great job of showing us how low he can go. I think the article is dead on!
    I love the person that called Chapman ‘Sum Chumpman’