Saturday, March 29

Gov. Rod Blagojevich: Save Us From Pusher MDs

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Aside from the concerns pertaining to the recording of meetings that involve federal agents, Investigator Murphy, you could proceed with your meeting simply without the number of federal agents that are opposed to the recording. We can move forward and you can finally collect some vital facts pertaining to your investigation. As it stands, it seems as though you are not interested in obtaining any facts unless all of the various federal agents can be involved, without a record of the meeting being made available to your witness.

I wish to publicly appeal to the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation, via State of Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich. Please hold your doctors accountable for all of their unlawful actions and help save many lives in the process. Time consuming issues of whether or not to allow witnesses to request to have their meetings recorded, in order to perfectly preserve the testimony, sadly wastes precious time in gathering simple facts. Once all of the facts are gathered, every law-enforcement agency known to humankind can easily review the material. Lengthy delays in matters such as these can very well mean the difference of life and death.

Now I wish to publicly appeal to Dr. Joseph L. Giacchino’s ‘patients-in-pain’, their family members and friends, the doctors he employs and the various medical associates and other professionals who aid this malicious man (no matter the capacity in which they serve): please cease and desist in further aiding and abetting a well-disguised evildoer. Everyone who proudly associates with the likes of Dr. Joseph L. Giacchino Jr. M.D. should be ashamed of themselves. Unfortunately, while Dr. Giacchino’s State of Illinois Medical license hangs so proudly on his office wall, most people assume that it means Governor Blagojevich approves of the doctor’s practices.

Governor Blagojevich, please, I beg you, do not repeat the mistakes of your predecessor by allowing a reckless Illinois State license holder, who does not deserve a license of any kind, to further subject so many innocent lives to such deadly possibilities.

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1 Comment

  1. I am on to you Chumpman! on

    Sam Chapman of Empower Public Relations, in my opinion, is not half of the sales person that his wife, Dr. Laura Berman is (Berman sells sex toys – Chapman sells reputations).
    I just read Chapman’s comments left under the article titled ‘Is Empower Public Relations A Naïve Firm Or Plain Old Deceitful?’ published by KTF Media Group. According to Chapman’s blog comments, he has done a great job of showing us how low he can go. I think the article is dead on!
    I love the person that called Chapman ‘Sum Chumpman’