Saturday, March 29

Gov. Rod Blagojevich: Save Us From Pusher MDs

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Thank you for your time and interest

P/S. Readers please know that you may contact Chuck Sullivan, Vice-President of Development at St. Mary of the Angel’s School in Chicago, Illinois, if you are genuinely interested in aiding Mr. Sullivan’s new side-project in educating the children about the many dangers of prescription drugs and overdoses. You may email Mr. Sullivan at

On August 8, 2008, in a meeting with my attorney, Rodger Clarke, I was informed that State of Illinois Inspector Dan Murphy contacted my lawyer a day or two earlier for the purposes of communicating with me in order to gather information on Dr. Giacchino. Hopefully we can now get on with the business of making our community a safer place.

Interested in learning more? Read the next article in this series:

Crimes Against The State : Melrose Park’s Victimization At The Hands Of Pusher MDs

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 Comment

  1. I am on to you Chumpman! on

    Sam Chapman of Empower Public Relations, in my opinion, is not half of the sales person that his wife, Dr. Laura Berman is (Berman sells sex toys – Chapman sells reputations).
    I just read Chapman’s comments left under the article titled ‘Is Empower Public Relations A Naïve Firm Or Plain Old Deceitful?’ published by KTF Media Group. According to Chapman’s blog comments, he has done a great job of showing us how low he can go. I think the article is dead on!
    I love the person that called Chapman ‘Sum Chumpman’